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Title 102年度資源回收管理資訊系統(RRMS)新增功能建置整合暨維護專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫的目標有3項,本團隊歸納後整合成4項理念與目標,分別是整合、維護、加值、安全,而本計畫的定位就在於達到這4項目標以後,滿足回收基管會的資訊需求,這資訊需求可以分成三種層次:作業層次、管理層次、決策層次。
EngTitle 2013 Project on Incorporation and Maintenance of Newly Added Functionsof the Resources Recycling Man
EngAbstract The project this year aimed to strengthen and maintain the Resources Recycling Management Information System (RRMS) with emphasis on “integration”, “maintenance” “value-added”, and “security”On the aspect of system integration, in response to Information System Integration, Business Report System and Business Volume Management System were integrated, by providing single entry service function, making Business Volume Management System as the extended sub-system of RRMS, whereby users are able to manipulate the functions in two systems at the same time effectively without logging in twice.On the aspect of system maintenance, Subsidized Facilities Management Subsystem was adjusted the functions in response to waste recycling business and the qualification application of subsidized institutions. Also, in response to the requirement of Audit Certificate Management, End-of-life Vehicles Management System was planed and established for the uploading and searching of engine number drawing files.On the aspect of value-added, virtual counter was established for the application of recycling and disposal enterprises, providing users with the on-line system operating guide service. Moreover, for the rapid development of mobile devices, the mobile web of resource recycling website was developed, providing users with a more convenient browser platform.About system security, in addition to provide and maintain Digital Citizen Certificate login verification, we also assisted the EPA to organize mock drills for information security.According to the above four goals, the project established and maintained resource recycling management information system, actually achieving a variety of performance indicators. Through horizontal information connection, it is convenient to share information, enhancing decision-making quality, thereby providing pre-operation with the information needed and improving a more information-rich resource recycling system.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司