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Title 綠色設計之環保型爪蓋產品開發計畫
Abstract 本計畫以環保無毒之液態矽膠,經材料改質後取代現有金屬爪蓋之內襯PVC墊片。改質後的液態矽膠不但可改善PVC長久以來食品安全與環保的議題,並可在加工上符合PVC原有的製程要求,在現今罐頭食品廠針對爪蓋所要求的規範中,矽膠本身無任何塑化劑與重金屬之添加,因此在可塑劑溶出(EN14372)、重金屬溶出(EN13130-1)、食品安全規範試驗(EN1186-1)中均可完全通過各項歐盟檢測規範標準,達到零檢出(N.D.)。在材料黏度測試部分,混合膠料配方經調整後測試結果可控制在7500cps以下,以符合旋轉塗佈的既有生產線設備。在矽橡膠材料熟化的時間上亦控制在150秒以內,以匹配現行製程站點之生產流程。另外,一般矽膠材料的耐熱可達200℃高溫,所以可完全符合充填食品時125℃90分鐘高溫滅菌的環境要求,墊圏不致於剝落、老化。最後導入配方設計的混膠技術提升其膠體強度與潤滑性,因此在旋蓋扭力測試(以ø:63mm爪蓋為例)可符合品檢規範為30~40kgf.cm之結果。期望藉由塑膠中心之技術研發能力,將此材料推廣應用至現行爪蓋製造業者,並導入食品包裝產業,逐漸取代現行之PVC金屬爪蓋墊片材質。
EngTitle Green Design, The Development Project of Environmental Friendly Lug Cap
EngAbstract In this project, we used the environmental friendly Liquid Silicone Rubber(LSR) by modified, to replace Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) gasket of lug cap. Modified Liquid Silicone Rubber(LSR) could not only solve the problems of food safety and environment, but also correspond the manufacture process now. In cannery, Silicone itself without adding any plasticizers and heavy metals, so they can completely pass the plasticizer leaching testing(EN14372), heavy metal leaching testing(EN13130-1), and food safety specific(EN1186-1) of lug cap. In viscosity testing, After modifying the viscosity could be controlled in the following 7500cps(centipoises). so it could correspond to the spin-coating process. And we still could control the crosslinking reaction time is within 150 seconds in.Otherwise, heat-resistant properties of silicone rubber can be up to 200℃, and it could stable in the high temperature sterilization for 90 minutes at 125℃. Finally, we modified the prescription to improve physical property and lubricating, so it could meet the specification of goods, torque testing in We hoped the new materials can be popularized to lug caps by Plastics Industry Development Center (PIDC), and gradually replaced the Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) gasket products in the future.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人塑膠工業技術發展中心