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Title 全國工業區土壤及地下水品質管理計畫(第二期)
Abstract 有鑒於工業行為易造成土壤及地下水污染,環保署自99年起推動工業區管理四年行動方案,並由三項計畫分工分期辦理。本計畫為其核心主軸,主要工作分為三大部分,包括:(1)研修推動分級燈號預警管理制度,提供各單位資源投入順序參考準則,並以燈號變換成果搭配建置工業區品質管理專區系統,透過資訊公開及風險管理,建立與民眾溝通管道,彰顯施政績效;(2)研商整合各單位監測資源,篩選三項工業區計畫調查名單執行調查評估工作,並依執行成果提供行政管制及燈號變換建議;(3)研議工業區相關法規命令或行政規則,及工業區品質管理之短中長期實施策略及管理方案。在推動分級燈號預警管理制度方面,本計畫延續第一期計畫執行成果,持續更新評析全國編定工業區基本資料,並評析分級燈號管理制度推行成效,研修管理制度內容促成各單位落實推動,本期計畫除維持以紅、橘、黃、綠4級燈號進行分級,並規範各燈號之管理對策、行動方案及各單位分工要項內容,使各單位有所依循外,更進一步以行政管制及風險管理工作作為燈號調升降條件,避免燈號制度過於僵化,藉以提升各單位積極作為。目前共計有5處紅燈、27處橘燈、71處黃燈及48處綠燈,未來可依燈號管理制度及定期發佈更新機制,作為跨單位協商分工之基礎,並督促各單位逐步落實各級燈號工業區管理工作。在調查工業區土壤及地下水品質方面,本計畫依燈號分級與污染潛勢評量結果,透過資源整合研商機制篩選工業區名單,統籌分配工業區三項計畫調查資源,分工辦理各工業區背景調查、預警監測及調查查證等工作,並依其調查評估結果提供後續燈號變換及行政管制建議。本計畫首先針對區內污染潛勢較高且曾未有監測資訊之6處工業區(桃園科技、桃園下陰影窩段、太平、霧峰、仁化及大德),先行透過環境場址評估程序掌握區內高污染潛勢區域,並以協助完備監測井網方式進行調查工作,其中太平及大德均有土壤或地下水達管制標準情形,應調升其燈號並接續辦理行政管制作業。此外,並針對區內曾有土壤或地下水檢測超標之14處工業區(土城、中壢、頭份、大甲幼獅、台中關連、全興、彰濱、田中、民雄、頭橋、新營、永安、仁武、屏南),針對過去異常點位進一步確認污染現況、污染擴散範圍及可能污染來源,其中土城、田中、永安、仁武及屏南經確認未再有污染情事,可逕行調降燈號;頭份、台中關連、彰濱、頭橋及新營則均已釐清污染範圍及來源,將責成相關單位辦理公告列管及移除改善工作;全興及大甲幼獅原監測超標點位雖已釐清,惟本次調查中新增有地下水超標項目,連同中壢及民雄目前仍未釐清污染情形,則待後續計畫辦理調查查證工作。在研議工業區法規命令及行政規則方面,本計畫首先彙整評析備查作業辦法執行成效,提出加強推動作法及修法建議,並因應工業區背景異常狀況,檢討修正目的事業主管機關及各級環保機關通報處理及分工應變之標準作業程序。再配合修訂地下水監測井商借歸還原則及地方環保機關工業區管理績效考評作業指標。最後協助研議有關長期推動工業區品質管理所需配套策略,包括:地下水污染公害分擔機制、綠色整治策略及短中長期管理目標與實施策略,可供主管機關賡續執行之參考。綜上,本計畫辦理完成後所獲致具體成效包括:(1)掌握全國151處工業區基本資料,並透過燈號分級及潛勢評量機制分級管理,申報備查率已達77.5%;(2)加強高污染工業區管制作為,具體達成工業區燈號調降目標;(3)達成各單位資訊資源整合共享目標,建立監測異常通報及分工處理程序;(4)評析備查推動成果,提出修法建議草案,並配合現行法令及管制需求,提出各項法令配套措施建議。
EngTitle Soil and Groundwater Quality Management of National Industrial Parks(the second project)
EngAbstract The industrial behavior often leads to soil and groundwater pollution, and thus the EPA has promoted the action program, divided into three projects, of soil and groundwater quality management for the industrial parks since 2010. The project is the core of the action programs,the main tasks of this project were to revise and promote the light classification system of early warning and management of soil and groundwater pollution in industrial parks and to set up an online system of quality management. The monitoring resources among the government agencies was coordinated and allocated through consultation. This project also had set up a priority list for high potential polluted industrial parks and investigated their soil and groundwater qualities, and then the adminidtraive control and transition of early warning lights were suggested based on the results. Furthermore, this project drafted the related laws and regulations, executive strategies and plans of soil and groundwater quality management for industrial parks.With regard to promoting the classified lights system of early warning and management, this project didn’t only continuously update and analyze 151 industrial parks’ basic and environmental information, but reviewed the benefit of the promotion of the management system. Moreover, the measures of administrative control and risk management were taken into consideration to determine the transition of early warning lights, which enhanced the active action of the government agencies. At the present, there are 5-red light, 27-orange light, 71-yellow light and 48-green light industrial parks. The work and goal of soil and groundwater quality management for industrial parks will be carried out on the basis of the inter-agency collaboration by means of the classified lights system of early warning and management as well as the announcement of the status of each industrial park on a regular time schedule.Regarding the investigation of soil and rgroundwater quality, this project had set up a priority list for high potential polluted industrial parks and coordinated the resources of the EPA’s 3 projects to carry out the background investigation of the soil and groundwater qualities, early warning monitoring of groundwater quality and pollution verification. According to the results, the adminidtraive control measures and the transition of lights were suggested thus.In this project, 6 industrial parks with high polluted potential but without monitoring history were selected, including Taoyuan High-Tech, Taoyuan Sia-yin-ying-wo, Taiping, Wufeng, Renhua and Dade industrial parks, to be investigated by Environmental Site Assessment and setting up monitoring well networks. Among them, Taiping and Dade industrial parks were confirmed that the concentrations of pollutants exceeded those in soil or groundwater pollution control standards. The early warning lights of both industrial parks would be adjusted up and the administrative control measures should be taken.In addition, there were 14 industrial parks with abnormal soil or groundwater monitoring history, including Tucheng, Jhongli, Toufen, Taichung Youth, Taichung Harbor Related, Chuansing, Changhua Coastal, Tianjhong, Minsyong, Touciao, Sinying, Yongan, Renwu and Pingnan industrial parks, to be investigated so as to confirm the current status, expansion area and possible sources of the pollution. Among them, Tucheng, Tianjhong, Yongan, Renwu and Pingnan industrial parks were found to have no existing abnormal conditions and their early warning lights would be proposed to adjust down from orange light to yellow light. Besides, the scope and sources of the soil or groundwater pollution in Toufen, Taichung Harbor Related, Changhua Coastal, Touciao and Sinying industrial parks were confirmed, and the process of site-listing and remediation should be implemented successively. However, more investigation and verification shall be performed for Chuansing, Taichung Youth, Jhongli and Minsyong industrial parks in the following project(Phase III).Regarding the development of the laws and regulations related to the management of industrial parks, this project reviewed and analyzed the results and benefits of “Local Industry Competent Authorities Regularly Testing Soil and Groundwater Quality for Future Refence Regulations” and thus proposed the promotion enhancement measures and law amendment suggestions. This project also revised the standard operating procedure for dealing with abnormal monitoring incidents, the rules for borrowing and returning the groundwater monitoring wells and local authorities’ performance evaluation index regarding the management of industrial parks. As for other related administrative tasks, this project assisted the EPA to review and draft related regulations and administrative approaches for the soil and groundwater quality management of industrial parks, such as groundwater pollution nuisance sharing mechanism, green remediation and short-term and long-term goals and executive strategies.In summary, after the completion of this project, we gain the specific results including: (1) the basic information of the 151 industrial parks and potential through light grading and evaluation mechanisms hierarchical management, and the rate of monitoring and reporting for reference reaching 77.5%; (2) strengthening the controlling action of the high pollution potential industrial parks, and reaching the goals of lowering the light grading; (3) promoting the monitoring information and resources sharing, establishing reporting and monitoring abnormal division process; (4) analyzing the promoting results of the monitoring and reporting for reference, proposing the revised draft law, and proposing the supporting measures and suggestions based on the requirements.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司