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Title 102年推動焚化底渣再利用計畫
Abstract 1.收集彙整以往辦理底渣再生粒料應用案例及相關工程規範,並研提工程應用實務作法建議,並於102年11月15日召開「底渣再生粒料應用於公共工程相關問題研商會議」,廣邀各界共同研商底渣再利用於公共工程面臨之問題及對策建議。2.協助檢討研提「底渣再利用管理方式」修正草案;建置完成「底渣再利用網路申報系系統」新增使用地點地政資訊、檢核警示產品累積量超過6個月等功能;協助辦理縣市提送底渣再利用計畫與請款文件審查;研提底渣緊急暫存及應變措施與潛在地點(掩埋場)規劃建議。3.檢討評析底渣再利用採少量分散使用及大量集中使用面臨之挑戰,研提因應對策及配套措施建議,提高再生粒料應用性。4.配合垃圾底渣使用於道路之試辦計畫,進行試辦路段之土壤及地下水環境品質監測工作,驗證確認底渣再利用之環境安全性。
EngTitle Promoting Incineration Bottom Ash Recycling of Year 2013
EngAbstract 1.Collected and compiled past cases of application of bottom ash recycled aggregates including related technical specifications, and studied and provided suggestions on actual application of such aggregates in engineering works, as well as held a Seminar on the Use of Bottom Ash Recycled Aggregates in Public Works on November 15, 2013, involving the participants from various fields to discuss the related issues encountered and their countermeasures.2.Assisted in reviewing the draft amendments to “The Management of Incineration Bottom Ash Reuse”; realized the extension of functions of the established “Internet-based Reporting System of Refuse Incinerator Bottom Ash Reuse" with additional cadastral information, validation and alert for product accumulated for more than 6 months; assisted in reviewing the bottom ash recycling plans and application document of financial subsidy submitted by the cities/counties competent authorities; provided planning and suggestions for temporary bottom ash storage and countermeasures in emergency, and potential sites for storage (landfills).3.Reviewed and analyzed the problems encountered in either the wide spread use of small quantities or the concentrated use of large quantities of recycled bottom ash, and proposed responsive strategies and supplementary measures to enhance the applicability of aggregates recycled from bottom ash.4.Conducted environment quality monitoring of the soil and groundwater in the road sections using bottom ash recycled aggregates in coordination with the Pilot Project of Road Construction with Usage of Recycled Incineration Bottom Ash, and verified the environmental safety of such construction material.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司