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Title 重大污染源空氣污染物排放管制查核暨光學量測技術調查專案工作計畫
Abstract 隨著國人對生活環境品質要求日漸高漲,一般民眾對於工廠排放或逸散廢氣中所含物質,以及工安事件衍生排放之污染物對健康危害之影響高度重視,尤其近年來民眾呼吸道疾病,特別是兒童氣喘、上呼吸道過敏比例的增加,更是造成民眾對生活週遭環境之空氣污染提出抗議或陳情的主因,甚至不惜採取激烈的圍廠抗爭手段。揮發性有機物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)的排放不僅是造成大氣中臭氧濃度增加的元兇,更是許多呼吸道、循環系統疾病、腫瘤的成因。因此,本署大力推動相關揮發性有機物排放之管制,期望減少各類污染源之VOCs排放量,藉以提升民眾生活周遭環境空氣品質。本計畫執行成果,在彙整分析二處石化工業區OP-FTIR連續監測結果,分別完成歷年六輕(2002~2012年)和林園(2001~2012年)工業區鄰近村落各21處次OP-FTIR監測結果彙整,包含OP-FTIR監測結果、氣象資料,以及鄰近測站監測資料,綜合分析歷年二處主要石化工業區周界的量測結果顯示,在VOC管制法規逐步加嚴及稽查管制技術越來越精進的情形下,工廠在污染改善和污染減量方面均有顯著的成效。在石化工業區周邊敏感區域有害空氣污染物監測,六輕工業區周邊的敏感區域的監測結果顯示主要的有害空氣污染物包括丁二烯和汽油;林園工業區的有害空氣污染物包括丙烯、乙烯、氯乙烯、丁二烯、正己烷、氯仿、甲醇、四氯化碳、醋酸乙烯酯和1,2-二氯乙烷。在石化工業區VOCs空氣污染來源追查暨督導改善,本年度依環保署指示提供資源協助新竹縣和台中市環保局調查“屢遭陳情”之異味陳情案件的污染來源,其中台中關連工業區陳情經輔導後工廠已著手進行防制設備效能提升,而新竹縣紡織廠陳情經輔導後陳情次數已大幅下降,後續仍將持續追查兩處之異味陳情情形與工廠的改善進度。在減量協談及污染改善,針對前一年度南部煉油廠之汽油浮頂槽的逸散進行改善減量追蹤,總計減量成效達143公噸;另六輕工業區海豐區聚丙烯廠回收大部分的廢氣燃燒塔進流廢氣後,依據其廢氣燃燒塔流量資料估算其減量效果達167公噸,本年度減量合計達310公噸。在廢氣燃燒塔廢氣排放擴散傳輸軌跡調查,六輕工業區海豐區聚丙烯廠的煙流經大氣擴散傳輸到下風處770公尺處的稀釋倍數達50萬倍以上;然而,由台西光化測站的量測分析,除非釋放大量的追蹤氣體,否則flare排出的追蹤氣體經大氣擴散稀釋後,以無法再光化測站偵測到。在石化工業區熱排放源排放成分篩選監測,在頭份工業區的量測結果顯示,熱影像儀無法量測印刷廠之水洗塔煙囪的廢氣排放情形,以及常溫下的煙流軌跡;林園工業區的研究調查顯示,結合紅外線成像儀和被動式FTIR,可以在工廠外針對工廠的熱源煙囪進行煙流和VOC成份(如甲酸)的量測,未來可朝著以紅外線成像儀量測煙流的溫度進而進行煙流傳輸的量測,藉以描繪出煙流擴散的情形及著地位置,另由研究調查結果說明了該技術(紅外線成像儀+被動式FTIR)的可行性和未來的發展潛力,對於工廠在熱排放源的稽查和管制方面,仍具有一定的遏阻效果。在重大污染源工廠查核及排放量合理性查驗,共完成八廠次工廠查核作業,查核項目包含操作許可證、排放量申報及行業別法規符合度,8廠次工廠皆屬於石化業,針對許可證查核共發現八大類別(共18項)問題,而排放量申報查核共有4項問題,法規符合度查核共有2項問題,並針對相關問題提出改善措施,另完成八廠次工廠VOCs排放量合理性計算,結果顯示普遍存在排放量少報之現象。在重大污染源工廠排放管道或防制設備效率檢測,共完成15點次之排放管道排放量或防制設備處理效率檢測作業,各廠檢測結果皆符合許可規範之排放標準。在美國南加州及國內核發操作許可證差異探討,對於國內正式核發操作許可證缺少部份,其中「修訂版次」可納入封面中,而「設備描述和設備特性條件」、「管理條件」及「承諾計畫及期程」三項則應新增頁面納入。另操作許可證各個項目及內容皆應列出其相關法源依據,除上述缺少項目外,本計畫額外建議應將空氣污染物排放限制和防制設備關鍵設計因子、採用公式及其計算流程說明納入操作許可證中。在法規符合度查核結果,2座石化工廠無重大不符規範情事,僅各有3項及1項未完全符合規範,追蹤改善成果後,對於不符合之處也大致完成改善。在冷卻水塔冷卻水中VOCs檢測,2座石化廠冷卻水中VOCs含量皆在法規標準之內。設備元件抽樣檢測工作,4廠次完成4,050點之抽樣檢測,發現2廠合計10件洩漏點,A廠有7件,D廠有3件,另彙整抽樣結果顯示,D廠有2類元件與申報「不相符」,此外,對於洩漏點之改善成效追蹤,10件洩漏點均已完成改善,改善後檢測值均低於100 ppm。在紅外線氣體成像儀設備元件與儲槽洩漏篩檢方面,設備元件完成4廠計9,000點之洩漏篩檢,僅於A廠發現5件洩漏點,其中2件洩漏濃度大於10,000 ppm,均為製程排洩口,屬於「非習知」洩漏位置,該廠進行改善後洩漏濃度已低於10 ppm,另儲槽洩漏篩檢結果,A廠發現2座儲槽通氣孔洩漏,B廠洩漏點則為儲槽消防管線與緊急排放閥,追蹤改善成果後,B廠已完成洩漏點相關零組件更換,A廠則將洩漏之儲槽優先列為下年度維護對象。在設備元件VOCs洩漏率圍封檢測與排放量估算方法探討,總計完成46件設備元件圍封檢測,並彙整歷年檢測結果完成推估四種型式元件之排放係數,此外,完成探討四類排放係數於設備元件排放量估算之差異,結果顯示以相關方程式法估算設備元件之排放量能較接近真實的情況。在篩選石化業HAPs納管製程優先性,完成確認國內石化業製程項目,依據環保署「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」中之”附表六、製程分類及代碼表”,目前國內石化業製程共有231個,其中國內僅有152個製程在運轉操作,另79個製程於國內則是沒有任何工廠具有這些製程,另依據國外資料及國內現有資料,考量「物種排放量」和「物種致癌性(IARC分類)」二項因子,進而排序出國內石化業HAPs納管製程優先性順序,並建議區分三階段分批納管,如此亦不會造成地方環保局太大負擔,且為循序漸進增加工廠管制家數。在檢討國內石化製程之最大可達控制技術,完成美國聯邦環保署之最大可達控制技術(MACT)認定及分析流程資料翻譯及彙整,另列舉三個MACT案例說明MACT分析流程,並彙整美國聯邦環保署有關石化業製程主要排放源(管道)之MACT標準。在建立高危害潛勢區域環境濃度基線,於E工業區一處敏感受體點之六大類有害空氣污染物採樣分析結果顯示,六大類有害空氣污染物皆存在於E工業區鄰近大氣環境中,其中以揮發性有機物、戴奧辛、重金屬、多環芳香烴有機物為較常存在於此區域大氣環境中,此外,修訂及強化101年研擬之「敏感受體大氣環境中有害空氣污染物檢測調查標準作業程序(草案)」內容,強化內容包含氣象資料蒐集、納入酸性氣體檢測、目標污染物種選定等三項。
EngTitle The plan for audit of air pollutant emissions from major sources and investigate of optical measurem
EngAbstract The public perception toward the routine emission or the accidental release of air pollutants from stationary sources or fugitive emission sources has attracted a great deal of attention under the circumstances of increasing demands on the quality of life in our society. Among those air pollutants, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), not only are the important triggers for a variety of health problems, including aggravated asthma, reduced lung capacity and increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses like pneumonia and bronchitis, but also are the most frequent causes of environmental nuisance complaints. Furthermore, VOCs are the main pollutants resulted in the rise of ozone level in the atmosphere causing a variety of adverse health effects on the respiratory system, the circulatory system or even leading to the formation of tumor in human bodies. Consequently, Taiwan Environment Protection Administration (TEPA) applied several air pollution control strategies, such as permit system, emission standards, fugitive emission control, and economic incentives, on stationary sources to reduce VOC emission and improve air quality.The project has completed analyzing and comparing OP-FTIR data collected from several neighboring sites of Linyuan industrial park and Mailiao industrial park from 2009 to 2012. The monitoring data used for the analysis included results of OP-FTIR measurement, meteorological data, and measurements of nearby EPA stationary monitoring stations. We have conducted fenceline monitoring campaigns in the Mailiao industrial park and the Linyuan industrial park by setting up six OP-FTIR systems in the nearby villages of the industrial parks. Thousands of FTIR spectra have been collected from these six fenceline monitoring sites, and a number of hazardous air pollutants including 1,3-butadiene, vinyl chloride, n-hexane, chloroform, methanol, carbon tetrachloride, vinyl acetate and 1,2-dichloroethane were identified. Nevertheless, the yearly monitoring data indicated a significant reduction in VOC concentrations, which is believed highly associated with the reinforcement of VOC emission standards and the advance of regulatory measures in recent years Odor nuisance complaints in Hsinchu county and Taichung city were targeted for emission sources investigation in this year. A polyurethane coating factory in the Kuanlan industrial park (Taichung City) and a fabric factory in Hsinchu County were identified as the major emission sources contributing to odor pollution problems in the surrounding regions. Through optimizing abatement efficiency and conducting leak detection and repair programs, the endeavors of the two factories were magnified by a dramatic decrease in the petition of odor nuisance in the nearby area. In additions, 143 tons of VOCs reduction was estimated for the fugitive emission from oil storage tanks located at CPC Dai-Lin Plant, which was identified as a major emission source in the previous year. A flare emission reduction of 167 tons VOCs was achieved through redirecting process waste flow gases from flare inlet to fuel supply systems. A total of 310 metric tons of VOCs emission reduction was achieved through this study. A tracer study was conducted at the south part of the Mali industrial park where SF6 (as tracer gas) was released into one of the flaring stack to simulate the behavior of plume transportation and dispersion. It was noticed that the tracer gas was able to travel all the way from the source to the location of 770 meters downwind. A dilution ratio of 500 thousand times was calculated accordingly by the distance traveled. Remote measurement of heat emission sources by passive-FTIR (PFTIR) and gas imaging detector was performed at Tofan industrial park and Linyuan industrial park, where ammonia, formic acid, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide were detected from 260 meters to 1400 meters away from the measurement sites. The hybrid system, a standoff remote sensing technology with the combination of PFTIR and gas imaging detector was proved to be an effective and efficient tool to assist with pollution auditing in the future.The compliance status and emissions quantities of 8 petrochemical factories are reviewed and audited, in which 18 problems involving operating permits, 4 problems involving emission reporting, and 2 problems regulatory compliance are identified. For these problems, this study provides remediation measures. Additionally, the underreporting of emissions quantities is the most common phenomenon in inspection results of VOC emissions. Chimney inspections or evaluation of control equipment efficiency of 15 points reveal that the emission standards of each factory comply with the permit limits. Based on a comparison of the operations permit system of the South Coast Air Quality Management District with that of the Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of China, Taiwan, we recommend incorporating their amendments into the formal cover of operating permits. In particular, the operating permits should incorporate “Equipment Description and Equipment Characteristics,” “Management Conditions,” and “Committed Plans and Schedule”. Moreover, the related legal basis should be established in each item and contents of the operating permits. The operating permits should also incorporate the air pollutant emission limits and the key design factors, calculated formulas, and calculated processes of air pollution control equipment.For two petrochemical factories, inspection results of regulatory compliance indicate no non-compliant items; the VOC contents of cooling water comply with VOC standards. Also, sampling inspections are also performed for equipment components of a total of 4,050 points from 4 factories, revealing 10 leaking points; the detection values are also all below 100 ppm after improvement. Additionally, the leak detection and repair (LDAR) program of 9,000 points of equipment components and two storage tanks is implemented using optical gas imaging instrument. While factory A contains five leaking components, two detection values are decreased from 10,000 ppm to 10 ppm after improvement. Experimental results further reveal the vents leaking of two storage tanks in factory A and the fire pipeline and emergency discharge valve leaking of storage tanks in factory B. Although factory B has already replaced related components, factory A has tentatively scheduled the maintenance of leaking storage tanks for next year. Forty six equipment components have already been detected. Exactly how the four emission factors of equipment components differ in emission quantities has already been estimated. According to those estimates, using related equations to estimate emissions may more accurately reflect actual situations.Although the Taiwan petrochemical industry has developed 231 processes, only 152 are currently implemented. While considering related factors of species emissions quantities and species carcinogenicity, this work compiles a prioritized list of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)-related processes in petrochemical industries, as well as identifies three phases to control them. The definitions and analysis processes of maximum achievable control technology (MACT) programs from the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (USEPA) are translated and compiled. Three MACT cases are also cited to illustrate MACT analysis processes. Moreover, the MACT standards of the main emission sources of petrochemical industry processes from the USEPA are compiled. Furthermore, the concentrations of six HAPs categories in the sensitive receptor points of industrial park E are sampled and analyzed. Experimental results reveal six categories of HAPs in the atmosphere near this industrial park. Contents of “Meteorological Data Collection,” “Acid Gas Detection,” and “Target Pollutants Selection” are also revised in the “101 Years of Standard Operating Procedures for HAPs Detection and Investigation in the Atmospheric Environment of Sensitive Receptors (Draft)”.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院