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Title 固定污染源空氣污染物危害影響評估暨消費性產品揮發性有機物管制推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作成果包括(1)完成國內有害空氣污染物(hazardous air pollutant, HAP)管制工作分析,結果顯示戴奧辛管制於法規及排放調查皆有績效,有害揮發性有機物管制己建構初期規劃,並於3項行業別標準訂有物種排放標準,重金屬及酸性氣體亦於部分行業別標準管制,多環芳香烴化合物排放清冊與管制則有提升空間;惟整體管制急切性與優先性尚未精確掌握。(2)國外HAP管制策略多採技術基礎與風險基礎等二大主軸,辦識HAP物種、排放清冊及環境監測等為推動管制基礎。(3)研擬固定源HAP管制策略及推動架構乃參採國際經驗,優先採技術基準訂定行業排放標準,並以滾動式方式推動,已具物種排放資料之排放源(製程)優先檢視。(4)完成提出46項優先評估物種名單並完成有害揮發性有機物監測檢測技術建議、非反應性製程(印刷油墨製程)及反應性製程(苯乙烯製程)之排放係數工作流程、推動排放量申報作業規劃等近程階段管制工具評估。(5)以層級評估方式研提國內固定源有害空氣污染物危害影響評估作業程序,並以石化業、鋼鐵業及光電業等三行業為例試算,顯示方法可行,惟尚須建構基本資料才能有效推動。(6)建築塗料及消費商品揮發性有機物管制採訂定產品揮發性有機物含量限值為主要策略,並須依用途設定適當之含量限值。
EngTitle Pollutants Emissions from Stationary Sources and Consumer Products VOCs Control System.
EngAbstract The results of this project includes: (1) Completion of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) control progress analysis in Taiwan. The results show that the control and regulations of dioxin are achievement. Some emission standards have been conducted and the control strategy is established for volatile organic toxics. Heavy metals and acid gases are also regulated in emission standards for some industries. But the emission and control of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons did not show progress. (2) Air toxics control strategy of US Federal Government, Germany, Netherlands, China, Japan have been collected as well as state/local program, i.e. California, Texas, and South Coast. The results shows that the technology-based and health risk-based are two strategies which used in HAP control. Target pollutant list, emission inventory, and ambient concentration monitoring are the basic elements in HAP control. (3) HAP control strategy for stationary source has been established. Control technology-based will be conducted in Stage I to reduce regulated air toxics emissions, and then to review the residual risk by following health-based strategy in Stage II. The control stages are promoted a rolling manner which means if the air toxics emission data is integrated then the control can be conducted early. (4) 46 priority evaluation air toxics species list has been proposed in this report. The methods of inspection, emission factors development, and reporting system for air toxics are also evaluated in this project. (5) A tiered approach for air toxics risk assessment which is promoted in CARB was conducted to establish the facility prioritization procedure of in this project. The results of case study of three industries showed that the procedure can be work and species emission data of each facility is critical. (6)Volatile organic compounds control strategy of architectural coatings and consumer products is established by following US and California strategy. Setting the VOC limit of product is the main control measure.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院