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Title 提升中部及雲嘉南空品區空氣品質及六輕工業區污染減量管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫積極改善中部及雲嘉南空品區空氣品質,工作成果包括(一)空品區減量行動計畫: 以沙鹿站分析顯示, 粗顆粒受鄰近逸散源影響顯著,其臺中港區逸散設施管理辦法落實度係為臺中市101 年改善PM10 二級防制區關鍵因子, 可提供其他縣市規劃PM10 二級防制區目標之參考減量方案, 而斗六站及嘉義站分析顯示,移動源及固定源(含逸散源)需一併實施減量。(二)臺中港管制專案: 明訂管制權責分工及建立跨部會溝通平台(如交通部、航港局、港務公司、經濟部及環保局等), 協調固定源排放總量管理及移動源自主管理等管制作為,交通部已責成港務公司對全國港區移動源提出一致性管制作法,將持續召開成果及檢討會議。(三)六輕管制專案: 27 根次有常態排放之燃燒塔, 多數於101 年底完成改善,僅塑化烯烴廠於102 年底完成改善;VOCs 標準新增納管儲槽37 座皆於101 年改善完成;洩漏濃度大於一萬ppm 之設備元件申報洩漏比例降為100年之0.04%, 將持續依VOCs 標準施行期限追蹤改善。(四)檢討修訂固定源相關標準:已協助修正發布「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」及「煉鋼及鑄造電爐粒狀污染物管制及排放標準」, 持續協助研修電力設施及玻璃業等標準, 其中電力業標準預估研修後全國各地PM2 .5 年平均濃度降低0.4 ~ 2.0 μg/m3。
EngTitle The Implementation Plan to Improve Air Quality in the Central and Yun-Chia-Nan air basin.
EngAbstract This project includes the emission reduction in air qualityzones, emission control in Taichung Port area and Sixth NaphthaCracking plant and revision of emission standards regulations.Data from Shalu monitoring site indicate that control of成果摘要摘-3fugitive dust in surrounding area has significant impact on coarseparticulate matter. Thorough fugitive dust emission managementis the key for the Taichung Control Region to upgrade to a PM10Class 2 region. The same management will be applied to otherClass 3 regions. Data from Douliu and Chiayi monitoring sitesalso showed emission reduction in mobile, stationary and fugitivesources are all required.A communication platform was established among all therelevant agencies to clearly understand their responsibilities, andto discuss control actions and difficulties encountered. TheMinistry of Transportation and Communications also demand theTaiwan International Ports Corporation to come up with emissioncontrol strategies for all the ports in Taiwan.Improvements for all of the 27 flare stacks owned by theFormosa Petrochemical Corp. were completed by the end of 2012except for the flare stacks in the alkene plants, which will becompleted by the end of 2013. Additional 37 storage tanks areregulated by the newly published VOCs emission standard and allof them have completed their improvements. The percentage ofequipments which have more than 10,000ppm of leakage hasdecreased from 0.13% in 2008 to 0.04% in 2011. The new VOCsemission standard passed in 2011 should initiate further emissionreductionThe emission standards for stationary sources andsteelmaking and casting furnaces were promulgated this year.The emission standards for electrical facilities, and glassfurnaces were continuously being revised. With the morestringent emission standards for electrical facilities, the ambientPM2 .5 concentration can be reduced by 0.4~2.0μg/m3 .
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司