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Title 國際PV回收制度發展現況研究專案工作計畫
Abstract 全球綠色消費興起,各公司採購與民間消費時,會優先選擇對生態衝擊較低及對環境友善的商品。新廢電器及電子設備指令(WEEE, 2012/19/EU)及新電器及電子設備使用某些危害物質限制指令(RoHS 2.0, 2011/65/EU)已經歐盟會議修正及公告。前者目的為減少電器廢棄量,增加廢電器之再使用、回收再利用率。後者以預防汙染及污染者付費為原則,限制新設備中使用有害物質及其含量,減少廢棄產品對環境的衝擊。目前市面上矽晶及薄膜等太陽光電模組的回收系統建置尚未符合WEEE指令的精神,而薄膜太陽能產品中,有害物質含量仍高過RoHS 的規定。國內在「陽光屋頂百萬座」政策大力推動之下,太陽光電系統設置量逐年增加,未來太陽光電產品廢棄物處理在國內將成為重要議題。本計畫將分析現有國際回收政策、太陽光電產品生命週期及廢棄物回收方式,並參考現有歐盟PV CYCLE體系建置經驗及各民間公司PV廢棄物回收運作模式,做為我國太陽光電產品回收體系建置可行性評估及國際合作之策略。結論中建議不僅須加速更新我國廢棄物回收法源,將太陽光電產品納入;可先建置由非營利第三方機構(或基管會)管理的PV回收平台,統籌及規劃國內太陽光電產品回收事宜,並與國際相關回收機構接軌(如歐盟PV Cycle)。期使我國在發展再生能源的同時,創造環保與經濟雙贏機會
EngAbstract Due to the trend of green consuming, eco-friendly products are preferably selected by organizations both in public and private sectors. WEEE (2012/19/EU) and RoHS (2011/65/EU) have been announced by EU Communique already. The first is to decrease the waste amount of electrical equipment include PV panel, and increase the rate of re-use, recovery and recycle each other. The later one is based on the principle avoiding pollution and polluter payment rule. To decrease the environmental impact, RoHS limits all new equipment to use the hazardous substance inside such as Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr6+, PBDE and PBB. Currently c-Si and thin-film PV products do not follow all WEEE and RoHS principles to do waste recovery and recycle. Especially for the thin-film products, the percentages of hazardous substance still are out of the specification of RoHS. Since Taiwan focused on export trade and developed the renewable energy policy of PV over 10 years, Ministry of Economic Affairs “Million Rooftop PVs Promotion Project’ is expanding PV system capacity locally soon. Therefore, the amount of waste of PV modules hereby will be high and to impact environment and Taiwan’s branding in coming future. This work addressed the current PV recovery and recycle policy globally include life cycle and the waste handling process for each commercial PV modules worldwide. Furthermore, we also consult the experiences of European Union (EU) PV CYCLE organization and study their management system and summary the work of those voluntary companies which recovery and recycle their waste products in details. This can assist Taiwan government to develop waste policy and regulations for PV module include components. Results also recommend not only to update waste product laws, but also to accelerate the speed to build up PV CYCLE system locally soon, which can leverage and handle all waste PV products at Taiwan by Non-Profit Third-Party or Recycling Fund Management Board. The other key points are to cooperate with PV CYCLE organization globally (e.g., EU PV CYCLE), and to train industry company and end user for recycle or reuse issues continually
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院