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Title 健全國內固定污染源行政管制措施暨建立審查人員資格認證計畫
Abstract 為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制,依據台灣空氣清淨計畫之近程減量控制對策,本計畫執行項目分為四大工作重點,包括:1.許可制度強化與排放量整合。2.污染預防管理與排放減量。3.地方督導與深化落實。4. 資料品質提升與系統更新。針對許可制度強化與排放量整合部分,本計畫協助完成「公私場所固定污染源空氣污染物排放量申報管理辦法」、「公私場所固定污染源空氣污染物排放量計算方法規定」2項法規修訂及發布作業,完備實際排放量整合之法制作業,期將簡化行政程序,避免業者重複申報實際排放量、主管機關重複審核之行政負荷;經評估結果,預計將有2,523家公私場所受惠,統計第3季申報結果,比較法規修訂前後實際排放量差異,氮氧化物實際排放量申報差異改善率為90%、揮發性有機物達99%;在許可管理制度強化部分,本計畫分析彙整國際間(美國、歐盟、中國大陸)近期固定污染源管制新聞及相關制度執行現況,評析公民參與許可審查、整廠許可管制方式,並對應我國空氣品質管制政策,研析區域涵容總量管制方式,期藉由更進一步精進許可排放量管制方式,藉由涵容總量管制策略的推動達成空氣品質改善目標。污染預防管理與排放減量部分,本計畫協助執行「固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法」、「生煤、石油焦或其他易致空氣污染之物質販賣或使用許可證管理辦法」、「半導體製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準」、「光電材料及元件製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準」等法規修訂作業;於許可管理辦法部分,本年度針對公會、公私場所、地方主管機關,回收807份許可制度問卷調查結果,預先掌握制度執行現況問題,並爰以作為法令修訂之參考,本次修訂內容包含強化不法利得嚴正性與證據力、審查費及證書費收取與繳納時機、強化試車審查與規範事項、許可證有效期間規範、排放量計算等要項,並同時檢討第一批至第八批許可公告條件與新增第九批對象,評估納管土壤污染整治、非金屬電鍍、河川疏濬等對象,經評析結果,粒狀污染物、揮發性有機物面源納管率將提高5%;在生煤管理辦法部分,修正販賣與使用許可證預防管理事項,預計管制281家生煤販賣、使用許可對象、納管600萬噸生煤販賣及使用流向;在高科技產業(半導體)排放標準部分,加嚴管道排放標準、提高控制效率,預計該產業揮發性有機物排放減量達23.1%、氫氟酸排放減量達27.8%、鹽酸排放減量達29.7%。地方督導與深化落實部分,本計畫針對鍋爐燃燒廢棄物、活性碳控制設備查核、環境影響評估核定區域、空污費自廠係數核定後查核等4項制度項目,實際完成226件查核作業、受委託機關許可證核發評鑑22家,依查核發現事項,召開3場次研商會議,俾利於中央主管機關適時督導地方主管機關遂行污染管制作業;另為根植地方主管機關污染預防審查技術,編撰4科門標準教材、完成2場次許可審查種子人員訓練課程、合計培訓176名許可審查種子人員,期藉由種子人員的擴散,根實地方主管機關污染預防能力。資料品質提升與系統更新部分,因應資訊安全與個人資料保護法之必要,完成許可制度管理系統、檢測作業管理系統、排放量申報及權限管制等共計4項子系統改版作業;在資料品質提升工作項目,完成資料品質檢核模組,執行21,398家公私場所、15萬個污染源管制資料品質檢核作業,資料品質正確性逐月提升,截至102年12月止,資料檢核符合率已達97%、管道座標以及公私場所大門座標正確性可達99%以上,另配合空水廢毒資訊系統整合(EMS系統)之作業,截至目前為止執行21批次重複管制編號確認與480家管制編號轉換作業。
EngTitle Advance Stationary Air Pollution Control Strategy and the Certification for Auditor Program
EngAbstract In order to strengthen and put the stationary sources management into effect, this project divided into 4 major parts in accordance with emission control of Taiwan Clean Air Act. The 4 parts are 1) revision of permitting policy and emissions integration, 2) pollution prevention management and emission reduction, 3) supervision and enforcement by local component authorities, 4) improvement of data quality and upgrade management system.In the part of revised permitting policy and integrated emissions, this project accomplished the amendment and promulgation of 「Stationary Source Air Pollution Emission Reporting Regulations」and 「Measures of Stationary Source Air Pollution Emission Calculation」 and also integrated of air pollution control fee system and emission report system to decrease the examination of double-reporting. Comparing the 3rd season emission quantity while system integrated, the improvement ratio of NOx and VOC are reaching to 90% and 99% respectively and 2,523 stationary sources were affected. For permitting strategies development, the project is based on latest information of control measures and regulations in America, European Union and China, accomplished assessment of public participate permitting program, and Title V permits to recommend whole–quality control strategies to achieve the improvement of air quality. For pollution prevention management and emission reduction, carried out the amendment of 「Permitting of stationary sources of air pollution」,「air pollution control policy of coal, coke and other fuels」,「air pollution control policy and emission standard of Semiconductors」,「air pollution control policy of Optoelectronic Materials and Components」regulations. To amend the permitting policy about strengthen the principle of economic benefits, examination fees and certificate fees charged separately, strengthen the examination of testing facilities, the valid date of permits and the calculation of emissions in accordance with the feedback of 807 questionnaires filled out from association, stationary sources and local component authorities. To review the 1st to 8th batch of permitting facilities, and estimate the possibility to increase 5% of control rate for particle, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by expanding the 9th bacth of permitting facilities for soil pollution remediation, non-mental electroplating and river dredging. 281 permitting facilities of selling and using coal and flow tracking 600 million tons of coal would be controlled when the regulation of「air pollution control policy of coal, coke and other fuels」amended. VOCs, Hydrofluoric acid (HFs) and Hydrogen chloride (HCl) emissions would be reduced to 23.1%, 27.8% and 29.7% respectively when the amended the emission standard, raised the control efficiency of semiconductors.To supervise stationary sources management of local component authorities, the project held in 3 demonstrations on results of examination for 226 stationary source facilities, 22 permits issued by science park administrations in relation to waste combustion, activated carbon air pollution control systems, environmental impact assessment (EIA) area and reexamination coefficients. To improve reviewing skill of local component authorities and strengthen pollution prevention management, the project edited 4 teaching materials and training 176 inspectors in 2 demonstrations.To enhance the quality and upgrade management system, the project accomplished the demand of Personal Information Protection Act and Information Security Policy for permit applying online system, testing reporting system, emission reporting system and administrator restriction. Furthermore, to increase data currency rate to 97% by reviewing 21,398 factories about 150 thousands database until December 2013, 99% currency rate of Transverse Mercator (TM2) of discharge tube and factory. Moreover, in order to coordinate with the integration of EMS system, the project confirmed 21 batch of double-registered facilities and switched 480 factories database.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司