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Title 回收廢鋰電池再生資源之研究
Abstract 國內目前營運中的廢電池回收廠僅處理鋅錳電池與鹼錳電池,回收的鋰電池係採境外輸出處理。以往之化學沉澱法應用在新型三元系鋰電池回收時,因鈷、鎳、錳三金屬共沉澱,導致回收金屬資源之純度與價值大減。因此本計畫第一年研究探討三元系(LiCoO2/LiNiO2/LiMn2O4)廢二次鋰電池正極材料之最佳回收再生技術參數,各項回收程序之最佳參數,包括浸漬液、萃取液、反萃液之濃度、pH值、溫度、時間等。完成鈷酸鋰與三元系二次鋰電池之正極材料組成的檢測分析與比較,正極材料酸溶提取金屬的最佳浸出液為硫酸與雙氧水。萃取程序則分段以溶劑萃取與反萃分離Mn、Co、Ni。正極材料浸出溶液萃取分離Mn/Co/Ni溶液為Mn萃取油相及Co/Ni萃餘水相,再以酸將Mn反萃至水相回收。Co/Ni萃餘水相萃取分離為Co萃取油相及Ni萃餘水相,再以酸將Co反萃至水相電解回收,Ni萃餘水相亦可分離回收。不同正極材料與回收程序之電解鈷的全量分析比較結果,顯示本計畫開發的萃取技術,可大幅提升廢二次鋰離子電池回收鈷金屬的純度與價值。
EngTitle Resource recovery from spent secondary lithium ion battery
EngAbstract At present there was only one battery recovery factory in Taiwan which reclaimed mercury from manganese batteries and alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide batteries. The spent lithium-ion batteries are all exported outside the border. When chemical precipitation method was employed to recovery metals from the new type of NCM (Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese) lithium-ion batteries the three metals co-precipitated and produced a low value material. The first-year project of this research studied the best parameters of reclaiming technology employed to recovery the anodic materials from spent lithium-ion battery. These parameters included types of leaching solution, extraction solvent, concentration of stripping solution, solution pH, bath temperature and operation time. The project had accomplished analysis of the composition of NCM (LiNiO2/LiCoO2/LiMn2O4) and lithium cobalt oxide batteries. The best acid solution for dissolution of anodic materials (NCM and lithium cobalt oxide) was a mixture of H2SO4 and H2O2. Two extraction stages were used to separate Manganese, Cobalt and Nickel, respectively. Acid leaching liquor of anodic material was extracted by solvent and separated into Mn extracting oil phase and Co/Ni raffinate solution. The Co/Ni raffinate solution was extracted by another solvent and separated into Co extracting oil phase and Ni raffinate solution. Mn extracting oil phase and Co extracting oil phase were respectively stripping by acid solution. The final electrowinning films of cobalt prepared by different anodic materials and different recovery processes revealed the extraction process improved the purity and value of the recovered cobalt.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 朝陽科技大學