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Title 河川揚塵協調管控專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的在於協助環保署推動「河川揚塵防制及改善推動方案」,透過相關補助、考核辦法的建立,來管控各地方環保單位的計畫執行效率,並彙整各地方單位計畫執行成果,分析優缺點,做為研議河川揚塵防制工作流程執行參考。同時選定示範性河川揚塵防制地點進行人文與歷史變遷之調查,以掌握河川變遷及揚塵變化的關聯性,並將調查成果彙編成冊,製成影音資料供環保署進行教育宣導使用。全案主要工作成果如下:1. 統整已核定執行之各縣市河川揚塵計畫彙報資料及追蹤管考。2. 協助研修國內河川揚塵防制推動及執行規範。3. 選擇示範性河川揚塵防制地點進行影像紀錄與分析。4. 擇一示範性河川進行人文與歷史變遷之調查記錄彙編,並編製影音紀錄資料。
EngTitle Plan of River Fugitive Dust Management
EngAbstract This project assists EPA to integrate approved counties and cities with their river fugitive dust management plans, to develop strategies of river fugitive dust control and improvement, and to record and analyze selected exemplary control sites.Major accomplishments are:1. Integration and evaluation of counties’ and cities’ river fugitive dust reports.2. Assisting EPA to revise their rules and regulations on “improvement of river fugitive dust control and implementation standard”.3. Selecting river fugitive dust control sites for image recording and analysis.4. Selecting exemplary river to record and inventory it’s cultural and historical changes as well as making video records.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 太倉規劃顧問有限公司