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Title 澎湖縣102年度逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制揚塵專案計畫
Abstract 102年「102年度澎湖縣逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制逸散揚塵專案計畫」期程自102年3月26日起至102年12月31日止,主要工作重點包含餐飲業稽查管制作業、推動紙錢源頭減量、露天燃燒管制作業、裸露地調查改善作業及敏感污染源輔導等。茲將執行至102年12月31日之各項作業說明如后:一、 餐飲業稽查管制作業執行成果目前已針對121家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導工作,並完成600份宣導文宣之印製,配合於餐飲業查核宣導時進行發送,並已成功推動30家餐飲業者配合污染改善工作。並於102年7月18及19日共2天於辦理「餐飲業油煙減量宣導作業」,透過該場活動之辦理,促使餐飲業者落實自主管理,改善過去油煙瀰漫情形,提升餐飲空氣污染防治成效。此外,亦完成2家露天燒烤業者之改善。改用環保燃料及使用錫箔紙,來減少油煙之產生。二、 推動紙錢源頭減量作業執行成果,在寺廟訪談作業部分,已完成41家次寺廟訪談作業。並本計畫特辦理「102年度澎湖縣環保寺廟示範推廣活動」,透過環保廟宇觀摩活動辦理,使境內廟宇瞭解其他環保廟宇推動狀況及執行方式(如紙錢、香燭減量、推動環保金爐及LED燈泡使用等),進而提升廟宇環保措施及污染減量觀念,以作為推動環保寺廟輔導方向及依據。此外,本計畫為推廣寺廟節能減碳,已發送640顆LED燈泡。三、 露天燃燒管制作業執行成果,計畫為使露天燃燒管制績效提升,並有效防止露天燃燒行為,本年度針對易發生露天燃燒之區域,進行定位巡查,共執行270處巡查。四、 裸露地調查改善作業,計畫執行期間,改善裸露地面積為7,127 m2。五、 敏感污染源輔導,計畫執行期間,共進行108件次之逸散污染物易發源巡查及清掃作業,期能減少道路揚塵情形及民眾陳情件數。
EngTitle The 2012 "Penghu County Annual Fugitive Pollution control and Suppression The Dust With Low Carbon Island Project"
EngAbstract The 2012 “Penghu County Annual Fugitive Pollution control and Suppression The Dust With Low Carbon Island Project” started from Mar. 26 2013 to Dec. 31 2013 . The main job focus on the auditing and control of dining business, promotion of ritual money reduction from source, exposed burning control, to survey and improve of bare ground ,and the sensitive to pollution control. Works done by Dec. 31 2013 are described as follows: 1. Achievement of auditing and control of dining business. Auditing on cooking exhaust control equipment was performed and consultation provided to 121 businesses, and 600 brochures were prepared and distributed during the auditing on these dining businesses. Assistance in pollution improvement was provided to 30 stores . A presentation of “Promotion activity for catering cooking gas reductions” on Jul. 18 and 19 2013, through the activities of the handle to significant improvement of meandering cooking exhausts and air pollution control performance of the dining business. In addition, the completion of two open-air barbecue industry improved. Switch to cleaner fuels and the use of aluminum foil, to reduce the cooking exhausts . 2. The implementation results about promotion of ritual money reduction from source . For interview with temples and shrines, have been completed to interviews with 41 temples , to accepted assistance for establishment of environmental protection measures. Also, a presentation of“ Demonstration of environmental temple observation activities”. This activities was organized to help the temples and shrines which in the county administration. To understand what to do for the environment-friendly temples and how they work (such as reduced use of ritual money, incense and candles, environment-friendly ritual money furnace and use the LED bulb ) through visits of environment-friendly temples, hoping to improvement the environmental protection and pollution reduction concepts of temples and shrines and point the direction for the consultation of environment-friendly temples. In addition, It’s already sent 640 LED bulbs for the promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction temple.3. Achievement of exposed burning control . This project is to improve the performance of open burning control, and effectively prevent open burning behavior. Area for open burning occurs easily during the year, positioning inspections of the implementation of 270 inspections. 4. To survey and improve of bare ground. During the implementation of this project, to improve the bare area of 7,127 m2. 5. The sensitive to pollution control. During the execution of this project,To do the easy originated place about fugitive pollutants inspection and cleaning operations 180 times. Expected to reduce road dust and the public petition occurred.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 澎湖縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 上境科技股份有限公司