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Title 廢鉛蓄電池廢酸液回收技術模廠試驗計畫
Abstract 本計畫設置日處理量200L以上之廢酸液回收處理模廠,以連續處理之方式,探討各項操作條件及進行經濟效益評估,以做為推動廢鉛蓄電池處理廠建立廢酸回收處理系統之依據。本計畫收集各國之廢硫酸回收法進行評計,最後選定擴散透析法及樹脂吸附法作為廢酸液之回收方法,兩者在硫酸回收率的部份,皆有80%以上,鉛及鐵之去除率也相當,但在反應槽體大小上,樹脂吸附法具有極大之優勢,以相同處理量之反應槽體來比較,樹脂吸附法之槽體僅為擴散透析法的1/5,對寸士寸金的台灣而言,應是較佳之選擇。因此在考慮反應槽體積後,本計畫之現場模廠採用樹脂吸附法進行後續試驗。200L級樹脂吸附法模廠之操作結果證實,在流量為100 mL/min之操作條件下,樹脂吸附法在硫酸濃度10-20%間皆可穩定操作,回收酸之硫酸平均濃度較廢硫酸液約低2%,鉛及鐵之去除率則在70-85%間。且降低脫附流量時,在脫附初期可得到較高之硫酸濃度。綜合各項實驗結果,利用樹脂吸附法確實可回收鉛蓄電池廢酸液中之硫酸,同時在經濟效益方面,可減少66%的液鹼使用量及40%的污泥產生量,顯示本程序確實較現有處理程序節省操作費用及降低環境負荷。
EngTitle The pilot plant test of the recycling technology for the electrolyte solution from waste lead acid b
EngAbstract Lead-acid battery are widely used in everywhere, such as for storage in backup power supplies, because they are very inexpensive compared to newer technologies. Lead-acid battery are made up of Lead, plastic case and 35% sulfuric acid electrolyte solution. Most of Lead and the plastic could be reused as a secondary raw material, but the electrolyte solution are not recycled in the present processes in Taiwan. Therefore, it is necessary to find a suitable recovery procedure for these electrolyte solution in the lead-acid battery recycling plants.In last year, we investigated the characteristics of these waste electrolyte solution. According to the results, the sulfuric acid concentration of the waste electrolyte solution was 4.3 – 20.3 % and the higher metal ions were Fe and Pb. The Pb concentrations were 1,670 – 7,020μg/L and the Fe concentrations were 13,700 – 402,000μg/L. Because lead is the main composition in lead-acid battery, Pb concentrations were higher than others metal ions in the waste electrolyte solution. And the Fe ions was from the waste lead-acid battery dismantling process, the sulfuric acid could corrode the dismantling tools and these tools were made of steel. For recycling sulfuric acid from the waste electrolyte solution, the metal ions had to be separated from sulfuric acid.According to the references, several processes were developed for recycling sulfuric acid in foreign waste lead-acid battery recycling plants. The diffusion film process and adsorption resin process were selected for recycling sulfuric acid from the waste electrolyte solution in this study. An experimental scale of the diffusion film process and adsorption resin process were used to evaluate the feasibility. The experimental results show that the recovery rate of the sulfuric acid from the waste electrolyte solution was more than 80%. The removal rate of the Pb ion and Fe ion were more than 80%, respectively. These two system have the same efficiency for recycling sulfuric acid, but the reactor volume of the adsorption resin process was only 20% of the diffusion film process. Therefore, the adsorption resin process was selected as the pilot plant in next stage.The experiment results of the 200L scale pilot plant of the adsorption resin process show that the recovery rate of the sulfuric acid from the waste electrolyte solution was more than 80% and the average concentration of recovery concentration was lower about 2% than the concentration of the waste electrolyte solution. Therefore, the feasibility of this process had been validated in this study.On the other hand, if the factor uses of adsorption resin process, the amount of NaOH for neutralization could be reduced to 66% and the amount of sludge for waste electrolyte solution treatment also could be reduce 40% than without it. This result shows the sulfuric acid recovery system could saves operating costs and reduce environmental impact.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄第一科技大學