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Title 101年度臺中市低碳城市發展推動及管考計畫
Abstract 本計畫協助成立推動中部生活圈低碳永續家園之任務編組及協助維持臺中市低碳城市推動辦公室之正常運作,並規劃推動相關低碳措施,包含綠色運輸、法律與經濟財稅工具、社會行為科學與評比工具等三面向工作共計完成6項行動項目,並分別就財務及技術的可行性、可複製性等分析,完成4季專案報告書。調查並參與中部生活圈其他縣市執行低碳永續家園之成果,及配合及參與環保署相關會議建立中部生活圈與中央推動低碳永續家園政策之整合平台。為吸取國、內外之低碳城市建構經驗,特辦理低碳城市論壇,邀請中國大陸、新加坡專家及國內四個低碳示範城市進行研討交流;為提升臺中市府低碳相關局處承辦人員低碳智識,依市府低碳推動需求,規劃辦理低碳相關產業(風力發電、太陽光電及智慧綠建築)、各縣市低碳政策推動交流活動(電動公車、綠建築及及低碳休旅)、推廣宣導與低碳城市參訪觀摩,以學習增長低碳永續之概念、相關專業技能並建立與各推動低碳城市之縣市、產業之交流合作平台,因活動規劃及市府行政期程無法配合,已完成8場次活動,剩餘2場次已完成規劃建議後續持續辦理。另為推動市民有感之低碳城市建構作為,透過記者會、新聞稿發佈、專屬網站建構、說明會辦理及每季座談會辦理向市民及相關人員宣達本市推動智慧建築之決心及相關政策。此外,本計畫針對臺中市轄內高中職以下學校,研提「低碳校園標章認證」及「照明節能方案」兩大主軸相關規範,並提出「臺中市低碳學校認證作業規範」及「學校節能績效保證專案」,彙整能源技術服務產業(ESCO)技術驗證合作模式內容,期間完成30所學校能源診斷規劃書,內容包含量化節能效益評估及提出後續維護及驗證機制等,落實推動後每年將可節電1,619,475kwh減碳991,119kg就技術面,ESCO的推動應為可行,惟市府財會部門的認可及預算編列,透過校際整合擴大改造經濟規模吸引ESCO業者投入,為後續落實推動的重點工作,本年度未完成相關行政配套措施,協助10所學校簽訂節能績效保證專案部分無法如期完成,但已建置完成30所學校用電雲端績效管理平台,可為學校推動節能績效保證專案之依據。為鼓勵學校推動低碳校園作為以為臺中市建構低碳城市之基礎,輔導轄內64所學校(國小33所、國中20所、高中11所)參與低碳校園認證評比作業,協助校方進行作業規範之評比作業、現場勘查、評定報告書製作及後續相關輔導諮詢服務等活動,預估所輔導之64所學校,每年可總節電量為199,075KWh,減碳量121,834kg;若轄內309所學校全數推動,預估每年總節電量將為1,532,649KWh,減碳量937,981kg。因規劃作業期程無法配合,故此部分工作量無法如期完成,提供目前階段性成果供後續執行之基礎資料。
EngTitle The plan of Taichung Low-carbon city developments promotes and assesses in 101 year.
EngAbstract This project assists the Promotion Office of Low Carbon City in Taichung in operating and designs the related measures, including 6 completed actions from 3 directions: 1.) green transportation, 2.) the tools of law, economics and finances, and 3.) the science of social behavior and evaluation tools. Four seasonal project reports, regarding the analyses of feasibilities of technology and finance, the analyses of reproduction, etc., have been finished. We coordinated with Environmental Protection Administration to build a integration platform which implement the central living circle and promote the low carbon sustainable policies. To learn from the experiences of building low carbon cities, we held low carbon city forums. Experts from China and Singapore and 4 low carbon cities of Taiwan were invited. We also have many plans to promote the low carbon ideas for the government officials dealing with the related businesses, to drive the low carbon industries(wind energy, solar energy and intelligent green buildings), and to exchange the experiences with other local governments(electrical bus, green buildings and low carbon tours). All of these plans could help citizens understand the ideas of low carbon and built a communication platform for low carbon cities and industries. Eight activities have been accomplished, and two more activities have been scheduled. We suggest these two activities should be held in the future. Furthermore, for the purpose of citizens' realization, we propagated the related policies and the determination to citizens of Taichung and related staff by ways of press conferences, press releases, website constructions, public meetings, and quarterly discussion meetings.Moreover, this project proposed two major related measures for the high schools and elementary schools in Taichung city: "Accreditation of low carbon campus" and "Proposal for saving energy in lighting". We also proposed "Guidance of applying for accreditation of low carbon campus in Taichung city" and "Project for performance guarantee of saving energy in schools". We gathered the content of the technology verification from energy service companies(ESCO) and completed 30 diagnostic proposals for saving energy in school, including the performance assessment of saving energy, the following maintenance, and the verification systems. After these measurements are put into practice, 1,619,475kwh of electricity will be saved and 991,119kg of carbon emissions will be reduced. Technologically speaking, the implement of ESCO is feasible, but it requires the permit from financial and accounting departments of the authorities and the budget to implement the following key work. Due to the lack of coordination, we cannot assist 10 schools to sign the "Project for performance guarantee of saving energy" timely. However, we have built the management platform which help 30 schools with the performance of electricity usage. This could be used as a basis to implement "Project for performance guarantee of saving energy" for schools. For the sake of encouraging schools to implement low carbon campuses, this project assisted 64 schools in Taichung city to apply for the accreditation of low carbon campus. We help schools with the self-evaluation, on-site inspection, assessment reports and the following consultations. It is estimated that the 64 schools we assisted will save 199075KWh of electricity and reduce 121834 kg of carbon emissions per year. If all the 309 schools in Taichung city could implement these measures, it is estimated that 1532649 KWh of electricity will be saved and 937981 kg of carbon emissions will be reduced in total. Because the planned schedule could not be accomplished, these goals still remain unfinished. Therefore, we provide the achievements of current phase to be used as references to the following work.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 財團法人臺灣建築中心