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Title 推動高屏空品區行動減量與空氣污染管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫主軸工作包含:各期總量管制制度之研修及推動、高屏空品區行動減量計畫與空氣污染防制計畫追蹤查核、空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台維護及空氣品質改善策略行政支援作業。一、研修及推動各期總量管制制度,並評估相關減量效益。1.參酌現行地方政府所提空氣污染防制計畫內容,並依現行指引範例手冊為基礎完成因應總量管制之部分章節修訂,主要新增指定削減及削減量差額管理作業及增量抵換作業方式、新增或變更固定污染源審核作業方式等。2.完成現行中部、雲嘉南及高屏空品區之PM2.5自動監測結果與排放標準之符合度分析,並翻譯有關PM2.5及其前驅物控制措施之相關文獻(Lists of Potential Control Measures for PM2.5 and Precursors),彙整國際間PM2.5控制經驗資料(International Experience on PM2.5 Control,資料來源:第八屆中國城市空氣品質管理研討會),將前述資訊可作為我國PM2.5控制策略擬訂之參考。3.完成查訪對象於總量管制下指定削減之可行性分析,於考量業者改善意願下,估算潛在削減量空間,四類主要污染物削減空間約有0.4%(以高屏空品區試算認可排放量147,278公噸為分母),與高屏總量管制計畫(初稿)之第二期程指定削減目標(5~10%)尚有相當距離,建議應持續分析其他污染源之削減空間,另評析結合適當誘因機制提高業者願意投資改善之可行性。4.地方指定削減原則研訂上,除列出建議指定削減對象外,並針對指定對象進行削減成果試算,以高屏地區電力業加嚴標準草案之排放濃度作為指定削減目標應達之排放濃度目標,假設其他相關操作參數皆相同下估計其減量空間,約可降低高屏空品區排放總量之8.7%左右(以高屏地區排放清冊之排放總量為基礎),然因該草案將會實施,顯示高屏電力業指定削減空間將更為有限,未來須再檢視電力業第二期指定削減原則。5.許可制度係固定源整合管理之工具,故總量管制相關規定應整合納入,初步規劃先以許可申請及審查指引加以規範,但建議倘明訂於固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法將更為妥適,初步完成許可辦法建議增修條文(草案),作為未來許可規範修訂之參考。6.協助地方環保局完成3場次總量管制相關宣導說明會議辦理,另因應台中市環保局需求,試行台中港區10家公私場所認可排放量申請審查,其中9家公私場所皆以環評審查結果申請,建議未來可依縣市需求,擴大高屏地區外之其他縣市進行總量管制相關試行作業。7.依據中部、雲嘉南空品區既存固定污染源排放量認可試算結果,顯示中部空品區之SOx及VOCs總認可排放量試算結果約占總許可核定量的九成以上,TSP和NOx總認可排放量試算結果約占許可核定量七至八成不等;雲嘉南空品區各污染物總認可排放量試算結果約占總許可核定量四成到六成不等。二、進行高屏空品區行動減量計畫與空氣污染防制計畫追蹤查核。1.建置排放量認可標準作業程序與相關表單,作為地方環保局未來輔導業者總量管制推動試行之依據,未來可持續推動其他地區或空品區之行動減量計畫,另於試行階段透過複核機制確認地方環保局是否已具備相關執行能力。2.本年度20家查訪對象中,有14家業者未來無減量規劃,5家業者近年已進行減量,1家業者未來有減量規劃。3.查訪作業同時收集各廠防制成本資訊,估算各污染物防制設備在不同廢氣處理量下的年減量初設成本及年減量耗材及維護成本,以提供作為業者未來減量成本參考評估。4.透過20家現場查訪,收集147座防制設備相關資訊,透過相關性分析,初步顯示部分設備之設置成本與廢氣處理量呈正相關,但各防制設備單位減量成本差異很大,然因各項防制設備樣本數不足,代表性稍嫌不足。另相較美國防制成本資料,國內防制設備單位減量成本相對偏低許多。建議可持續收集業者防制設備成本相關資訊,有助於完備國內空污防制成本資料庫,亦可作為防制設備正常操作之稽查輔助資訊。5.比對高屏地區查訪對象於2012年度SOx、NOx排放量及空污費申報數據,顯示有4成業者有落差,另於去(2012)年修正公告將排放量及空污費申報計量方法改為一致後,比對2013年前兩季數據,顯示部分業者仍有落差,探討分析其差異原因主要為人為誤差及系統尚未整合所導致。本計畫已提供給固定源計畫執行單位進行後續追蹤,未來隨著時間拉長,排放量認可與實際排放量之差距應會逐漸消失。6.比對查訪對象2012年度各污染物排放量申報與認可排放量差異情形,顯示部分業者其2012年排放量申報大於認可排放量,比值從 1.01 至 4.27倍不等,其中以 SOx差異最大,而各污染物差額加總佔高屏地區457家總認可排放量比例0.79%,顯示認可排放量變化差異不大。7.排放量認可試行作業於管理平台之登錄情形,目前共145家業者提出排放認可年申請,已有78家已經地方主管機關審核認可通過,尚有66家業者等待審核,1家業者以環評申請量作認可。8.完成蒐集彙整101年度高屏地區固定源、逸散源及其他相關空氣污染防制措施具體執行成果,並提出102年度預計執行推動之工作方向。9.為有效掌握地方主管機關管制措施之有效性,未來於環保署SIP計畫中可列明管制對策預期減量計算方式,可作為環保署相關管制策略於規範擬訂與推動期程之參考,並可檢視管制措施與減量成果之推動歷程,可定期滾動式檢討實施成果並回饋修正。三、維護空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台。1.完成掌握及試算中部及雲嘉南空品區認可列管對象及排放量有1,072家,並新增二空品區管理平台入口路徑,及更新認可名單。2.持續掌握固定污染源相關系統之改版期程與現況,並針對程式語法改寫造成排放資訊導入錯誤進行人工除錯,以維持管理平台正常運作。3.除維護管理平台系統功能正常運作,依固定污染源相關系統之程式語言改寫進度,提出未來管理平台維護管理建議。四、推動空氣品質改善策略行政支援作業1.結合本計畫各項工作已辦理及配合協辦工作交流研商/說明/現場查訪會議,共計31場次。2.蒐集更新最新空氣污染防制各類相關法規,且因應環保署需求進行印製作業。3.完成更新維護總量管制及細懸浮微粒相關網頁資訊,並定期披露最新相關消息及相關檔案下載提供。
EngTitle Project for air pollutant management and reduction action in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung air district
EngAbstract This project consists three major parts with their respective results listed as follows: 1.Review and revision of the total quantity controls as well as the evaluation of its possible reduction effectiveness.(1)The project took reference from current local government air pollution control plans and current guidelines as the basis for the revision of the air pollution control plans. The major revision includes the addition of designated reduction and the management of the reduction credits, the off-set of increased emission, as well as the review process for new stationary source.(2)The project has completed the PM2.5 monitoring results analysis for regulation compliance in the central, Yun-Chia-Nan and Kao-Pin air districts. The project also did translation of the reference material-“Lists of Potential Control Measures for PM2.5 and Precursors” into Chinese language and collection of the reference material-“International Experience on PM2.5 Control”. Sources for the above mentioned reference materials came from the 8th air quality management conference of Chinese cities. The collected information can provide reference for our national PM2.5 control strategy planning.(3)The project conducted a feasibility study for designated reduction by visiting 20 companies according to their willingness to cooperate. It is estimated that about 0.4% pollutants can be reduced from the 4 major categories of air pulltants (based on the total emission calculated for the Kao-Pin air district to be 147,278 tons) which is still relatively far from the designated reduction goal (5-10%) for stage 2 reduction. It is suggested that further ananysis be carried out for the reduction of other pollutants as well as the feasibility of incentive mechanism to increase industrial willingness to invest for improvement.(4)Regarding the principle for designated reduction, the project has processed trial estimation for the reduction besides the listing of possible reduction. Take Kao-Pin air district for example, it is estimated that by strengthening the emission standards for power industry under the same operation parameters, could achieve a designated reduction reduction of 8.7% (calculated based on the emission inventory for Kao-Pin air district). However, since the draft regulation will be implemented in the future so the room for reduction could be limited. It is suggested for the future to further investigate the principle for designation for the second stage reduction.(5)Since permit system has been an instrument to integrate stationary source management, it is suggested that the total quantity controls be included into future permit application review. The project has completed the draft regulation for future reference. (6)The project has assisted EPB to complete 3 sessions of workshop for the total quantity controls. In addition, the project also conducted trial emission allowance review for 10 companies. Among them, 9 companies applied according to EIA results. It is suggested for the future to expand the total quantity controls to counties and cities beyond the Kao-Pin air district.(7)It is estimated for the Central and Yun-Chia-Nan air district that about 70-80% of stationary sources could be selected from those registered after 2007 since some companies do not have air pollution fee records. Besides the emission for SOx and VOCs occupies about 90% of the total permitted amount of air pollutants, and about 70-80% for TSP and NOx, while it is about 40-60% for the Yun-Chia-Nan air district. 2.Follw-up investigation of the Kao-Pin air district reduction action plan and the air pollution control plan(1)The project established emission allowance approval procedure and the relevant documentation forms to provide local bureaus for future consultation to the industries. It is suggested for the future to further promote reduction action plan for other area and other air district, as well as to assure whether local bureaus are ready for the implementation by a cross check system. (2)The result shows 14 out of the investigated 20 companies do not have future reduction plan; while 5 companies have implemented reduction in recent years, and 1 company has future reduction plan.(3)The investigation process also collected air pollution cost information to estimate annual air pollution reduction cost for different level of treatment capacity as well as the cost for operation and maintenance.(4)Through site visiting of 20 companies to collect information for 147 facilities for correlation analysis, positive correlation is found for treatment capacity and equipment cost however there are large differences between the costs for different facilities. In comparison to the cost information for local versus USA facilities, the local cost is relatively lower. It is suggested to futher collect information for cost to provide supplementary information for inspection.(5)The investigation compared the result of the visited companies in 2012 and found inconsisitency between the reported air pollution fee and the reported air emission for SOx and NOx with 40% of the investigated companies showed obvious difference mainly due to difference in calculation and man-made errors. This project has provided information for the stationary source project to follow-up this issue. It is expected that the difference between permitted emission and actual emission could be reduced in the long run.(6)The project compared and found difference between permitted emission and reported emission for the investigated companies in 2012. It is shown that the reported emission was larger than the permitted emission at a ratio of 1.01 to 4.27. Among them, the difference for SOx was especially large. The difference for other pollutants came to a total of 0.79% of the permitted emission for the 457 companies in Kao-Pin air district therefore the variance in permitted emission is not large. (7)The pilot study for emission allowance approval shows 145 companies have registered at the management platform for appling emission allowance. Among them, 78 companies have been approved by their respective local authority while 66 companies are pending for review, and 1 company is approved for EIA emission allowance.(8)The project has completed the collection of air pollution control results for Kao-Pin air district in 2012 and provided suggestion for future promotional work direction.(9)In order to effectively control the effectiveness of local government control measure, it is suggested for EPA SIP project to list all strategies and calculation methodology for the estimation of reduction that can be provided for EPA future design of control strategy as well as for periodical rolling review of actual results that could feedback to the revision of control measures. 3.Maintenance for the air pollution reduction management platform.(1)Completed the calculation of emission for 1,072 companies in the central and Yun-Chia-Nan air district. Add new links to the management platform for the two districts and updated the listing of permits.(2)Continue updating the system for stationary source and manually removed errors from the system due to the rewriting of the system program to maintain normal operation of the platform.(3)In addition to maintaining the management platform for normal operation, the project also reprogramed the stationary source system and made suggestion to future management.4.Administrative support on Promotion for air quality improvement strategy.(1)The project has conducted 31 sessions of work related meetings and site visits to integrate every work items included in this project.(2)The project has updated information regarding air pollution control and regulation in the form of electronic files to provide EPA for the printing of regulation manual.(3)Completed the maintenance and updates of the website for the total quantity controls and fine particulate matter with periodical release of new information and electronic files for download.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司