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Title 廢家電PUR與3C電子殼材回收再製環保輕質強韌建材之技術製程整合計畫
Abstract 目前國內廢冰箱發泡聚氨酯(PUR)之資源再生管道尚未成熟,以致掩埋、焚燒成為最主要的處理方式,然而傳統的處理方法,不但無法達成廢棄物減量且亦有污染環境之虞。除此之外,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物( ABS )是3C電子產品中,用途最廣且用量最大的塑膠材料,ABS除了具有極佳的剛性、韌性與硬度等優良機械性質外,亦包含良好的耐化學藥品性、尺寸穩定性等優點,故為了避免與日俱增的廢棄物造成生態環境沉重的負擔,有效的回收再利用PUR與ABS,將是本研究重點所在。故本研究旨在進行PUR回收技術開發,而後透過配方技術、改質技術、混練技術、押出成型技術等方式,進而提升回收ABS/PUR塑木複材的物性,並開發其回收再製綠塑木建材,達到廢棄物回收再生的目的,藉由本計畫之PUR資源回收技術系統,可生產出高品質的質輕、高強韌回收ABS/PUR塑木複材產品。其產品不僅保有天然木材特性,且改善其易受潮變形、蟲菌腐朽等缺點,既環保又健康,可完全取代天然木材,符合綠色環保趨勢。計畫內建置廢冰箱處理流程,包括:冷媒回收→人工拆解→粗破碎→細破碎→磁選→震動篩選→風選等工序。而後將回收的廢PUR經機械研磨,使其平均粒徑可達100 μm以下,並以1:1之比例,與木粉進行混拌,另選用N-2(氨乙基)3-氨丙基三乙氧基矽烷( APTES )進行木粉-PUR( W-PUR )表面偶合處理。此外,搭配回收ABS,選擇苯乙烯-乙烯/丁二烯接枝馬來酸酐( SEBS-g-MA )進行相容性最適化改質,另完成阻燃母粒及色母粒製備,可分別依產品需求,進行最佳比例應用,並在40 % W-PUR的添加下,提升衝擊強度達40 %,且增加熱變形溫度4.5 ℃,最終完成計畫設定之6.5 * 1.5 cm發泡扶手板材與14.5 * 2.5 cm止滑地面板材兩項產品。
EngTitle The Technology and Process Integration of Eco-lightweight and High Toughness Building Materials
EngAbstract 「The Technology and Process Integration of Eco-lightweight and High Toughness Building Materials by Using the PUR of Waste Refrigerator and the Recycled Electronic Housing」 The regenerate methods for foamed polyurethane (PUR) resource from waste refrigerator are not mature now, so that burying and burning are the major processes in Taiwan. However, the traditional processes can not reduce the waste PUR, but cause the environmental contamination. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) is a widely used resin in 3C product. It has high modulus, high toughness, high hardness, good chemical resistance and good dimensional stability. In addition to reduce the quantity of waste, it is important to recycle and reuse the waste PUR and ABS effectively, and it is also the key issue of this project. This study is devoted to develop the recycling technology of PUR. Recipe design, coupling technology, compounding technology and extrusion molding integration is the know-how of this project. From this recycling and reusing technology, we can produce high quality, light-weight and high toughness product of ABS/PUR wood plastic composite. The ABS/PUR wood plastic composite has the properties of natural wood; furthermore, the weakness of natural wood, which is moisture creep and not bugs and turmoil free, was modified and improved. We can not only replace the natural wood but fit the green eco-trend. The recycling process of refrigerator developed in this project is (a) recycling of refrigerant; (b) coarse crushing; (c) fine crushing; (d) magnetic screening processes; (e) vibration screening; (f) wind screening processes. After grinding, the particle size of waste PUR is below 100 μm, and then mixed with wood flour. The coupling agent, aminal propyl triexothysilane (APTES), was surface modified with wood flour. Also, the compatibilizer, styrene-ethylene-butadiene-styrene copolymer grafted maleic acid ( SEBS-g-MA ) was added to ABS for modification. In addition, the flame retardant masterbatch and color masterbatch was prepared, and then added to product by the optimum ratio. Adding 40 % W-PUR can increase the 40 % impact strength of composite, and raise 4.5 ℃ heat deflection temperature of composite. The final product of this project, a 6.5 * 1.5 cm foaming armrest sheet, and a 14.5 * 2.5 cm anti-slip decking sheet, are prepared successfully.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 遠東科技大學(弘光環保有限公司)