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Title 廢鋰電池回收處理技術研究
Abstract 有鑑於國內廢鋰電池之回收數量與比例逐年提升,如何有效回收處理這些廢鋰電池更顯重要。因此,本研究應用熱處理技術進行廢鋰鈷電池與鋰鐵電池之熱處理實驗,探討不同操作條件之影響,以及熱處理過程中金屬與污染物之流向分佈,藉以建立最適操作條件以及回收處理程序。本計畫目前已完成預期工作進度,研究結果顯示,鋰鈷電池之主要組成比例為金屬箔(正極) 30~50%、石墨(負極) 16~27%、隔離膜 3~5%、金屬外殼 2~7%、外部包裝(含電極) 1.5~4.5%,鋰鈷電池內部所含金屬種類與含量為鋰(4-7%)、鋁(7-10%)、鈷(40-65%)、鎳(0-1.2%)、銅(20-45%)。鋰鐵電池之主要組成比例為金屬箔(正極) 52%、石墨(負極) 25%、隔離膜 8%、金屬外殼 10%、外部包裝(含電極) 0.7%,鋰鐵電池內部所含金屬種類與含量為鋰(5%)、鋁(15-20%)、鐵(38%)、銅(37-41%)。 廢鋰電池熱處理溫度偏低時(400℃)無法將隔離膜等雜質完全分解,影響金屬之回收效果,熱處理溫度為600℃時之處理效果最佳,污染物排放濃度亦最低。不同進氣組成(氣氛)影響廢鋰電池熱處理效果與金屬成分組成,綜合考量廢鋰電池中所含金屬之回收率,熱處理操作氣氛仍以空氣較適合。鋰鈷電池之金屬回收率分別為鋰95.38%、鈷93.99%、銅96.24%、鋁85.28%,鋰鐵電池之金屬回收率分別為鋰90.01%、鐵85.49%、銅83.72%、鋁73.75%。 廢鋰電池於熱處理過程中,廢氣中之HCl和HF濃度約為2-16 ppm,故需注意酸性氣體之控制去除,廢氣中重金屬以鋰、銅、鋁、鐵為主,其濃度則大多介於N.D.~ 0.4 mg/Nm3,屬於中低範圍,金屬氣固相分布結果顯示,99.9%以上之金屬成分仍存在於燃燒後殘留物中(固相)。
EngTitle Recycling Technology of Spent Lithium Battery
EngAbstract With the annual amounts and percentages of recycled lithium batteries being increased significantly, how to recycle these spent lithium batteries effectively is very important and urgent. Therefore, this study aims to use the thermal treatment technology for recycling the spent lithium batteries and investigating the effects of different operation conditions on the recycle efficiency of valuable metals. The fates and distributions of different metals in solid and gas phase are also evaluated. The optimal operation conditions and the feasible treatment process for the recycling of spent lithium batteries will be proposed.The scheduled tasks and progress of this study has been finished. The experimental results indicate that the major compositions of lithium-cobalt battery included metal foil (anode, 30-50%), graphite (cathode, 16-27%), separation film (3-5%), outer covering metal (2-7%), and packing materials (1.5-4.5%). The contents of different metals in the spent lithium-cobalt battery were lithium (4-7%), aluminum (7-10%), cobalt (40-65%), nickel (0-1.2%), and copper (20-45%). The major compositions of lithium-iron battery included metal foil (anode, 52%), graphite (cathode, 25%), separation film (8%), outer covering metal (10%), and packing materials (0.7%). The contents of different metals in the spent lithium-iron battery were lithium (5%), aluminum (15-20%), iron (38%), and copper (37-41%). The optimal thermal treatment efficiency was obtained when the operating temperature was controlled at 600 oC. At lower temperature (400 oC), the combustible materials such as the separation film can’t be decomposed completely and the recycle efficiency of metals were decreased. The emissions of air pollutants were relatively lower when the operating temperature was controlled at 600 oC. Different feed gas compositions provided different combustion atmospheres and influenced the recycling efficiency and species compositions of metals. To comprehensively consider the recycling efficiencies of different metals and operation cost, air was the best feed gas. The recycling rates of different metals in lithium-cobalt batteries were lithium 95.38%, cobalt 93.99%, copper 96.34%, and alumina 85.28%. The recycling rates of different metals in lithium-iron batteries were lithium 90.01%, iron 85.49%, copper 83.72%, and alumina 73.75%. The concentrations of HCl and HF in the flue gas of lithium batteries treatment furnace were 2-16 ppm, the control of acid gases should be careful. The concentrations of heavy metals in the flue gas were relative low and the range was N.D.~ 0.4 mg/Nm3. More than 99.9% metals were presented and remained in the residuals (solid phase) during the thermal treatment of spent lithium batteries.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 弘光科技大學