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Title 廢液晶面板中液晶再利用之可行性評估
Abstract 隨著液晶顯示器逐漸取代傳統陰極射線管成為主流顯示裝置,其生產量及使用量日益增多,導致廢棄量與日俱增。以現行處理模式雖然可將廢液晶顯示器簡單拆解成數個單元並依材料別進行回收,然而對於廢液晶面板卻礙於無適合的處理方式僅能委託廢棄物處理廠進行掩埋處置。由於台灣是液晶顯示器的主要生產國之一,據統計每年必須處理的線上面板不良品高達5300 噸,而液晶面板中除了液晶外,尚含有銦、錫和鉬等重金屬,這些為數不少的重金屬埋在地底實在難保其不會對環境產生危害,因此亟需開發相關的回收處理技術以解決此日趨嚴重的問題。 其中,最關鍵的問題當屬液晶的處理模式,液晶材料主要是由苯環、環己烷、氧、氮和鹵素構成,整體結構穩定且耐酸、耐鹼、沸點又高,無論以掩埋或焚化的方式處理都可能對環境造成危害,再加上它具有高單價的特性,因此,最佳的處理模式莫過於再利用於液晶面板製程。故本計畫的主要目的是將液晶自廢液晶面板中取出,並進行調配、純化後,重新灌入液晶面板中,再藉由該液晶面板的顯示性能以評估液晶再利用的可行性。
EngTitle Evaluation on reuse feasibility of liquid crystal from waste LCD
EngAbstract LCDs have replaced CRTs as the main display devices recently. Tosatisfy the increasing demands, billions of LCDs are manufacturedannually. However, as more LCDs are produced and used, the amount of LCD waste is increasing at an alarming rate. LCD waste can be simply disassembled into a numerous parts, most of which are commonly recycled, but the LCD panels typically are not. Waste LCD panels are generally disposed of in a landfill or by incineration. An increasing number of countries are prohibiting such treatments, because waste LCD panels are potentially hazardous and detrimentally affect health. It is important to create a viable LCD disposal solution.In order to avert a growing environmental problem which was caused by discarding LCD panels, a method that offers an efficient way to separate liquid crystal from waste LCD panel was developed. However, the recyclability of the liquid crystal needed further confirmation. In this study, the liquid crystal which is collected from waste LCD panel, after it had undergone extraction, purification and blending, was utilized to produce 100 pieces of LCD panel. The product yield, and the display performance and reliability of the panels were used to evaluate the feasibility of the method.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院