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Title 2013兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護領域交流工作計畫
Abstract 籌辦兩岸土壤、地下水環境保護領域研討會及論壇會議,強化兩岸因應土壤及地下水環境保護之實質交流與合作;協助本署參與於中國大陸舉辦之環境保護相關學術研討會;為推動我國土水整治產業,研析於海峽兩岸經濟合作架構下我國土壤地下水產業因應措施及計畫。
EngTitle 2013 Cross-Strait Program for Soil and Groundwater
EngAbstract This project by collecting regulatory regimes cum industrial promotion of soiland groundwater environmental protection related to Mainland China Research andAnalysis , and Management organized way Symposium through the Office ofopportunity related fields at the turn of liquidity and expand cooperation inthe Mainland China conducted with , and successfully in before the end of Decemberthis year to complete . Through conduct seminars way , and MEP Mainland Chineserelevant departments communication, cohesion strait experts together to discussdifferences and complementarity between strait soil and groundwaterenvironmental protection, and discuss follow- strait exchanges meter paintingand implementation methods. While also providing each other to learn fromindustry, government and academia to discuss and exchange views on theopportunity to experience . The project also compiled Mainland China prevailingsoil and groundwater regime results achieved environmental regulations ,available relevant government departments , academic and research institutionsand business related units in the practice of important reference .The project includes three tasks :(1)in handling a domestic screenings do "cross-strait soil and groundwaterregime Symposium environmental regulations " and " Expert Forum " meeting ,invite professionals to join Mainland China .(2)go to Mainland China to participate in regional environmental soil andgroundwater related seminars, and conducted site visits and exchanges .(3)to promote my homeland water remediation industry , research and analysisin the " cross-strait economic cooperation framework (ECFA) of soil andgroundwater under the workaround and industrial projects.(4)real-time updates of the Department of Soil and Groundwater grouping ofcross-strait exchange platform for environmental services ( includingwastewater treatment ) related messages.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會