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Title 臺北市101年度營建工程空氣污染管制計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫以設施管理辦法之查核為主軸,輔以推動5S潔淨運動、圍籬綠美化、周邊道路洗掃認養、宣導會及訓練觀摩等方式,強化營建工程之污染管制工作。本年度計畫自101年4月8日簽約執行,至102年3月31日止,共完成12,088處次之工地巡查作業(包含假日巡查600處次),並針對未符合設施管理辦法之工程進行輔導改善。本年度持續推動營建工地5S潔淨運動,以「工地綠化願“整理”」、「施工期間勤“整頓”」、「周圍環境常“清掃”」、「機具油品保“清潔”」、「營建工地有“紀律”」為主軸,針對大型工程推動由內而外之環境維護作業,從施工面、施工機具之空氣污染防制,工地圍籬之綠美化,到工區周界環境的維護工作等,涵蓋整個施工區域污染的範圍,歷年共有106處工地參與營建工地5S潔淨運動,參與5S潔淨運動工地均已完成圍籬綠美化作業,5S潔淨運動執行期間粒狀物削減率66%,較全市營建工程粒狀物之削減率約高10%為了改善營建工地給予外界「外觀生硬、內部髒亂」之刻板印象,本年度更積極推動營建工地環境綠美化作業,讓民眾感受到不一樣的工地風情,也讓民眾有「原來工地也可以很乾淨、漂亮」之新感受。101年4月~102年3月共推動新增108處營建工地完成圍籬綠美化作業,其中74處工地使用綠籬或掛設壁盆掛設花槽綠化方式、19處工地使用帆布或彩繪美化方式,另有15處工地同時使用植栽綠化及圍籬彩繪美化,完成綠化面積62,300M2。加強道路及管線工程施工管理亦為本年度重點工作,本年度推動「施工污染,非『管』不可」作業,除研訂管線工程施工作業程序,於進行小型管線工程之巡查時,推動廢土不落地政策外,並要求做好清掃及污染防制措施;計畫並掌握衛生下水道工程施工狀況,確保管線工程施工不致產生太多污染。目前小型管線工程施工過程採行廢土不落地措施之比例約為88%。此外本年度持續推動營建工程周邊道路洗掃認養,101年4 ~102年3月共推動新增49處營建工程參與道路認養活動,累積認養長度為31.03公里,累積洗掃里程數為33,620公里。除對營建工程粒狀污染物之管制外,本年度持續對營建工程施工機具污染排放之管制,完成160點次營建工程施工機具使用油品之採集作業並完成40點次送驗,督促業者使用合法油品,以及針對營建工程周界TSP完成35點次抽測作業。營建工程空污費之申繳勾稽作業方面,完成2,041件之決標工程案件清查及1,867件完工工程末期空污費申繳勾稽,已有80%之決標工程及50%之完工工程完成空污費之申報;本年度已完成第50~55期營建工程空氣污染防制電子報之製作及發行,加強宣導營建工程相關政策及法令。計畫透過完善之巡查、輔導及宣導作業,以確保本市營建工程之污染得以受到有效之控制,本市營建工程之粒狀物削減率維持至55%以上,本(101)年度約57%之削減率,第1、2級營建工程設施管理辦法之符合率為91.8%,營建工程之管理已達一定之水準。
EngTitle Year 2012 Air-pollution Control Plan / Year End Report on Construction Project of Taipei City
EngAbstract This year, the plan is focused on the examination of the facility management methods and supplemented with 5S Cleaning Movement ("5S" was invented in Japan, and stands for five Japanese words that start with the letter 'S': Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.), green railings, surrounding road cleaning and adoption, introductory seminars, training and visits, to strengthen the pollution control on construction projects. The plan this year started from the contract signing date of 8 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. During this period, 12,088examinations (including 600examinations conducted on public holidays) have been carried out. Counseling to improve the facilities that do not qualified the Construction Facility Management Regulations.This is to encourage the industry to improve through face-to-face communication. This year, the Workplace 5S Cleaning Movement is further expanded with "Green Workplace", "Frequent Tidying-up in the Work Process", “Frequent Cleaning of the External Area”, “Clean Machine and Fuel” and “Disciplined Construction Workplace”. It is aimed to promote eco-friendly operation from the internal to external environment for large construction projects. It covers the whole pollution area of the construction zone, and takes care of the air-pollution prevention of the work surface and construction tools, planting for the railings of the construction site, and the maintenance of the external environment of the site. There are 106 sites participating in the Workplace 5S Cleaning Movement and all the sites have completed planting for the railings. The particulate reduction rate was 66% during the movement, which is around 10% higher than the particulate reduction rate of all the construction projects in the city. 33620 km of road has been cleaned. Around464 tons of TSP has been reduced. Diesel vehicles voluntarily turned up for examination380times. The general public generally views construction sites as having “Uninteresting Appearance with Messy Content”. In order to improve this image, green construction sites are highly promoted this year. This is aimed to show the other side of construction sites and nourish the new “clean and beautiful image" in people’s minds. From April 2012 to April 2013, railing beautification for 503 sites has been conducted. Of which 326 sites using the green planting methods, 92 sites to use canvas or fake flowers and landscaping, with a further 55 sites simultaneously and fence painted green planting beautification.Strengthens the path and the pipeline project construct control also for this year key point work. Impetus pipeline construction pollution management operational procedure. When carries on doing an inspection of the small pipeline project. Impels the spent clay not to fall to the ground outside the policy. And requests to complete sweeps clear and pollutes against system measure. We grasp the health status of sewer construction, to ensure that pipeline construction will not produce too much pollution. Completion of 267 pieces of small-scale pipeline projects inspections. Until 2013April pipeline project the proportion of waste soil is not ground has been raised to 88%.In addition, construction projects continue to promote this year's road sweeping around the crisis.During April 2012 to April 2013, statistics of 49 new construction projects to promote participation in activities of road adoption. The accumulation recognizes raises the length is 30.16 kilometers, the wash and sweep mileage as 33620 kilometers. The plan continued to control the particulate pollution of construction site, and the pollutant emission of construction machines. 160 inspections have been conducted randomly on the fuel of the construction machines,40 times the sulfur content of oil for testing. And punishment has been imposed on 1 business owners who failed the inspection. Further guidance was also provided for these 1 owners to use the fuel legally. On the application for air-pollution relief for construction projects, examination has been completed on 1,830cases of final bid projects, and revision has been done on 1,649 applications of the final relief for completed projects. Air-pollution relief application procedures have been completed for 80% of the final bid projects and 82.7 % of the completed projects. Issues 50~55 of the electronic newsletter of air-pollution prevention for construction projects have been created and published this year. This is to promote the policies and laws for construction projects. Through comprehensive inspection, consultation and promotion, the plan aimed to exercise effective control on pollution from construction projects in the city. The compliance rate of the 1st and 2nd levels of the management method of facilities on the construction site is 91.8%. It shows that construction project management has obtained a good standard. Follow-up to strengthen the focus on promoting 5S Cleaning Movement continues to expand and strengthen public construction green landscaping fence operation. Construction of the city without a fixed location for the project to strengthen pollution control, such as the pipeline excavation, sidewalk renovation, repair and Arcade leveling works, to the owners take the initiative to control the direction of the main guidance. Elevated under the ground, often due to sun and rain can not reach the bare land caused by grass grows, and then generate dust pollution in the air and cause people's lives change, so the bare ground under the elevated road, proposed to conduct investigations and counseling work, counseling management units to cover the ways to improve the situation exposed to mitigate fugitive dust particulate matter the circumstances.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司