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Title TFT-LCD廢玻璃鹼激發再利用為環保防火隔熱板之研發
Abstract 近年來資訊產業發展迅速,使得TFT-LCD面板出貨量大量增加,屆時將大量廢棄,TFT-LCD廢棄玻璃亟待處置。因TFT-LCD廢玻璃主要組成為SiO2與Al2O3,適合作為環保防火隔熱板合成之鋁矽酸鹽原料,故本計畫利用TCLP溶出分析及歐盟BSEN 12457-2之試驗方法,以建立本土化LCD廢玻璃資源化之安全性背景資料。TFT-LCD廢玻璃以固液比為0.8及鹼性溶液中SiO2/Na2O之莫耳比為2.0,變化TFT-LCD廢玻璃取代量 (0-40%),並添加不同發泡劑量 (0-2.0%),製成環保防火隔熱板;並評估TFT-LCD廢玻璃鹼激發再利用為環保防火隔熱板之潛力。本計畫主要係利用抗壓強度及抗彎強度來探討添加TFT-LCD廢玻璃對環保防火隔熱板機械強度發展之影響,並輔以初終凝、FTIR及SEM觀察其微結構變化;而環保防火隔熱板則以火焰槍噴燒試體板,測其背板溫度,以瞭解試體板之防火隔熱效果。結果顯示,各材料之毒性特性溶出試驗(TCLP)皆符合法規標準,故具資源化再利用之潛力。高嶺土之主要晶相物種為氧化矽及高嶺土,偏高嶺土主要晶相為氧化矽。另外,TFT-LCD廢玻璃主要晶相為無定形非晶結構。經由材料基本試驗結果得知,TFT-LCD廢玻璃可進一步作為鹼激發再利用為環保防火隔熱板之潛力。
EngTitle Research and Developmenton Recycling TFT-LCD Waste Glass Alkali-activated as Eco-Fireproof/ Thermal
EngAbstract The amount of Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) waste glass dumped into landfills was approximately 9.8×106 tons in Taiwan in 2013. The problem is that TFT-LCD waste glass is not suitable for disposal in landfills, by incineration, or in compost; this makes recycling and re-utilization the best treatment method for its disposal. TFT-LCD waste glass comprises mainly SiO2 and Al2O3 and can be used to prepare cellular geopolymers. The study investigated the effect of the amount of foam agent (0-2%) and waste glass replacement (0%- 40%) on cellular geopolymer. In this investigation, samples underwent a series of tests to determine their quality, including their setting time, compressive strength and flexural strength. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also carried out. During the fire resistance tests, a 10 mm thick geopolymer panel was exposed to an 1100°C flame. The reverse-side temperature of the panel was measured and recorded. The TCLP leaching concentrations for the materials met the EPA’s current regulatory thresholds. The main crystalline phases of kaolinite were SiO2 and Al2O3. The main crystalline phases of metakaolin and waste glass were SiO2 and entirely non-crystalline, respectively. These results indicated that the waste glass-based cellular geopolymer can be used as an eco-thermal insulating board.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立宜蘭大學