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Title 生態綠化社區示範計畫
Abstract 本計畫就環保署指定之10項國內優先推行之社區生態綠化行動方案進行策略撰寫與略評,配合低碳永續家園認證標準,加以整合後提出10個行動方案之評分方式。之後於國內5個社區進行行動方案評鑑與評分表的修訂。 本計畫經多次會商以及社區現場的調查,完成:(1)10個行動項目的行動策略;(2)生態綠化領域10項行動方案的評比標準;(3)挑選全國5個社區,以新訂定的生態綠化評分標準對社區進行體檢,並提出未來綠化行動的建議;(4)針對社區評比中成績落後的新北市野柳社區,協助社區進行生態綠化工作,並將其綠化提案作為社區申請綠化補助的範例;(5)利用社區綠化評鑑優良的新竹市湳中里以及苗栗縣塭內社區,舉辦兩個場次的社區生態綠化觀摩,邀請全國生態綠化社區的組織成員參與。利用這兩個相異的生態環境(都市與鄉村)範例,說明及展示各種生態綠化實施方式的可能性。
EngTitle Green ecological community
EngAbstract This study mainly focuses on reviewing and revising ten action plans of “Green Ecology” of Environmental Protection Agency and the way of applying for local community as well as demonstration the achievements of assessment at two local communities. After several meetings and surveying at the local communities, this study has achieved the original missions on: (1) 10 revised action plans for green ecological community; (2) Setting up different level of main parameters for assessment of green ecological community; (3) Assessing the achievement of green ecological engineering works; (4) Trying to promote the concept of green ecological community; (5) Demonstrating the achievements of two local communities at different ecological environments. The green communities of Nanchung community of Hsinchu city and Wennei community of Miaoli were chosen for demonstration. This report also demonstrates the way of promoting the concept of green ecological community. The results show also the potential way of promoting green community in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學