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Title 以碳酸氫銨溶液處理廢鉛蓄電池回收業硫酸鉛膏之再利用技術研發
Abstract 廢鉛蓄電池回收物料中鉛膏含有大量硫酸鉛成份,其回收率高低直接影響廢鉛蓄電池再利用成本及市場競爭力。有鑑於此,本研究乃針對廢鉛蓄電池的鉛膏進行回收處理技術的探討。目前廢鉛蓄電池中鉛膏處理技術主要利用碳酸鈉、碳酸銨、氫氧化鈉、氯化鈉等,將鉛膏中鉛置換出來,而本研究係採用碳酸氫銨為新型脫硫劑,達成提高鉛膏脫硫效率的目標。尤其本計畫碳酸氫銨的製備係利用氨水捕集煙道廢氣中二氧化碳,不但可以製備碳酸氫銨,還可降低廢氣中溫室氣體的排放量,並利用此套資源再利用循環系統,提高鉛產品純度及價值、提升廢鉛蓄電池再利用比率、降低污染排放、改善管線腐蝕現象、減少能源消耗及改善異味污染等問題。本研究已透過實驗獲得碳酸氫銨可作為鉛膏的脱硫劑並有很好的脱硫效果。氨水捕集二氧化碳生成的碳酸氫銨可用於鉛膏的脱硫。鉛膏脫硫後的濾液中硫酸銨可與氫氧化鈣反應,並通入二氧化碳再生碳酸氫銨脫硫劑。碳酸鉛還原與傳統火法相比,可在850℃溫度下冶煉出鉛錠。
EngTitle Technology Development of Lead Sulfate Paste Reusing for Waste Automotive Battery Recycling Industry
EngAbstract During the waste battery recycling process, lead paste is abundant of lead sulfate whose recovery rate highly influences the profit of battery recycling and the capability of market competition. This project tends to improve the existing battery recycling technology for lead paste in the waste automotive batteries. Current available technologies for waste automotive battery recycling use sodium carbonate, ammonium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, and sodium chloride, to substitute lead sulfate to lead carbonate and chloride in the lead paste. This project firstly apply ammonium bicarbonate as desulfurization reagent, which can be produced by absorbing carbon dioxide in the flue gas with ammonia solution. This innovative technology can not only produce ammonium bicarbonate, but also reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from stacks. The advantages of this innovative technology include high purity and price of lead products, high recycling efficiency of waste automotive battery, low emission of air pollutants, less corrosion problems of pipelines, low energy consumption, and no odorous pollution problems. Experimental results indicated that ammonium bicarbonate can be used as lead paste desulfurization desulfurization agent and have a good efficiency. This project apply ammonium bicarbonate as desulfurization reagent, which can be produced by absorbing carbon dioxide in the flue gas with ammonia solution.This innovative technology can produce ammonium bicarbonate. Ammonium sulfate can react with calcium hydroxide and carbon dioxide to produce ammonium bicarbonate. Compared with the traditional fire assay, the smelting temperature of lead carbonate reduction process, can be reduced to a temperature of 850℃ for lead ingots.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立中山大學