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Title 應用淨化空氣植物綠美化社區公共空間之宣導推廣
Abstract 本年度計畫蒐整社區公共空間空氣污染物相關資訊,並實際測量植物改善空氣品質之能力。於臺北市某社區交誼室、大廳、健身房、瑜珈室、梯廳、鄰里辦公室、鄰里視聽教室、髮廊、鄰里會議室及影印中心進行二氧化碳、甲醛及懸浮微粒濃度取樣及數據分析。結果顯示二氧化碳濃度以鄰里視聽教室最高,超過環保署公告之標準每8小時平均值1000 ppm,其次為影印中心、鄰里辦公室,健身房較低,為488 ppm。交誼室、瑜珈室及鄰里會議室有較高甲醛濃度,且超過環保署公告之標準值每小時0.08 ppm,以大廳之甲醛濃度較低。大廳、梯廳及鄰里會議室之PM2.5、PM10及總懸浮微粒濃度稍高,所測之10個場所24小時平均懸浮微粒濃度皆未超過環保署公告之建議值。於所測社區大廳及影印中心,擺設植物後二氧化碳濃度顯著下降,其餘多數場所之平均二氧化碳濃度未顯著變化。於交誼室及鄰里會議室擺設植物後甲醛濃度顯著下降,其他8場所擺設植物前後甲醛濃度無顯著差異。於交誼室、大廳、瑜珈室及影印中心擺設植物後,懸浮微粒PM2.5、PM10及總懸浮微粒濃度顯著下降。蒐集市場上常見之積成板、木心板、密集板、麗光木心板、五層單板心合板及矽酸鈣板等建材樣品(長50 cm×寬30 cm×高1.8 cm),置於容積128 L封閉壓克力箱內7天後,箱內甲醛濃度分別為1.11、1.10、0.94、0.60、0.53及0.13 ppm,以積成板、木心板及密集板之甲醛釋放量最高,矽酸鈣板最低。測量長50 cm×寬30 cm×高1.8 cm木心板、混凝土模板用合板及五層單板心合板之甲醛釋放,以混凝土模板用合板之甲醛釋放量較高,5天箱內甲醛濃度達13.7 ppm,而木心板及五層單板心合板則較低,分別可使箱內甲醛濃度達3.8 ppm及1.4 ppm。將白鶴芋‘帕拉斯’、火鶴花‘熱情’、山蘇花、波士頓腎蕨及盆菊與木心板或混凝土用合板共置於密閉壓克力箱中,未擺放植物之木心板第5天時箱內甲醛介於0.6-6.4 ppm,擺放植物者則降低至0.003-0.2 ppm;未擺放植物之混凝土模板用合板第5天時箱內甲醛濃度介於0.2-11.2 ppm,擺放植物者則降低至0.002-1.3 ppm。於2013年5/17、5/23、5/30、6/3、6/13、7/4、7/16、7/30、8/27、9/3、9/12、9/23、10/17、10/24及10/28在臺灣北中南東各主要都會區共舉辦15場「室內植物淨化空氣種子教師研習會」。共1176人出席,課後測驗到考1103人,1086人通過測驗,及格率98%。
EngTitle Using indoor plants to reduce air pollutants of community interior places
EngAbstract The aim of the project was to study the indoor air pollutants in ten community locations. Carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde, particulate matter (PM) concentrations were monitored at cafeteria, lobby, gym, yoga room, atrium, community head office, community media classroom, barber, community meeting room, and copy center. Results showed that community media classroom had the highest CO2 concentration, exceeded 1000 ppm as recommended by EPA, and followed by copy center and community head office, whereas gym had the lowest concentration at 488 ppm. Cafeteria, yoga room, and community meeting room had higher formaldehyde concentrations, and exceeded 0.08 ppm as recommended by EPA. Lobby had the lowest formaldehyde concentration. Lobby, atrium, and community meeting room had higher PM concentrations, but all 10 tested locations did not exceed PM concentrations recommended by EPA. Installation of indoor plants reduced CO2 concentrations of lobby and copy center. In most other locations, CO2 concentration did not change after plant installation. Reduced formaldehyde concentrations were measured in cafeteria and community meeting room after plant installation, whereas other locations had no significant changes of formaldehyde concentration. Plant installation reduced PM concentrations of cafeteria, lobby, yoga room, and copy center. Samples (50 cm × 30 cm × 1.8 cm) of market bought particle board lamina, lumber core board, medium density fiberboard, polyester lumber core board, veneer core plywood, and calcium silicate board were placed in sealed 128-L chambers and were monitored for formaldehyde concentrations. At day 7, the chamber formaldehyde concentrations were 1.11, 1.10, 0.94, 0.60, 0.53, and 0.13 ppm, respectively. Each pieces of 50 cm × 30 cm × 1.8 cm lumber core board, veneer core plywood, plywood for concrete form were also monitored for formaldehyde concentrations. At day 5, plywood for concrete form had the highest formaldehyde concentration of 13.7 ppm, where lumber core board and veneer core plywood had 3.8 and 1.4 ppm formaldehyde. One potted plant of Spathiphyllum ‘Palas’, Anthurium ‘Passion’, Asplenium nidus, Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis’, and Dendranthema grandiflorum were placed with one piece of lumber core board or plywood for concrete form. Chambers with plants placed within had lower formaldehyde concentrations, as compared to those without plants. Fifteen tutor conferences were held on May 17, 23, 30, June 3, 13, July 4, 16, August 27, September 3, 12, 23, October 17, 24, and 28 in main towns and cities of Taiwan for promoting community greening. A total of 1,176 people joined.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學