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Title 彰化縣大城鄉低碳永續環境教育總體規劃專案工作計畫
Abstract   環保署與各地方政府為達成第三次全國能源會議所提出的結論,加上2011年環境教育法開始施行,環保署希望能夠結合低碳永續以及環境教育等議題,在彰化縣大城鄉「後國光石化」的時代中,預期以「推動低碳社區示範計畫」來落實行政院所核定的「彰化縣大城鄉經濟振興方案」,其低碳社區的營造,絕大部分是可以建立在多元面向的環境教育的架構上。  本計畫擬以推動低碳暨環境教育社區總體營造工作之規劃,來協助低碳社區的培力以及居民的環境教育觀念建立,強化居民對於自我生長環境的歸屬和認同,改變居民既有的想法和思維,並進一步改善居民的生活品質。計劃初期,將成立10人以上環境教育規劃團隊,提供資源現場調查、現況評估及輔導諮詢等服務,進而選定兩處社區作為未來環境教育課程方案開發的潛力地點。  期中將陸續辦理兩場的環境教育增能課程,主要對象是針對社區志工與學校教師進行環境教育的研習培力,旨在加強教師及社區志工們對環境教育的瞭解,同時促進參與及投入社區工作的意願。至於環境教育課程方案開發的部分,則會以文獻資料及資源現場調查的結果為題材,建置一套包含四個單元及一個體驗式活動的環境教育課程方案。  最後,將以此環境教育課程方案, 對鄉內預定協助課程推展之社區志工及學校教師進行實作訓練,其重點將放在熟練各個環境教育課程方案之目的與帶領技巧上,並在訓練第一批大城鄉低碳永續及環境教育種子教師的過程中找出教學可改進之處,以期共同發展未來二年的中長期環境教育活動。
EngTitle Comprehensive Planning Project on Chang-hua Da-cheng Township for Low-Carbon Sustainability and EE
EngAbstract   Due to the EPA and local governments tried to reach the third National Energy Conference’s conclusions, and the Environmental Education Act was implemented on June 5th 2011. Therefore, towards the “post-Kuokuang petrochemical” era, the EPA is looking forward to combining Low-Carbon Sustainability with Environmental Education. Through “Demo Project for Low-Carbon Community Promotion” is activated by EPA, which would help to fulfill the Administrative Yuan’s “Chang-hua Da-cheng Township Economy Boosting Scheme”. Among those works for Low-Carbon Comprehensive Community Building, almost all those works could base on the multi-structure of Environmental Education.  This project is planning to promote Low-Carbon and Environment Education Comprehensive Community Building, to help the community empowerment for Low-Carbon life and their concepts of Environmental Education. That would strengthen their sense of belonging and identity of self-growing environment, changing the way of thinking and improving their quality of life. In the beginning of project, a ten-professionals EE Committee will be established. They are able to provide service with on-site resource investigations, evaluations and consultancies. Furthermore, the two potential communities will be selected for developing EE program.  In the middle, two EE Empowerment Training courses will be organized. The major participants are community volunteers and school teachers. The aims are strengthening their comprehension of EE and encouraging their will to join the community works. Base on the results of literature research and on-site investigations, a set of 4 units and one experienced EE Teaching Program will be set.  At the end, the project will use this set of EE Teaching Program to train the volunteers and teachers for promoting the EE Teaching Program. The priority is letting them as seed-teachers and familiar with each aims of EE teaching program and practicing skills. Through this procedure, the teaching amendment will be found. That is the nutrition for co-developing EE Teaching Program in the next two years.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 中華民國環境教育學會