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Title 102年度彰化縣臭氧前驅物長期背景監測計畫
Abstract 彰化縣環境保護局為建置臭氧前驅物背景資料及提升臭氧管制成效,遂研提「102年度彰化縣臭氧前驅物長期背景監測計畫」,利用OP-FTIR進行揮發性有機物背景調查工作,並透過臭氧控制機制分析、臭氧管制方案修訂及評估臭氧行動日之可行性等作為,以提升彰化縣臭氧管制工作績效。工作成果概要如下:一、監測成果與空品分析(一)大城鄉東港村大城地區VOCs物種濃度大致皆低於周界標準,且VOCs物種多半呈現未檢出的情形。當大城地區吹南風系列時段,甲烷、氨、臭氧、甲醇、一氧化碳、二氟一氯甲烷及乙炔等物種高濃度出現頻率有增加趨勢。透過國科會質點擴散模擬結果得知,海陸風機制主導大城地區污染物擴散機制。(二)中科二林地區受到中科二林基地基礎工程與二溪路的道路拓寬工程的施工影響,99年至102年PM10年平均濃度明顯提升,雖然濃度有逐年下降但仍高於98年;受到中部空品區整體空品趨勢的變化,中部三縣市臭氧年平均濃度自99年起皆有明顯升高趨勢,惟二林測站呈現下降趨勢。VOCs物種監測,由於中科二林基地周邊產業以農業與畜牧業居多,甲烷、氨氮等環境背景物種顯著;受到測線鄰近工廠、宮廟及農田燃燒等影響,甲苯、丁酮、乙酸乙酯及多環芳香烴...等物種較顯著。而整體污染物濃度皆低於周界標準。(三)屢遭陳情或重大污染源PU皮革業監測結果顯示,由風向判斷、批次式出現的時機及使用原物料等資料,比對該廠運作情形後其相關性吻合度甚高,且二甲基甲醯胺、丁酮與乙酸乙酯等高濃度出現時機有同步的情形,判定污染源由該行業可能性最高。印染業監測結果顯示,由物種出現時機與風向判斷、原物料及製程中逸散的排放物種等,推測異丙醇、乙酸乙酯與甲苯等三種物種應為同一污染源所貢獻,判定此三項物種由印染業產生之可能性頗高。二、臭氧管制策略依據歷年空氣氣品質分析結果與臭氧控制機制顯示,彰化縣臭氧管制未來仍需針對VOCs加強管制,未來管制工作建議,以減少污染量、排放量管制及落實環境教育的角度出發,包括:加嚴VOCs排放管制、清查工業VOCs排放量、分區分段普查死車、提升民眾對於生活中的臭氧防制認知等。。臭氧行動日經初步評估建議可由為彰化縣SIP 計畫發布,發布通報條件依據中部空品區次日臭氧8小時平均值達75-95 ppb時,通報對象包括:縣府各局處室、學校、企業等,通報方式以電子郵件或行動電話簡訊通知。由於臭氧行動日屬於全民減量運動,應以「減少健康危害」的角度倡導民眾由日常生活中著手減少VOCs的排放,待民眾對於臭氧防制意識提高後,再進行第二個階段推動工作,其達成全民減量的效益才可彰顯。
EngTitle The Ozone 2013 long term background monitoring project for ozone precursor for Changhua County
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Bureau of Changhua County has proposed “2013 long term background monitoring project for ozone precursor for Changhua County” in order to set up the background data for ozone precursors and to enhance the ozone control effectiveness. In the project, OP-FTIR is used to perform background survey work for volatile organic compound. Moreover, through actions such as ozone control mechanism analysis, ozone control project revision, and the evaluation of the feasibility of ozone action days, the work performance of ozone control of Changhua County is then enhanced. Finally, the work results are briefed as in the followings: I Monitoring results and air quality analysis(1) Tungkang Township of Dacheng HsiangMost of the concentrations of VOCs species in the Dacheng District are lower than the surrounding standard. Moreover, most of VOCs species are not detectable. In the time periods when south-bound wind dominates in Dacheng District, the frequency of appearance of high concentrations of species such as methane, ammonia, ozone, methanol, CO, difluoro-monochloro-methane and acetylene is in the increasing trend. Through the mass point diffusion simulation result sponsored by National Science Council, it can be seen that sea-land wind mechanism has dominated the pollutant diffusion mechanism in the Dacheng District.(2) Central Taiwan Science Park Erhlin DistrictAffected by the construction of the infrastructure engineering of Central Taiwan National Science Park Erhlin District Base and the road broadening engineering of the Erh-hsi road, the average PM10 concentrations from 2010 to 2013 are obviously higher, although the concentrations are in descending trend year by year, yet it is still higher than that of year 2009. Affected by the entire air quality trend change in the air quality area of central Taiwan, the annual average concentrations of three counties and cities in central Taiwan are significantly higher starting from 2010, however, only theErhlin test station shows a descending trend. For the monitoring of VOCs species, since the peripheral industries in Central Taiwan Science Park Erhlin Base are mostly agriculture and pasturage, environmental background species like methane, ammonia and nitrogen are significant. Since the test lines are affected by the neighboring factories, temples and the burning actions in the farm field, species such as toluene, butanone, ethyl acetate and multi-rings aromatic hydrocarbons are more significant. And the entire pollutant concentration is lower than the surrounding standard. (3) Constantly complained or major pollution sourceFrom the monitoring results of PU leather industry, after a comparison is made among wind direction, timing for batch appearance, data of the raw material used, and the operation situation of the factories, the correlation was found to be very high. Moreover, synchronous appearance was seen for the timing of appearance of high concentrations of dimethylformamide, butanone and ethyl acetate, hence, it was judged that the pollution source comes from that industry. From the monitoring results of the printing and dying industry and from factors such as timing of appearance of the species, wind direction, raw material and the released species emitted from the process,it was estimated that three species such as isopropyl alcohol, ethyl acetate and toluene should be contributed by the same pollution source, hence, it was judged that these three species have very high probability to be generated by dying and printing industry. II Ozone control strategyAccording to the historical air quality analysis results and ozone control mechanism, it was seen that future ozone control job in Changhua County should be emphasized on VOCs control. Suggestions for future control jobs are: Reduction of the pollution quantity, control on the release quantity, and the fulfillment of environmental education. They include: Make strict requirement on VOCs release control, perform entire checking of the release quantity of industrial VOCs, make census of dead vehicles in different areas and different sections, and enhance people’s ozone control recognition in the daily life. After initial evaluation of ozone action days, it was suggested that it can be announced by SIP project of Changhua County, and the announcement condition should be based on 8 hours average ozone concentration of 75~95 ppb of the next day in the air quality area of central Taiwan. The announcement targets include: Bureau, department or office in the County Government, school or enterprises, etc. And the announcement method can be email or text message of mobile phone. Since ozone action days is basically an activity for the quantity reduction among all the nationals of this country, it should be based on the view point of “reduction of the hazard to the health” to ask the general public to reduce the release of VOCs in the daily life, after the ozone control consciousness of the general public is enhanced, the promotional job in the second stage can then be launched. Eventually, the effectiveness of the quantity reduction among all the people in this country can then be seen.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 東禾工程顧問有限公司