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Title 推動低碳永續家園建構及評等考核專案工作計畫
Abstract 推動低碳永續已為世界各國之共同趨勢,而為確保我國未來各項施政均能兼顧低碳建構與永續發展,以引導各部會落實減碳目標及綠色經濟轉型,確保國家競爭力與環境永續,擬藉由本計畫持續完成低碳永續家園推動方案(草案),並建構評等認證制度,分為縣市、鄉鎮市及社區村里層級,逐步擴大推廣,引導公民營機構投入參與,結合縣市相關執行計畫,共同實現黃金十年政策之低碳永續家園願景。
EngTitle Action Plan for Promoting the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland - Establishment and Ranking Evalua
EngAbstract Promoting low-carbon and sustainable development has become a global trend. In order to ensure that low-carbon construction and sustainable development would be taken into consideration when forming future policies to assist each ministry to achieve its carbon reduction goal and promote green economy transformation, this project will completed the “Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program (draft)”; In addition, with the certification scheme established by TEPA, which divides participants into cities\counties, townships, communities and villages level, the program will be promoted step by step. Meanwhile, leading the public and private organizations to join with local government related plans. Furthermore, the certification scheme should also be defined clearly in order to realize the goals listed in the Golden 10 Years Policy.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司