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Title 住商部門建築減碳效果評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 在節能減碳的國際潮流下,我國政府亦展現積極推動建築節能減碳的決心,推動許多的建築節能減碳計畫(方案)。大部分的建築節能減碳計畫是以單一建築物進行節能改造,改造前後可以計算出節約能源效果並換算減碳的效果。但卻缺乏對社區整體以及節能技術全程(life cycle)減碳效果的評估工具,以至於不易評估建築節能計畫對全國減碳目標的效果,也產生政策施行前評估資訊不足的現象。因此本計畫將在環保署與美國能源部合作下,引進國際已有許多案例使用的「EnergyPlus模型」,建立台灣建築與設備等本土資料庫,建立「EnergyPlus模型」節能減碳評估技術在台灣使用的示範案例,以及台灣社區整體節能減碳效益之評估,以供委辦單位評估建構建築部門之減量策略與預期減碳效益。本工作計畫工作目標如下:(一)建置住商建築能源模擬模型(Energy Plus),進行住宅與商業建築減碳技術評估。(二)建置低碳減量策略評估模型之本土化建築相關資料。(三)試行低碳社區減碳效果策略評析(以EnergyPlus模型)與溫室氣體模擬模型減碳整合策略評析。(四)建置住商部門溫室氣體模擬模型模組,進行住宅與服務業部門減碳策略評估。(五)協助掌握國際相關組織發展動態,促進我國低碳社區/城市減碳策略與經驗之交流。
EngTitle Assessment of residential and commercial buildings Energy conservation and CO2 mitigation effect pro
EngAbstract In the international trend of energy saving and carbon reduction, our government also shown a determination to actively promote building energy saving and carbon reduction, executed many building energy saving and carbon reduction programs. Most of the building energy saving and carbon reduction programs aim at a single building for energy saving. Energy conservation effect can be calculated and also effect of carbon reduction by the transformation, but lack of assessment tools for the effect of arbon reduction for community as a whole as well as energy-saving technology throughout whole life cycle. It cause that building energy saving effort and carbon reduction effort for whole country difficult to assess and assessment information prior to the implementation of a policy. This project will cooperate with national laboratory of DOE, USA, to introduce EnergyPlus model that had been used by many international case, to create local building and equipment database and to establish demo cases of energy saving and carbon reduction effort assessment by Taiwan local EnergyPlus model. This project also use that model to analysis CO2 mitigations measures effect in low carbon city. All the result will be reference for Taiwan EPA. The goal of this project are :1.Develop EnergyPlus model for Taiwan Residencial and commercial buildings and assess energy saving and carbon reduction technologies.2.Investigate and Set up local database of low carbon building’s EnergPlus model.3.Link assessment of EnergyPlus model and CO2 mitigations analysis model ( Markal) Establishing cooperation channels with international low-carbon research teams in exchange of low carbon city policies and assessment methodology.4.Develop greenhouse gas simulation model for residential and commercial.buildings and assess of Residential and service sector carbon reduction strategy.5.Help grasp the developments of the international organizations, to promote the exchange of experience for carbon reduction strategies and Taiwan's low-carbon communities / cities.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院