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Title 永續發展國際論壇及聯合國永續發展大會(Rio+20)成果追蹤及因應專案工作計畫
Abstract 聯合國於2012年6月20-22日於里約辦理「聯合國永續發展大會」,為了解各國於Rio+20後續因應作為,本計畫透過聯合國及國際資料蒐集,共蒐集聯合永續發展目標研擬、聯合國環境規劃署之強化、高層政治論壇之辦理以及自願性承諾提報等相關資料,供行政院永續會參考。本計畫並協辦行政院永續發展委員會於2013年9月13日假國家圖書館國際會議廳辦理「2013永續發展國際論壇」之辦理,共邀請來自德國、加拿大、美國及韓國共四位國外專家及三位國內專家擔任講者,並邀請行政院國家永續發展委員會委員擔任主持人,本次會議共計219人次參加。此外,為了解國際間永續發展指標狀況,本計畫蒐集澳洲、德國、加拿大、韓國、英國及日本等六國之永續發展指標,並我們要的未來條文,與我國現有永續發展指標相對應,提出我國永續發展指標修正建議,供行政院永續會參考。今年度亦會協助彙整「2012年永續發展指標」書據結果,並編撰「2012年永續發展指標」現況報告書,以評量我國2012年永續發展成效。
EngTitle The follow-up of Rio+20 and held the 2013 International Forum on Sustainable Development
EngAbstract The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development(Rio+20)was held in Rio de Janeiro on June 20~22, 2012. In order to realize the follow-up actions between the world, the project collect the information from UN and other international organization. Four theme actions for the national council for sustainable development for reference such as develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were provided to strengthen the UNEP function, the High Level Political Forum and the Voluntary commitments. The 2013 International Forum on Sustainable Development was held on Sep. 13, 2013. There are seven speakers and three moderators. The speakers shared their international experience with the participants. There are 219 people attend the 2013 forum. To realize the trend of the sustainable development indicators around the world, sustainable development indicators from six countries were chosen for the study. In accordance with the sustainable development indicators around the world and the future we want, we make some suggestions for the Taiwan Sustainable Development Indicators. The project also completed a report on “2012 Sustainable Development Indicator in Taiwan”.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會