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Title 102-綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境衛生計畫
Abstract 台東地區近年致力發展觀光產業,政策方向既定,各項觀光產業所需之搭配事項即為政府所應致力規劃及執行之部分;為營造美好生活觀光之環境形象,台東縣致力於全縣各區域環境衛生維護不遺餘力,其中海岸地區環境衛生管理更為執行重點之一,且近年來環保署實施「清淨家園、全民運動」考核活動,各項環境衛生清潔維護更成為指標性之成果展現。
EngTitle 102 - Green Island Township and Lanyu Township environmental health programs
EngAbstract Taitung area in recent years, efforts to develop the tourism industry, policy direction established, with matters of the tourism industry is the government should endeavor to plan and perform the part of; sightseeing environmental image to create a better life, Taitung County is committed to all regions of the countyenvironmental health maintenance spare no effort in environmental health management of coastal areas more perform one of the priorities, and the implementation of "clean their homes in recent years, the EPA, the national sport" assessment activities, the environmental sanitation cleaning and maintenance have become indicative of the results to show.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 聯聖工程顧問股份有限公司