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Title 嘉義市細懸浮微粒管制對策及健康風險評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫透過嘉義市大氣中懸浮微粒PM2.5採樣與分析,瞭解懸浮微粒對民眾健康危害之關係及影響性。共完成之工作包含第一季(偏北風季節)之各特定場所PM2.5直讀式採共40點次、第二季(偏南風季節)之各特定場所PM2.5直讀式採共20點次,人工採樣部分,於行政院環境保護署測站興嘉國民小學,進行三季(五月、七月及九月)共12點次採樣,分析PM2.5樣本之質量濃度與成分比例,與各污染來源作對照,並利用受體模式分析嘉義測站、之污染來源,探討污染物主要來源及貢獻量。以下是本計畫成果摘要:1. 嘉義市交通頻繁路口平日以傍晚交通尖峰時段PM2.5濃度較高,下午非尖峰時間PM2.5濃度則明顯較低,尖離峰差異明顯,推測受交通車流量之影響,假日之車流型態及貢獻與平日不同,於離峰時段之車流量高於平日,導致假日交通頻繁路口之尖離峰PM2.5濃度差異縮小。平日人為活動頻繁處PM2.5濃度以住商混和區較純住宅區高,尖離峰濃度差以純住宅區較大,且於假日出現尖離峰時段反轉之特性,推測假日純住宅區之居民於下午活動較為頻繁。郊區背景濃度尖峰離峰時均低於法規日平均標準。2. 嘉義市汽車通勤情境車內循環空調模式即使是平日尖峰時刻車內濃度亦僅有0.6 μg/m3,顯示乘坐於汽車內通勤之民眾可得到良好的屏障,免除暴露於PM2.5濃度。內外循環空調模式PM2.5濃度稍微上升但仍屬極低值(1~2 μg/m3),顯示空調之空氣過濾元件作動良好,可控制PM2.5濃度於相對低值。3. 嘉義市機車通勤情境PM2.5濃度呈現間歇性讀值,推測因機車行駛間切線風速高使直讀採樣器吸引量不足所致,平日高值出現於嘉義市區之路段,假日高值出現於假日忠孝路北段。此外機車行駛間主要濃度貢獻由號誌停等怠速期間,因此可由「交通頻繁路口」之採樣結果獲得機車騎士之PM2.5暴露濃度資訊。4. 嘉義市公車通勤情境之PM2.5高濃度值集中於前2~6分鐘,尤其於公車停等區尚未上車前之暴露濃度遠高於車內濃度,最高可達25 μg/m3,亦為各類通勤情境中最高者,反之於公車行進間車內濃度則與汽車內濃度相若,因此建議民眾若以公車作為通勤工具,則於公車停等區等待時應做好自身防護措施,則可大幅降低PM2.5之暴露。5. 第一季(五月)嘉義測站PM2.5人工採樣日均值介於9.7~54.9 g m-3,前二次所採得之PM2.5濃度偏高,而在後二次採樣之前與之後均有間歇性小雨,可見降雨強度及延時不需大或長即可有效降低空氣中PM2.5濃度。空間分布上以本市西方之育人國小及北方之宏仁女中有較高PM2.5濃度,因採樣期間風向偏西北,前述位於市區上風處之採樣點濃度均較下風處之嘉義測站高,顯示除市區交通及人為活動外,於本市西北可能有污染源對PM2.5濃度產生貢獻。成分組成部分,興嘉國小大氣PM2.5以水溶性離子(SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、F-及Cl-)佔最多有37.7%,其次為總碳含量,佔有35.1%,金屬總量有10.3%及未能分析出之成分有16.9%。離子成分以SO42-最多,佔PM2.5 mass的20.5%,其次是Cl-的6.1%,再者為NO3-的5.6%、NH4+的4.4%及Na+之3.2%。含碳成分中以OC最多,佔PM2.5質量的17.6%,EC則為13.7%。6. 第二季(七~九月)嘉義測站PM2.5人工採樣日均值介於8.8~19.9 g m-3之間,由於本季颱風帶來豐沛雨量影響,以及夏季熱對流強盛導致午後雷陣雨頻繁發生,本季所採得之PM2.5濃度偏低,由此可證降雨可有效降低空氣中PM2.5濃度。空間分布上以本市宏仁女中有較高PM2.5濃度,顯示該測點因靠近市區,交通及人為活動而產生之PM2.5高於其他地區。本季於興嘉國小各成分佔質量比例,最高者為水溶性離子(SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、F-及Cl-)有43.0%,其次為總碳含量,約佔30.8%,金屬總量有21.9%及未能分析出之成分有4.3%。離子成分依然以SO42-最多,佔PM2.5 mass的29.1%,其次是Na+的8.3%,再者為NO3-的8.0%、K+的5.3%及Cl-之5.2%。含碳成分中仍然以OC最多,佔PM2.5質量的17.2%,EC則為13.5%,EC與OC之平均百分比相較於第一季差異並不大。7. 第三季(九~十月)嘉義測站PM2.5人工採樣日均值介於19.2~38.8 g m-3之間,由於介於西北風與東南風向轉換之際,故總體而言嘉義測站與上述之周界測站PM2.5濃度較相近。本季所採得之PM2.5濃度有增高之趨勢,沒有降雨情形來掃除空中PM2.5,因此其濃度較具有代表性,表示嘉義市平時空氣中存在之PM2.5濃度偏高。本季兩次採樣102年9月7日及13日於興嘉國小各成分佔質量比例,以水溶性離子(SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、F-及Cl-)佔最多有37.8%,其次為總碳含量,佔有30.1%,金屬總量有19.9%及未能分析出之成分有12.2%。在離子成分中佔最比例的為SO42-,佔PM2.5 mass的23.5%,其次是NO3-的6.3%,再者為Cl-的6.3%、K+的4.2%及Na+之6.3%。含碳成分中EC與OC佔的比例相近,EC佔PM2.5質量的15.1%,而OC則為15.0%。8. 本計畫人工採樣於三季均與環保署人工採樣同步,平行比對之R2分別為0.9998、0.9877及0.974,二者具高度線性相關;而本計畫之人工採樣與環保署自動連續監測之比對,三季之R2分別為0.962、0.960及0.917,亦屬高度線性相關,而線性回歸之斜率為0.948、1.506及1.481,顯示第二、三季首/自動採樣法結果有明顯差異,須經過一係數轉換,可觀察到環保署自動採樣之PM2.5濃度有偏高的趨勢,尤其空氣中PM2.5濃度較低時易出現高估結果。綜合全年採樣結果之平行比對,本計畫手動與環保署手動之R2為0.978,斜率為1.033,顯示二方法平均值比對十分相近;本計畫全年人工採樣與環保署自動連續監測之比對,R2為0.924,斜率為1.036,亦顯示二方法平均值比對十分相近。9. 嘉義市所有測站樣本之受體模式解析,模式分析指標如判定係數(R2)、卡方值(Chi square)與自由度(Degree of freedom)均可達到模式要求。10. 5月份採樣期間平均而言,興嘉測站最大之污染源為交通排放(44.6 %),其次為硫酸銨(18.9 %),生質燃燒(17.4 %),之後依序是地殼物質(10.0 %)、海鹽飛沫(9.5 %)、鋼鐵業(3.8 %)、硝酸鹽(1.7 %)及水泥業(0.8 %),而未定量則高估6.7 %。其中除了硫酸銨、海鹽飛沫、鋼鐵業之解析較為穩定外,其他污染源解析在時間尺度上之解析變動較大。11. 7月採樣期間平均而言,交通排放貢獻比例以興嘉測站最高(55.2 %),其他依序為蘭潭測站(48.2 %)、宏仁測站(35.7 %)及育人測站(34.4 %)。硫酸銨貢獻比例以蘭潭測站最高(37.8 %),其他依序為興嘉測站(35.0 %)、育人測站(31.6 %)及宏仁測站(28.6 %)。海鹽飛沫貢獻比例以蘭潭測站最高(21.2 %),其他依序為興嘉測站(17.2 %)、育人測站(17.2 %)及宏仁測站(13.5 %)。前三大污染源之推估貢獻量於興嘉、蘭潭、育人及宏仁測站分別為107.6、107.2、83.2及77.7 %,而前三大之污染源空間分佈差異上以硫酸銨及海鹽飛沫較小且趨勢一致,但交通排放之空間變異則相對明顯且其他不同。另外,電力業則順利被解析出來,主要之原因是夏季之風向為南風,且大氣混合層相對較高造成位於高雄地區之電力業排放微粒,經長程傳輸影響嘉義市之採樣測站,其影響程度以蘭潭測站最大(9.1 %),其他依序為育人測站(6.8 %)、宏仁測站(3.9 %)及興嘉測站(1.9 %)。12. 9月份採樣期間平均而言,交通排放貢獻比例以蘭潭測站最高(68.2 %),其他依序為興嘉測站(50.5 %)、育人測站(49.8 %)及宏仁測站(30.9 %)。硫酸銨貢獻比例以宏仁測站最高(47.5 %),其他依序為蘭潭測站 (39.9 %)、育人測站(29.4 %)及興嘉測站(23.5 %)。生質燃燒貢獻比例以宏仁測站最高(19.0 %),其他依序為興嘉測站 (18.7 %)、育人測站(9.2 %)及蘭潭測站(未解析出),海鹽飛沫貢獻比例以宏仁測站最高(13.8 %),其他依序為育人測站 (10.5 %)、興嘉測站(9.8 %)及蘭潭測站(8.8 %)。地殼物質貢獻量比例以育人測站最高(9.7 %),其他依序為宏仁測站(8.0 %)、蘭潭測站(4.5 %)及興嘉測站(4.2 %)。前三大污染源之推估貢獻量於蘭潭、宏仁、興嘉及育人測站分別為108.1、97.4、92.6及88.4 %,而前三大之污染源空間分佈變異大。另外,電力業被水泥業取代被解析出來,主要之原因是應是風向改變之原因,此時之風向以北風為主,其影響程度以育人測站最大(3.8 %),其他依序為興嘉測站(3.1 %)、蘭潭測站(2.0 %)及宏仁測站(未解析出)。13. 本計畫對本市之原生性污染源提出建議之管制策略,包括(1) 固定污染源管制:加油站油氣回收管制、餐飲油煙管制。(2) 移動源管理:機動車輛停車怠速管理、機車定期檢驗、柴油車自主管理、二行程機車汰舊及補助政策、推廣油氣雙燃料車、補助電動汽機車。(3) 逸散污染源管制:道路認養洗掃、禁止露天焚燒、推動寺廟以米/功代金。14. 跨縣市傳輸之二次衍生型PM2.5部分,在環保署進行全國整合防制前,建議本市與鄰近縣市如嘉義縣、雲林縣、台南縣與台南市等組成PM2.5資訊共通策略聯盟,目的為達下風縣市出現濃度高值時得以追朔主要貢獻源、而非僅於轄區內進行原生物種之控管,該聯盟可透過定期舉行會議,提出地域性污染事件,並搭配各季氣象條件,以達雲嘉南空品區PM2.5綜合管理效果。
EngTitle Control Strategy and Health Risk Assessment of Fine Particulate Matter in Chiayi City
EngAbstract Through this project, Chiayi City atmospheric aerosols PM2.5 sampling and analysis to understand the suspended particulate hazards to public health and affect sexual relationships . The work includes the completion of the first quarter (northerly wind season) each of the specific areas of PM2.5 direct reading taken 40 points times the second quarter (southerly wind season) each of the specific areas of mining PM2.5 direct reading 20:00 times , manual sampling part , on EPA Xing Jia Guomin primary station for three quarters (May, July and September) 12:00 samples were analyzed samples PM2.5 mass concentration and composition ratio with the various sources of pollution as a control , and using receptor modeling analysis Chiayi station , the sources of pollution sources and explore the contributions of the main pollutants . The following is the work accomplished during this project received a preliminary summary of the results :1. Chiayi City due to heavy traffic intersection in the evening rush hour on weekdays higher concentrations of PM2.5 , PM2.5 concentration in the afternoon non- peak hours was significantly lower off-peak sharp differences are significant , suggesting that the impact of traffic by traffic , the traffic Holidays and contribution of different types on weekdays , at off-peak hours of traffic than usual , leading to frequent crossing of the holiday traffic peak concentration of PM2.5 from sharp narrowing the gap . Frequent human activities on weekdays at the PM2.5 concentration mixed residential and commercial area than pure residential high, sharp deviation from the peak concentration in pure residential area larger, and on holidays appear sharp reversal characteristics of off-peak hours , suggesting that residents of Holiday pure residential area more frequent in the afternoon activities . Suburban background concentrations were lower than when the peak off-peak day average standards and regulations .2. Chiayi City car commuting situation recirculated air mode even weekday rush hour car concentration is also just 0.6 μg/m3, display of riding in a car commuting people get good barrier, eliminating exposure to PM2.5 concentrations. PM2.5 concentrations inside and outside the cycle air conditioning mode increased slightly but still very low value (1~2 μg/m3), shows the air filter elements for air moving well, can be controlled at a relatively low concentration of PM2.5 .3. Chiayi City commuter locomotive situational PM2.5 concentrations showed intermittent readings , presumably due to high wind speed locomotive traveling between the tangent to make direct reading sampler attract insufficient due to the high value appears weekdays in Chiayi city 's roads , high value holidays appeared in the holiday Zhongxiao northbound . In addition locomotive traveling major contribution from the semaphore concentration during idling stop, etc. , so by "heavy traffic intersection" of the sampling results obtained motorcyclists PM2.5 exposure concentration information.4. Chiayi City Bus commuter situational high concentrations of PM2.5 values concentrated in the first 2 to 6 minutes , especially at bus stops and other areas not on the front of the car is much higher than the concentration of exposure concentrations up to 25 μg/m3, also the highest of all kinds of commuter scenario , whereas in the road between the bus and the car interior concentrations comparable concentrations , it is recommended that the public as a commuter bus terms of tools , then wait at bus stops and other areas should make their own protective measures , you can significantly reduce the exposure to PM2.5 .5. The first season (May) Chiayi station daily average PM2.5 manual sampling ranged 9.7~54.9 μg m-3, the first two of PM2.5 mined high concentrations , and in the post- secondary sampling both before and after intermittent rain, rainfall intensity and visible without large or long delay can effectively reduce the concentration of PM2.5 in the air . Spatial distribution of educating people in the city west and north of Grace Elementary School Girls have a higher concentration of PM2.5 , wind northwest side due to the sampling period , the aforementioned downtown upwind of sampling points downwind concentrations than the Chiayi station is high, show that apart from urban traffic and human activities, there may be sources of pollution in the city's northwest on the concentration of PM2.5 generated contributions. Component part of the Ka-hing elementary to soluble ions in PM2.5 (SO42-, NO3-, NH4 +, F- and Cl-) accounted for up to 37.7% , followed by total carbon content , occupy 35.1% of total metal there are 10.3% and failed to analyze the composition of 16.9%. Up to SO42- ion components , accounting for 20.5% of PM2.5 mass , followed by 6.1% of Cl- , NO3- addition to the 5.6%, NH4 + and Na + 4.4% 3.2% . Up to OC carbonaceous component , accounting for PM2.5 mass 17.6%, EC was 13.7%.6. The second season (June to August) Chiayi station daily average PM2.5 manual sampling ranged 8.8~19.9 μg m-3 between the typhoon season brought abundant rainfall impact and lead to strong thermal convection in summer afternoon thunderstorms occur frequently mined season low concentration of PM2.5 , which can effectively reduce rainfall provable concentration of PM2.5 in the air . Spatial distribution Grace Girls in the city have a higher concentration of PM2.5 , showing that the measuring point is close to the city due to traffic and human activities arising PM2.5 higher than other regions. Season at Hing Ka Elementary mass ratio of each component accounted for , the highest water-soluble ions (SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, F- and Cl-) with 43.0%, followed by the total carbon content of about 30.8% , metal there are 21.9% and total failure analysis of the ingredients are 4.3%. Ionic components still to SO42- up , accounting for 29.1% of PM2.5 mass , followed by 8.3% Na+ , NO3- addition to the 8.0%, K+ and Cl- 5.3% 5.2% . Carbonaceous components still OC most, accounting for PM2.5 mass 17.2%, EC was 13.5%, EC and OC percentage compared to the average in the first quarter is not much difference .7. The third quarter (September to October) Chiayi station daily average PM2.5 manual sampling ranged 19.2~38.8 μg m-3 , between the northwest wind and Southeast wind between conversion of the occasion, so overall Chiayi station and the perimeter of the station PM2.5 concentrations than similar. Mined season have increased the concentration of PM2.5 trend , no rain situation to eliminate air PM2.5, so its concentration has a more representative , which means that Chiayi City usually present in the air of the high concentration of PM2.5. Season two samples 102 years on September 7 and the 13th country in the Ka-hing quality accounted for a small proportion of each component , water-soluble ions (SO42-, NO3-, NH4 +, F- and Cl-) accounted for up to 37.8% followed by the total carbon content, occupy 30.1%, 19.9 %, and the total amount of metal failed to analyze the composition of 12.2%. Accounted for most of the ion composition ratio of SO42-, PM2.5 mass accounted for 23.5%, followed by 6.3% NO3-, Cl- addition to the 6.3%, K+ and Na + 4.2% of 6.3%. Carbonaceous components EC and OC proportion similar , EC accounted for 15.1% of PM2.5 mass , while the OC was 15.0% .8. Manual sampling at three seasons of this project are synchronized with the EPA manual sampling , parallel comparison of R2 0.9998,0.9877 and 0.974 , respectively , both highly linear correlation ; manual sampling plan and the automatic and continuous monitoring with EPD the comparison of the three quarters of R2 were 0.962,0.960 and 0.917 , is also highly linear correlation , and the slope of the linear regression 0.948,1.506 and 1.481 , showing the second and third quarters first / automatic sampling, the results were significantly different , subject to a conversion factor can be observed in the EPD automatic sampling of PM2.5 concentrations higher trend, especially at low concentration of PM2.5 in the air prone to overestimate the results. Consolidated annual sampling results of the comparison operation , the project manual and EPA Manual of R2 is 0.978 , a slope of 1.033 , compared to the average show two methods are very similar ; manual sampling of the annual plan with the EPD automatic and continuous monitoring the comparison , R2 is 0.924 , a slope of 1.036 , also shows that the average ratio for the two methods are very similar.9. Hing Ka stations receptor model analysis of the first quarter , the largest sources of emissions from transport (between 29.7-103.1 %, with an average of 44.6%), followed by ammonium sulfate (range 14.7-27.1 %, with an average of 18.9%) , the third largest source of pollution compared to biomass burning (range 0-39.2 %, with an average of 17.4%) , followed in descending order crust (average 10.0%), sea salt spray (average 9.5%) , iron and steel industry (3.8%) , nitrate (1.7%) and cement industry (0.8%) , but not quantitatively overestimated by 6.7% . With the exception of ammonium sulfate, sea salt spray, stable steel industry analysis , other sources resolved at parse time scale of a large jump .10. Ka-hing stations receptor model analysis of the second quarter , the largest sources of emissions from transport (between 50.8-67.3 % , with an average of 55.2%) , followed by ammonium sulfate (range 31.5-45.1 % , with an average of 35.0%) , the third largest source of pollution compared to salt spray (range 14.3-25.4 % , with an average of 17.5%) , followed in turn, are the steel industry (average 10.4%) , electricity industry (average 1.9%) and nitrate (1.7%) , raw mass burning (0.0%) and crustal material (0.0%) did not find this analysis , without quantitative overestimated by 20.5% . With the exception of ammonium sulfate, sea salt spray, stable steel industry analysis , other sources resolved at parse time scale of beating bigger.11. Ka-hing stations receptor model analysis of the third quarter , the largest source of pollution is still as transport emissions (range 35.8-59.4 % , with an average of 50.5%) , followed by ammonium sulfate (between 15.7-36.2% , with an average 23.5 %) , the third largest source of pollution compared to biomass burning (range 16.2-22.8 % , with an average of 18.7%) in the first quarter situation is the same , after the order is sea salt spray (average 9.8%) , crustal material (an average of 4.2%) and cement industry (3.1%) , while the steel industry (0.0%) , nitrate (0.0%) did not find this analysis , without quantitative overestimate of 9.7%. With the exception of ammonium sulfate, sea salt spray, stable steel industry analysis , other sources resolved at parse time scale of beating bigger.12. The plan of the city's original nature of the pollution control strategy recommendations , including(A) stationary sources control : oil and gas recovery control , catering fume control;(B) Mobile Source Management: idling motor vehicle parking management, periodic inspection locomotives , diesel vehicles self-management;(C) Fugitive Source Control : Adopt road sweeping , banning open burning, promote temples in m / reactive voucher;(D) Low-carbon city / air quality related projects oriented: stroke motorcycles replace old and subsidy policies to promote oil and gas dual-fuel vehicles, electric cars and motorcycles subsidies.As for the city and the county's second -derived PM2.5 transmission part, a national integrated prevention in EPA recommended before the city and neighboring counties such as Chiayi County, Yunlin County , Tainan County and Tainan City and other components PM2.5 information common strategic alliance for the purpose of reach high concentrations downwind counties appear to be traced when the main contribution to the value of the source , not just in the area for the control of native species, the alliance through regular meetings, proposed regional pollution event, and with each season meteorological conditions in order to reach the Southwest District PM2.5 air quality integrated management results.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 正修科技大學