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Title 聚乳酸回收料再製可分解生物質塑膠膜之探討
Abstract 近年國內環保意識抬頭,政府提倡節能減碳與環境保護政策推廣下,生質塑膠聚乳酸 (Polylactic acid, PLA) 已有替代一些傳統塑膠,使用於市場上部份包裝容器產品。PLA進口隨著使用量有逐年增加的趨勢,為因應未來可能累積龐大的PLA回收塑料,因此PLA回收料再製商品的研究與開發,成為本計畫的研究重點。本研究計畫區分為三部份進行探討。實驗第一部分乃針對PLA回收塑料的處理程序之建立,並藉由研磨過篩程序搭配擠壓機熱加工分離程序,獲得純度較高的PLA回收再製粒以供後續實驗使用。實驗第二部份則導入生質材料(如澱粉)、相容劑與PLA回收再製粒經擠壓加工共混煉,製成具有良好生物可分解性之生物質混煉樹脂。同時將此樹脂經吹膜加工程序,驗證其製成商業膜、袋類產品之可能性。實驗第三部份將利用酵素分解環境及模擬多菌相分解環境,進行回收PLA再製生質塑膠膜的生物可分解性評估,了解本計畫開發的塑膠膜內PLA回收料比例對應生物分解性之關聯性。 成果摘要如下:第一部分結果顯示將研磨時間提升至90秒時,則PLA純度約為97.3%-99.6%,而回收率可提升至78.7-93.3%。接著以96.9% PLA純度之樣本,進行擠壓加工過濾程序,結果顯示雜質可被過濾。第二部份顯示膜厚為0.03mm時,PLA原料添加量10%-50%,拉力約為12MPa-17MPa,延伸率約為930%-170%。PLA下腳料(pr-PLA)添加10%-50%部分,拉力約為7MPa-11MPa,延伸率約為885%-40%。PLA乾淨回收料(cr-PLA)添加10%-50%部分,拉力約為8MPa-11MPa,延伸率約為570%-28%。PLA回收廠回收料(r-PLA)添加10%-50%部分,拉力約為10MPa-15MPa,延伸率約為427%-18%。由此結果顯示,回收PLA再製品之機械物性受到不同回收來源的影響。第三部份結果顯示,於酵素分解環境,60天分解時間下,添加10%-50%之pr-PLA,其分解率約為36%-86%,添加10%-50%之cr-PLA,其分解率約為40%-84%,而添加10%-50% r-PLA,其分解率約為36%-86%。以模擬多菌相分解環境,60天分解時間下,添加添加10%-50%之pr-PLA,其分解率約為18%-46%,添加10%-50%之cr-PLA,其分解率約為10%-44%,而添加10%-50% r-PLA,其分解率約為14%-48%。顯示不同回收來源之PLA再製膜對分解率具有影響。
EngTitle Explore remanufactured biodegradable plastic films by polylactic acid recycled material
EngAbstract Due to the awareness of environmental protection, the promotion of energy saving and the reducing carbon dioxide initiated by the government. The biomass plastics, e.g. poly-lactic acid (PLA), have been used to replace some of the traditional plastics, e.g. plastic container. Since the increasing quantities of imported PLA that will result in the increasing quantities of recycled PLA materials, the investigation of using recycled PLA as the plastic materials for manufacturing usable products becomes the major topic of this research proposal. There are three parts of experimental arrangement in this proposal. The first part of experiment is the design of proper pretreatment procedure to reduce the contamination of recycled PLA. This part of experiment will include an extrusion combining filtration process to make the less-contaminated recycled PLA pellets. The second part of experiment will be a design of compounding process that including the biomass, e.g. starch, compatibilizers, and recycled PLA. The compounded materials will be proceeded to make the plastic products, e.g. plastic films or bags, with good biodegradability. The third part of experiment of this research will be the setup of enzymatic and also the multi-microbes environments that will be used to test the biodegradability of the recycled PLA compounded plastics. The success of this study will promote the fruitful industries of using the recycled PLA for the manufacture of reusable plastic products that will be degradable harmlessly and returning to the nature.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 大同大學