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Title 「低碳永續家園社會行為科學與評比工具組行動項目推動專案工作計畫」
Abstract 本計畫為環保署「低碳永續家園推動方案」運作機能中第10組「社會行為科學與評比工具」組之行動項目推動計畫,目的為建構「企業低碳永續認證評比」行動項目和「低碳永續推廣展示活動」行動項目成為開發專案及推廣專案,並協助環保署持續辦理本組之技術與諮詢小組相關推動與諮詢會議。「企業低碳永續認證評比」,係參考碳揭露專案(CDP)、中華民國企業環保獎及國家永續發展獎等國內外企業評比認證方式架構,「企業低碳永續認證評比」行動項目為規劃環保署鼓勵縣市政府未來推動企業低碳永續認證評比之重要參考工具。「低碳永續推廣展示活動」,則考量縣市不同層級(如縣市、鄉鎮、村里社區及學校)所執行活動的效力及成果的展現將會有所差異,可藉由填寫本計畫提出之低碳永續推廣展示活動實施成果報告表來說明各層級政府與單位的執行效益。本計畫為規劃環保署鼓勵縣市政府推動企業低碳永續認證評比行動,另外,低碳永續推廣展示活動則利用環保署訂定之環保低碳活動LOGO配合事項,鼓勵辦理各項活動時,應注意活動規劃、執行及後續工作之過程中,儘可能減少碳排放。特藉由辦理2場次推動輔導會議、2場次觀摩會議與企業及縣市環保局等進行討論與意見交流,並鼓勵縣市政府能有效運用「企業低碳永續認證評比」和「低碳永續推廣展示活動」作為行動項目參考。
EngTitle Planning for social behavior and certification tools for sustainable low-carbon homeland
EngAbstract There are ten action plans for the “sustainable low-carbon homeland”, and the “Social behavior and certification tools” project is the tenth of them, aimed at developing "sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraisal" and "sustainable low-carbon promotion exhibition", and assist EPA to conduct technical and advisory group meeting.In terms of the "sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraisal" we refer to related sustainable development certified appraisal framework both domestic and international such as CDP, Annual enterprises environmental protection Award, National sustainable development Award. "Sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraisal" action item is an important tool for EPA to promote sustainable low-carbon enterprise certification.Regarding the implementation and performance different from counties at different levels (county, township, village communities and schools), each unit can illustrate the implementation result by fill in the “sustainable low-carbon promotion exhibition” result report. This plan is for EPA to encourage city and county government to promote sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraise. In addition, with the use of the environment friendly low-carbon LOGO, reducing carbon emissions can be strength when holding sustainable low-carbon promotion exhibition. By holding two promote counseling event and two observe meeting, we exchange views with companies and Department of environmental protection, and encourage city and county government to use the "sustainable low-carbon enterprise certified appraisal" and "sustainable low-carbon promotion exhibition" effectively.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 社團法人中華民國企業永續發展協會