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Title 101年度關渡自然公園水磨坑溪人工溼地操作維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫於101年5月19日至102年5月18日期間,執行人工溼地場址之各項操作維護工作,並按月定期提送月報資料、環境教育宣導相關工作、緩衝池與終沉池清淤工作、八吋脆裂管筏把手汰換更新作業、按月定期水質檢測、兩次生態調查作業、操作維護手冊修訂及操作維護人員教育訓練等事項。確保場址引入流量可有效維持至少2,000 CMD以上(除相關設施維修與測試、颱風與豪雨警報需調節水位、清淤作業等因素暫停引水外),使人工溼地系統可有效運作,改善水磨坑溪水體水質。場址水質定期檢測結果統計,其場址地入流及出流之平均水質變化,溶氧由4.63mg/L提昇為5.74mg/L (提昇率23.97%;設計目標:達3.0mg/L以上)、生化需氧量由9.44mg/L下降至3.34mg/L(移除率64.62%;設計目標:達8.0mg/L以下)、氨氮由1.21mg/L下降為0.20mg/L (移除率83.47%;設計目標:達3.0mg/L以下);而場址年度最大之污染移除總量,生化需氧量約為3,398 kg、氨氮約為136 kg、懸浮固體約為25,289 kg。對於污染之移除,已達到原設計之目標,並成為環境教育展示場所,促進關渡自然公園之永續經營。此外,透過解說導覽、宣導、體驗等活動方式,辦理環境教育宣導工作及多元環境教育研習及體驗課程,總計有517人次參加。有助於參訪民眾更深入瞭解本場址相關設施、功用及污染淨化效益,亦讓人工溼地更具吸引力,藉此達到環境教育宣導之效果。
EngAbstract The tasks of this project were proposed to maintain the normal operation for the constructed wetland at Guandu Natural Park, to promote environmental education for wetland, and to adjust the affiliated instruments in wetland. The duration of tasks was assigned for one full year since May 19 of 2012 to May 18 of 2013. After the completion of this project, there are several accomplishments as following:The constructed wetland may function as a water treatment site on daily 2,000CMD treatment capacity normally, which reduced the concentration of BOD from 9.44mg/L to 3.34 mg/L (removal rate 64.62%), ammonia from 1.21 mg/L to 0.20 mg/L (removal rate 83.47 %), and enhanced dissolved oxygen from 4.63 mg/L to 5.74 mg/L (DO 23.97% enhanced). The total removal of assigned pollutants has been reached as 3,398 kg of BOD, 136kg of ammonia, and 25,289 kg of suspensed solids during one year operation.There were 517 persons engaged in environmental education program. They have visited the wetland site and realized this new instrument for wastewater treatment. This experience has helped them to cooperate with nature to make environment better.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣水利環境科技研究發展教育基金會(TIIWE)