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Title 101年度臺北市民眾參與河川污染巡守推動計畫
Abstract 環境問題的地理空間有其地方性與跨地域性的特點,其空間範圍不一定受現有的行政轄區所界定,故若要對污染者產生嚇阻,並達到環境改善的目的,唯有透過當地人士對污染問題長期觀察,進而串聯各地域關切此問題的人士,化關心為行動力,改造方能達成。淡水河系沿岸之民眾對河川水環境保護的觀念不足,使得流域內每個人都成為附加河川負荷的加害者,亦是水體環境破壞後的受害者。要使淡水河系水質明顯改善,除對事業點源污染需有效控制外,並加速污水處理廠興建及污水幹管舖設,提昇民眾對河川環境之關切與行動力,亦將有極大助益。本計畫今年度增加為18隊共360人,計畫執行期間志工巡守績效舉報污染次數達297次,部份污染案件經公務部門稽查取締後,有顯著改善。計畫中亦辦理六場次教育訓練或宣導活動及三場淨溪活動,包括三場分區座談會、校園志工參與河川巡守與生態關懷研習營、東吳大學生態環保義工培訓、關渡溼地體驗學習課程活動、101年景美溪鴨鴨放流暨淨溪活動、2012年基隆河淨溪及水官慶生活動及2013大稻埕淨溪活動,共計培訓66位義工取得志工證。使巡守各流域之志工有機會交流與再接受教育訓練。除參與臺北市境內之河川巡守工作之外,本計畫執行期間,臺北市河川巡守隊員亦積極參加其他單位辦理之環保活動,分區舉辦之「臺北市河川巡守志工經驗交流」活動均得到河川巡守隊員的極大迴響。透過義工監測制度與污染通報系統之推動,串連愛鄉護河的每個人,由點而面,重新累積對河川的情感,本計畫延續多年成果,已漸漸達成此目的。
EngAbstract ne of the characteristic of environmental issues is cross-district. Therefore, building environmental awareness among local public is an important way to assist government management. In order to enhance the living quality for people who live along Tam-Shui River, as well as to preserve the water quality in the river. Speeding up sewerage system upgrade and point source such as industrial wastewater control is one way; enhancing people’s attention to the living environment by encouraging community participate environmental protection activities is the other efficient way.There were a total of 360 patrol volunteers categorizing into eighteen groups this year. 297 pollution cases were reported by volunteers during their patrol. Followed by EPB’s investigations, some cases were banned and improved significantly. There were total six training workshops and three river patrol campaigns in the project, which held in Soochow University, Guandu Nature Park, Chingmei River, Keelung River and Dadaocheng respectively. There are 66 volunteers being certificated after these trainings.Our volunteers not only participate in river patrol within Taipei City. They also take part in some workshops and campaigns held by other department. By connecting volunteer patrol and environmental protection, people found their love for river is back. This project has been executed for years and has achieved this goal gradually.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 東南科技大學