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Title 廢玻璃容器回收處理技術暨創新加值服務模式示範性計畫
Abstract 近年來,在農田或鄉間產業道路兩旁,常遭缺乏公德心的民眾任意棄置廢玻璃瓶,農民、民眾遭割傷事件頻傳,根據行政院環保署統計資料顯示,被丟棄的玻璃容器以提神飲料廢玻璃瓶為主,在廢玻璃容器回收中佔了86%的比例,且其破碎後具有危險性。而本計畫為因應節能減碳措施及減少環境污染目標,開發「國產化廢玻璃容器回收設備」,同時架構「廢玻璃容器回收服務模式」,以果菜批發市場為示範性場域試營運,導入POS(proof of service)服務模式,提供便利性之回收設置點與獎勵回饋機制,提高民眾回收意願,所以透過本計畫的實施,不僅為廢棄玻璃容器賦予嶄新生命,更為其創造有別傳統回收獎勵制度之極高附加價值,預期將可減少玻璃容器被棄置行為,蘊含環境保護概念之研發成果將推廣至更多不同的場域營運,號召民眾加入回收愛地球的行列。本計畫POS創新服務模式,以雲林縣西螺果菜市場周邊為場域委辦試營運,提供便利性之回收設置點與獎勵回饋機制,導入服務模式後,截至2013年11月29日活動結束,已累積22,494支,其中有將近32%約7,200支係由民眾從農田或水溝裡撿來回收累積點數來兌換獎勵贈品。以整體效益若經回收並加入50%原生料再製成玻璃瓶,約可較以100%原生料製成之玻璃瓶減碳9,000kg(公斤)以上。而且每回收一支玻璃瓶,約可節省0.8度電量,點亮100燭光的燈泡4小時。
EngTitle A paradigm program of recycling technology and innovative value-added service of one-time using glas
EngAbstract In recent years, glass bottles were discarded on both sides of the farm or country roads by people without morality. Farmers and people were hurt by the broken glass bottles from time to time. The statistics of EPA shows that broken refreshing beverage bottles are dangerous and accounted for 86% of recycling glass bottles.In response to the target of energy-saving, carbon reduction and environment pollution reduction, the development of domestic glass bottles recycling equipment is proposed. The service mode of glass bottles recycling is planned to give fruit & vegetable wholesale market area as a first trial operation. P.O.S. (Proof of service) service mode is introduced for providing a convenient recycling station and a reward feedback mechanism in order to promote public recycling desire. Through the implementation of this project, not only give new life to the discarded glass bottles but also create high value added reward mechanism which is different to traditional recycling. It is expected to reduce the behavior of glass bottle discarding. The environmental protection achievement of R&D result can be extended to a wider various operation field, which calling more people to join the line of loving the earth through recycling. The project of POS(Proof of Service) innovative service , neighboring Yunlin County Siluo fruit and vegetable market was commissioned by site trial operation, providing convenient recycling set point and Reward feedback mechanism (Thermal Printers) , import the Proof of Service , as of 2013.11.29 end of the activities, has cumulative 22,494 bottles, of which nearly 32% of the approximately 7,200 bottles was picked up by people to recycling from the field or ditch to exchange a gift. If the overall efficiency of 50% was recovered and joined the original raw material and then made into glass bottles, glass bottles can be more about 100% raw materials made of carbon reduction 9,000 kg (kilograms) or more. And each to recycling a glass bottle can save about 0.8 degrees electricity, which can be used to light 100 candle light bulbs for 4 hours.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人精密機械研究發展中心