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Title 102年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站暨實驗室資訊品保品管查核計畫-空氣品質監測站品保品管查核工作
Abstract 本計畫主要針對桃園縣政府環保局空氣品質監測站執行品保品管作業,計畫執行期程自102年1月1日至102年12月10日止,各項工作項目已全數完成,包括:(1)完成4站次自動監測站績效查核(2)完成16站次自動監測站功能檢查、(3)完成4站次自動監測站電力安全及接地系統查驗工作、(4)完成28站次人工監測站查驗、(5)完成1次緊急維護或設置事項作業。  績效查核以查驗監測數據與標準值之誤差(準確度)為主,本年度完成4站次績效查核,共查核72項查核項目,其中未達查核數據品質目標為2個項次,整體滿意率為97.2%,各監測儀器類型之查核結果中,為一氧化碳(CO)、臭氧(O3)各出現1站次查核缺失。  功能檢查主要對監測站監測站週邊、儀器設備、類比線性輸出測試、及準確度檢查表現等進行檢查評估,本年度共執行16站次功能檢查,未發現任何缺失項目。  電力安全及接地系統查驗工作主要針對監測站作業安全進行確認,期中工作進度已完成4站次查驗,在電力安全檢查部份與接地系統查驗部份則未發現缺失,且接地系統阻抗值符合標準。  人工監監測站之查核作業主要包括監測站及採樣器檢查、TSP高量採樣器流量查核兩部份,本年度共執行28站次查核,未發現缺失項目。  今年度緊急維護或設置事項作業包括:3站的接地系統更新、4站次的電力安全及接地系統查驗工作與2項相關設備的購置。系統更新作業與設備購置皆已在期限內完成,4站次的電力安全檢查部份與接地系統查驗部份則未發現缺失,且接地系統阻抗值符合標準。
EngTitle Air Quality Monitoring Stations and Laboratory Information QA/QC Audit Plan of Taoyuan Country in 2013- Air Quality Monitoring Stations QA/QC Audit Project
EngAbstract This project executing period was from January 1st 2013 to December 10th 2013. The main purpose of this project is aiming at non-periodically inspecting and auditing all current Taoyuan County government environmental protection bureau (EPB) air quality monitoring stations to guarantee the quality of monitoring network data. The work of the project has been fully completed, included (1) the execution of monitoring instruments performance audit 4 stations, (2) the execution of instruments functional check 16 stations, (3) the execution of air quality monitoring station electrical safety and grounding system check 4 stations, (4) the execution of manual air quality monitoring station functional check 28 stations, (5)the execution of the other related work once. The performance audit primarily inspected the deviation between the monitoring data and the standard value (accuracy), there were 4 stations completed, audited items total was 72, just 2 item does not meet the audit quality objectives, the degree of satisfaction was 97.2%. There were two types of monotoring instrument ,CO and O3, in one station that performance audit results fails to meet the audit quality objectives. The functional check was mainly to focus on non-periodically surveys and assessments on stations house maintenance, facility equipments, the analog linear output, and the monitoring instruments accuracy inspection. There were totally 16 functional checks, and did not find any missing terms. Air quality monitoring station electrical safety and grounding system check was mainly to focus on operational safety of the station. There were totally 4 stations checks, and did not find any missing terms in electrical safety check and grounding system check. The performance audit for manual monitoring station include station and equipment functional check, and accuracy audit for TSP sampler. There were totally 28 stations audited, and did not find any missing terms. The other related work include replacement grounding system of 3 staions, electrical safety and grounding system check for 4 staions, and the 2 items of equipment purchase for Taoyuan EPB’s monitoring center. All the work are completed within the deadline. There were not any missing terms of electrical safety and grounding system checks in 4 stations.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣綠碁科際股份有限公司