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Title 「鄰近交通系統沿線建築物隔音設施及相關規範研究」專案研究計畫
Abstract 本計畫依目標執行,完成以下工作事項:(一)蒐集分析國、內外建築物隔音設施(至少包含建築物外牆開口部門窗)相關規範及文獻資料1. 國外相關規範及文獻資料至少包含歐美國家及日本、香港。(1).完成美國IBC與ICC隔音建議值、日本建築基準法隔音要求與住宅品質確保促進法、香港環境評估法及全面樓宇環境表現計畫、英國建築法與BSI隔音建議以及中國大陸GB 50352等資料蒐集。(2).完成我國CNS 15160-5、美國ASTM E90與ASTM E336、日本JIS A1417、英國BS EN ISO 140-4與BS EN 20354、中國大陸GB/T 19889.3~GB/T19889.5及ISO140-5等資料蒐集。(3).國外文獻包含中國大陸方丹群教授對玻璃厚度影響隔音之分析及葡萄牙António J.B.對窗戶氣密性影響隔音效能研究等。2. 國內相關資料須包含主管建築機關相關法規現況,及國內相關單位研究文獻資料。(1).完成國內建築主管機關隔音設施相關規範資料蒐集與分析,包括建築技術規則施工編第46條、住宅法第37條及住宅性能評估實施辦法以及建築研究所委託屏科大林芳銘教授辦理之住宅音環境現況調查等研究。(2).完成國內相關單位研究文獻蒐集與分析,例如:成功大學林松茂先生對住宅外牆開口部隔音性能之研究。(二)研析我國鄰近交通系統沿線建築物受交通噪音影響情形,及建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能現況。1. 依據不同交通系統噪音特性,規劃選定至少30個本計畫執行測定調查之具代表性地點,並說明所採用之測定方法相關規範。(1).依不同交通系統類別共完成154處適當點現勘,經討論選定其中32處執行調查。(2).交通噪音測量方法係參照陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準與NIEA P201.94C執行,建築物外牆開口部隔音效能則參照CNS 15160-5執行。2. 依選定之代表性地點,每地點須辦理鄰近交通系統沿線之交通噪音情形調查,以及該地點建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能調查分析。(1).完成32處交通系統噪音調查,由結果分析可知高速公路與道路之LAeq多數在65 dB(A)~75dB(A)之間;軌道系統LAmax有部份測點高於法規值約5 dB。(2).完成32處建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能調查,由結果分析可知影響開口部隔音效能主因為氣密性,此外現場安裝窗戶時則需注意五金扣件與填縫工程之施工品質。關於組合式隔音窗一般R’45°,w隔音等級在17 dB~33 dB之間;在橫拉窗調查測點中,部分測點有氣密性不佳的情形,因此導致漏音問題產生,至於氣密性較佳之測點,隔音效能則相對較佳。整體而言,橫拉窗R’45°,w隔音等級在12 dB~31 dB之間。(3).完成32處建築物整體外牆隔音效能調查,由分析可知影響鋼筋混凝土整體牆面隔音效能主因為開口部隔音特性,一般橫拉窗(有氣窗)在中高頻630 Hz~ 2000 Hz之間常有氣密性不佳而導致隔音效能衰減的現象,Dls,2m,nT,w隔音等級在20 dB~35 dB之間;組合式窗則因氣密性較佳,Dls,2m,nT,w隔音等級在30 dB~37 dB之間。(三)研提我國建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能及建築管理規定相關建議。1. 協助環保署辦理1場與相關機關研商會議,此會議已於102年12月10日辦理完畢。2. 依據實際調查研析結果,研提建築物外牆開口部門窗隔音效能建議。此點相關建議包含(1)改善窗戶漏音問題、(2)玻璃厚度之選用、(3)高氣密性窗型之選用、(4)雙層玻璃之選用、(5)窗構件隔音等級30 dB以上、(6)開口部周邊設置吸音材及(7)國外開口部與整體牆面隔音建議值等。3. 依據實際調查研析結果,研提建築管理規定相關建議。此點相關建議包含(1)住宅性能評估實施辦法以及(2)提供建築物隔音效能評定相關資料供銷售買賣時之參考等。
EngTitle The Study of Facilities and Regulations of Sound Insulation in Buildings of Nearby Transportation Sy
EngAbstract (一)Collection and analysis for facilities (include openings of exterior wall in buildings ) and regulations of sound insulation in Buildings.1.Related regulations and papers with sound insulation of openings of exter- ior wall in buildings, which include Europe, U.S.A, HongKong, and Japan. (1)The regulations of sound insulation in buildings in this study was included IBC and ICC in American, Japan’s Building Standards Law and Dwelling Performance Evaluation Book, HK-BEAM and CEPAS in Hong Kong, Building regulations 2000 approved document E 2003 and BS 8233 (1999) in UK, GB 50352 in China.(2)The sound insulation testing standard in this study was included CNS 15160-5 in Taiwan, ASTM E90 and ASTM E336 in American, JIS A1417 in Japan, BS EN ISO 140-4 and BS EN 20354 in UK, GB/T 19889.3~GB/T 19889.5 in China, International Standard ISO 140-5.(3)Papers with sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings in this study was included “Noise control engineering” by Dan Qun Fang Professor, “Sound transmission through single, double and triple glazing. Experimental evaluation” by António J.B..2.Related papers with sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings in Taiwan. (1)The study for sound insulation of buildings in Taiwan in this study was included Building Technical Regulations Article 46, Housing Act Article 37, and Regulations of Grading Housing Performance. In other hand, the paper was studied by Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI) which like “The Research of Investigation and Diagnosis Mechanism on Sound Environment of Dwelling Houses” by Fang Ming Lin Professor.(2)The study for sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings in this study was included “Study on the Sound Insulation of the Openings of External Walls in the Residences” by Mr. Song Mao Lin.(二)Analysis for traffic noise and sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings of nearby transportation systems in Taiwan.1.Acrroding to different transportation systems to select 30 locations for re- search, and describe the test method for traffic noise and sound insulation.(1)The 154 locations for prospecting were finished, and selected 32 locations for research and measurement after discussion with EPA.(2)For test method, traffic noise is by Noise Control Standards for Land Transportation Systems and NIEA P201.94C. Sound insulation test is by CNS 15160-5.2.To measure traffic noise and sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings for 32 locations.(1)The measurements of SPL of 32 transportation systems locations were finished. The results showed that LAeq of highway and road was about 65 dB(A)~75dB(A), and LAmax of Rail system in some locations were higher than Noise Control Standards for Land Transportation Systems about 5 dB(A)(2)The sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings of 32 locations were finished. Test results showed the pressurization performance is the main factor for sound insulation of windows, especially need to care about the metal fastener and the chink around window process quality in site. The sound insulation R’45°,w was 17 dB~33 dB for combination windows, but because the sliding window appeared weak between casement and window frame for some cases in this study, it was not good for sound insulation, therefore R’45°,w was 12 dB~31 dB.(3)The sound insulation of exterior wall in buildings of 32 locations were finished. Test results showed the main affection factor for sound insulation of concrete wall was the window’s sound insulation performance. Because some cases of sliding window in this study appeared weak between casement and window frame, therefore it was not good between 630 Hz and 2,000 Hz for sound insulation. The results showed Dls,2m,nT,w was 20 dB~35 dB for concrete wall with sliding window, and 30 dB~37 dB for concrete wall with combination windows.(三)Provide related suggestions for sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings and management of sound insulation in buildings.1.This study convened a conference for sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings on 10.Dec.2013.2.Acrroding to test and analysis result to provide related suggestions for sound insulation of openings of exterior wall in buildings in this study, included (1)Improve the pressurization between casement and window frame,(2)Apply for glass thickness, (3)Apply for high pressurization windows, (4)Apply for double glass, (5)Apply R’45°,w ≧ 30 dB for windows, (6)Install absorption materials around the openings of exterior wall in building, and (7)The suggestion values for sound insulation of openings and exterior wall in buildings of overseas.3.Acrroding to test and analysis result to provide related suggestions for regulations and management of sound insulation in buildings, included (1)The test result applies to Regulations of Grading Housing Performance for R’45°,w ≧ 30 dB, and(2)Provide related sound insulation information which include windows to consumer for reference.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司