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Title 102年度桃園縣空氣品質監測站暨實驗室資訊品保品管查核計畫-實驗室資訊品保品管查核工作
Abstract 本計畫之主要目標為辦理TAF實驗室認證輔導工作、開發建置符合ISO 17025規範之實驗室資訊管理系統(LIMS)、及辦理實驗室績效查核作業等。執行成果包括如下:1.完成辦理實驗室參訪。2.完成辦理實驗室預評,並提報認證輔導工作計畫書。3.完成辦理4場次教育訓練,訓練主題涵蓋ISO 17025條文解析、實驗室品質管制方案(偵測極限、檢量線、管制圖、查核樣品、添加回收)、量測不確定度表示指引、內部稽核規劃與實施、儀校管理及環境安全衛生訓練等。4.完成指導建立量測不確定度評估標準作業程序、及檢討制定儀器設備校正追溯計畫。5.完成辦理環境安全衛生管理及查核、協助處理TAF監督評鑑之缺失、協助進行內部稽核及召開管理審查會議。6.完成檢討編修實驗室品質管理系統文件,包括品質手冊、作業指導書、標準作業程序及各項紀錄表單。7.完成資訊軟硬體設備交貨安裝,包括伺服器2台、資料庫軟體1套、軟體開發工具1套、工作站主機10台、螢幕10台、文書處理軟體10套。8.完成實驗室資訊管理系統(LIMS)開發建置,系統功能包括系統管理、基本資料、檢驗設定、樣品流程、檢驗作業、統計品管、人員訓練、儀器管理、藥品管理、品質文件、環境品質監測整合等11項子系統、102項功能作業。9.完成擬定並提報年度績效查核計畫書。10.完成發放年度績效查核(盲樣測試)樣品共計11瓶,試驗項目包含(1)Demand 需氧量、(2)Nutrients 營養鹽、(3)Solids固體、(4)Minerals 礦物質、(5)pH 酸鹼值、(6)Trace Metals 微量金屬、(7)Turbidity濁度、(8) Microbiological微生物、(9) TCLP Metals 廢棄物TCLP重金屬及(10) Metals in Soil土壤重金屬等10類共計28項。11.完成績效查核結果回收及判定,判定結果全數合格,不須執行複測,原定複測樣品全數移交檢驗室。12.完成召開績效查核檢討會議,盲測結果屬非常滿意,並提報年度績效查核成果報告書。13.完成其他改善維護設置事項,包括收樣區佈建工程、收樣設備採購安裝、伺服器機櫃採購安裝、教育訓練設備器材採購安裝、收樣區綠美化等,並提報改善維護設置事項工作報告。
EngTitle Air Quality Monitoring Stations and Laboratory Information QA/QC Audit Plan of Taoyuan County in 2013 - Laboratory Information QA/QC Audit Project
EngAbstract The main objectives of this project are handling TAF laboratory certification counseling, development of laboratory information management system (LIMS) which meet ISO 17025 specification, and conduct laboratory performance audit work. The work completed include:1.Visit external environmental laboratory.2.Complete the laboratory pre-assessment and to report certified counseling plan.3.Complete four training sessions, training topics covering ISO 17025 introduction, laboratory quality control program, the measurement uncertainty expression, internal audit planning and implementation, instrument management, environment safety and health training.4.Guide to establish the measurement uncertainty evaluation SOP and review the instrument calibration plan.5.Conduct environment safety and health audit, help to deal with NCR by TAF evaluation, assist in internal audit and management review meeting.6.Complete the review of laboratory quality system documents, including quality manuals, SOPs, worksheets and record forms.7.Complete the software and hardware delivery and installation, including the 2 sets of server, a set of database software, a set of application development software, 10 sets of workstation, 10 sets of monitor, 10 sets of Office software. 8.Complete the LIMS development, system functions including system administration, basic setting management, analysis setting management, sample flow control, examination process control, statistics quality control, personnel training management, intrument data management, drug data management, quality documents management, environment monitoring integration. Total 11 sub-systems and 102 functions.9.Complete the draft and to report annual performance audit plan.10.Complete the delivery of performance test sample, including (1)Demand (BOD/COD), (2)Nutrients (NH3-N/NO3-N), (3)Solids (SS), (4)Minerals (Conductivity/Chloride), (5)pH, (6)Trace metals (Cd/Cr/Cu/Ni/Pb/Zn), (7)Turbidity, (8)Microbiological (Coliform), (9) TCLP Metals (Cd/Cr/Cu/Ni/Pb/Zn), (10)Metals in Soil (Cd/Cr/Cu/Ni/Pb/Zn). Total 28 items.11.Complete the judgement of performance test, verdict fully qualified, do not need to perform retest, all retest sample transfer to the laboratory.12.Complete the performance review meeting, blind test results are very satisfied, and deliver the annual performance test audit report.13.Complete the other maintenance matters, including construction of sample receive area, installation of sample receive equipment, server cabinet, training equipment, and deliver the maintenance work report.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 鑫聯網國際股份有限公司