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Title 102年度桃園縣環境品質監測計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要針對桃園縣進行噪音、地下水水質、河川水質及水庫水質等監測,掌握各項測值變化趨勢,並進行趨勢分析及監測結果綜整檢討,以提供環保單位污染防制之參考。噪音監測計有12個環境與12個交通噪音監測點,每監測點每季執行2次48小時連續監測作業,由102年度監測結果顯示,噪音合格率為100%。地下水質監測計有3口戰備水井及32口場置性監測井,由102年監測結果顯示,超過地下水污染第二類監測標準之監測井比例為58/64,其中超過監測標準值之項目(站次/總站次),計有硝酸鹽氮(1/64)、銅(1/64)、氨氮(10/64)、鐵(22/64)及錳(24/64)等項,另中壢工業區之內定國小三氯乙烯測值超過地下水污染第二類管制標準,濃度與歷史值相近,約在0.15mg/L左右。河川水質監測計有19處監測點,每監測點每季採樣1次,由102年監測結果顯示,整體水質大多呈現中度污染,其中未符合丙類陸域地面水體水質標準之項目(站次/總站次),計有大腸桿菌群(48/76)、懸浮固體(14/76)、生化需氧量(41/76)、氨氮(72/76),而未符合環境基準值者,計有鋅(3/76)、鉛(1/76)、銅(30/76)及錳(64/76)四項。水庫水質監測僅一處監測點,每監測點每季採樣1次,102年度監測結果顯示,重金屬測值皆符合甲類陸域地面水體水質標準及環境基準值。
EngTitle The Environment Quality Monitoring of Taoyuan County(2013)
EngAbstract This project focuses on monitoring the noise levels, river water and ground water qualities of Taoyuan County to understand the varying trend of the monitored analytes. The trends of the variations were analyzed and reviewed to provide the Environmental Protection Office a reference for future regulations.There are 12 environmental noise and 12 traffic noise monitoring stations, which were continuously monitored for 48 hours twice every quarter. The 2013 monitoring results show that the noise pass rate was 100%.There are three military reserved well and thirty-two regular monitoring wells which were monitored for groundwater quality. The analytical results of 2013 dry season indicated that the proportion of the wells that exceeded the type II ground water monitoring standards is 58/64. The analytes exceeding standards were nitrate nitrogen(1 out of 64),copper(1 out of 64) , ammonia nitrogen (10 out of 64),iron (22 out of 64)and manganese(24 out of 64). In addition, the concentration of trichloroethylene found in Nei Ding Elementary School monitoring well of Chung Li industrial park exceeds the type II ground water pollution standards. The result was about 0.15mg/L, which was consistent with the historical data. Nineteen monitoring stations for the rivers were sampled once every quarter to monitor the river water qualities. The analytical results of 2013 indicated that most river water bodies were moderately polluted. The analytes that exceeded the Class C internal surface water quality standards were coliform group(48 out of 76),suspended solids(14 out of 76),biological oxygen demand(41 out of 76),ammonia nitrogen (72 out of 76).The analytes that exceeded the environmental standards were zinc(3 out of 76)、lead(1 out of 76)、copper(30 out of 76)and manganese(64 out of 76).Only one reservoir was monitored for water quality. Samples were collected once every quarter. The result of 2013 indicated that heavy metals met the Class A internal surface water quality standards and environmental standards.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 琨鼎環境科技股份公司