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Title 光污染防制專案工作計畫
Abstract 目前民眾受到光污染的影響情形日漸嚴重,陳情案件增加,本計畫依據我國國情特性,進行LED顯示看板及LED組合式燈動態光源量測方法之探討,及量測程序草案研擬,並研提我國動態畫面之光污染源防制對策建議。本計畫完成國際法規蒐集彙整3篇之摘譯分析、國內外法規綜合分析1式;完成改變光源影響情形重要因子分析並選定亮度、垂直照度、眩光及閃爍為本計畫研究之光污染因子;完成LED顯示看板動態畫面之亮度、垂直照度、眩光及閃爍量測程序草案研擬;完成新竹市及高雄市實地量測,合計亮度9點次、動態亮度監控5點次,反射光源亮度2點次、垂直照度9點次、垂直照度監控2點次、水平照度監控10點次,反射光源動態亮度監控2點次、反射光源動態垂直照度監控2點次、反射光源動態水平照度監控2點次;完成LED組合燈眩光與閃爍量測共46點次;協助環保署完成光害防制法草案1件。本計畫相關執行結果說明如下:1. 動態光源亮度量測:依據目前的LED顯示看板實地量測結果,建議量測方法為針對選定的待測點進行一段時間的亮度監測,測得顯示看板相對最大亮度的機率較高。2. 動態光源垂直照度量測:依據目前的LED顯示看板實地量測結果,建議量測方法為面向選定的待測點進行一段時間的垂直照度監測。3. 眩光與閃爍量測方法:建議採用動態影像式亮度量測儀(DILMD),以錄影模式來紀錄待測場景亮度分佈隨時間的變化。4. 眩光與閃爍評價經驗公式:將亮度分佈隨時間的變化量測結果代入動態統一眩光指數(UGR(t))及動態閃爍指數(FI(t))得出修正後的動態舒適級數(Comfort Rating),公式如下所示: 。5. LED組合燈閃爍狀態的評價:依前述眩光及閃爍量測方法與影響程度評價經驗公式,計算同步閃爍、放射堆疊、扇形堆疊、放射掃描、扇形掃描等5種狀態,其所得之最小動態舒適級數分別約為3分、4分、4.6分、4.9分、6.7分與實際觀看感知趨勢一致,換言之,扇形掃描相對最舒適,同步閃爍最不舒適。Comfort Rating與各組合燈條件之關係,可看出若以上述公式計算,計算值在多數條件下,與人因實驗值都還算符合,但是在部分條件下,相較於人因實驗值,Comfort Rating值偏高太多,理論上隨著LED看板輸出亮度逐漸減小,Comfort Rating應逐漸上升,但人因實驗的評分僅微幅上升,似有其他機制影響,需再深入探討。6.日間太陽反射光的亮度量測,因為反射光亮度隨時間的變動大,目前建議針對選定的待測點進行亮度監測。7.完成光害防制法草案研擬,及依光源設施類型、量測指標、光源設施使用行為提出防制管理方案建議。
EngTitle Light pollution control project
EngAbstract The impacts of light pollution become increasingly serious to people in Taiwan and the petition cases increased recently. In this project, we study dynamic characteristics of the LED display board and the LED combo, develop its measurement method drafts, and propose the scintillation light pollution prevention countermeasures according to conditions of Taiwan. In this project, we collect international regulations and complete three regulations and guidelines summary translation analysis, and completed a comprehensive analysis of domestic and international regulation; after the influence factor analysis, we selected luminance, vertical illuminance, glare and flicker as key light pollution factors; complete measurement procedure drafts of luminance, vertical illuminance, glare and flicker for the motion pictures of LED display board, respectively; complete Hsinchu and Kaohsiung on-site measurements, include 9 luminance measurements, 5 dynamic luminance monitoring measurements, 2 reflected luminance monitoring measurements, 9 vertical illuminance measurements, 2 vertical illuminance monitoring measurements, 2 reflected vertical illumination monitoring measurements, 10 horizontal illuminance monitoring measurements, 2 reflected horizontal illumination monitoring measurements; complete 23 glare and 23 flicker measurements of LED combo; assist Taiwan EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) to complete a draft of light pollution prevention Act.Related implementation results of this project are as follows:1. Dynamic luminance measurement of light source: according to the current field test results of LED display boards, the proposed measurement method might have the higher probability to get the maximum luminance of LED display board, which using a luminance meter point at selected test point for a period of time to monitor the luminance of LED display board.2. Dynamic illuminance measurement of light source: according to the current field test results of LED display boards, the proposed measurement method is using an illuminance meter face to the light source for a period of time to monitor the vertical illuminance.3. Glare and flicker measurement methods: we recommend the use of dynamic imaging luminance measurement device (DILMD) with video mode to record the test scene luminance distribution variations.4. Evaluation glare and flicker empirical formula: with the ergonomic experiment data, the temporal unified glare rating (UGR(t)) and the temporal flicker index (FI(t)) we have a dynamic comfort rating as following: .5. LED combo evaluation: based on glare and flicker measurement methods and impact evaluation of the empirical formula to calculate five status of LED combo, include synchronous flashing, radial stack, argument stack, radial scan, and argument scan, the corresponding smallest comfort ratings of these five statuses are approximately 3, 4, 4.6, 4.9, and 6.7, respectively. This result is consistent with the viewing perceived trend; in other words, argument scan is most comfortable, synchronous flashing is most uncomfortable.6. The sun reflected luminance measurements, because the huge reflected luminance variation, the current proposal is using a luminance meter to monitor the luminance of the selected test point.7. Complete the light pollution protection draft ACT, and a proposal of light pollution control according the light source types, measurement parameters, and light source utilization behaviors, respectively.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國計量工程學會