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Title 「光污染影響及民眾感受認知研究」專案研究計畫
Abstract 本計畫研究目標為依據我國國情特性,調查及研析民眾對光污染影響民眾舒適性感受與認知的程度,以提出光污染相關防制對策建議。透過相關光害法規蒐集彙整及科學文獻分析,並整理民眾陳情現況,選定動態畫面之眩光及閃爍2個為主要探討造成光污染感受的因子,並操控LED看板亮度、背景亮度、曝照或觀看時間長短和9段常見影片類型。主要工作包括:(一)光污染源量測與分析,進行可控制參數操作條件之LED看板閃爍與眩光物理光學性量測及結果分析;(二)光污染源人體感受舒適界線研究:執行夜間眩光和閃爍的人因主觀評量實驗。最後,將依據我國現況及人體不舒適性感受程度,評估目前光污染對民眾生活之影響,並且研析相關光污染改善措施可行性。本計畫如期完成期末進度與各項查核工作。首先,本研究已摘譯整理6篇以上關於國際間光污染對人體不舒適性之研究資訊及文獻。再者,關於實驗光污染源對象的量測與分析工作,已針對選定的光污染源LED看板進行132次色彩特性量測;9段動態畫面光源刺激之亮度變化分析和頻率域分析;利用動態影像亮度量測儀來實現不同LED看板亮度下的9段動態影片的舒適度量測與分析。次者,完成光污染源人體感受舒適界線研究的實驗,問卷設計包括平均眩光、最大眩光、閃爍、最大閃爍等4種光污染源人體感受與認知,募集20位受試者執行160人次試驗,共收集3240筆資料。最後,實驗結果與分析發現重點如後續說明。對民眾的最大眩光感知而言,光源亮度、背景亮度、影片類型、年齡層等因子對舒適評價有顯著影響,曝照時間分別與光源亮度和年齡層之間有交互作用。對民眾的最大閃爍感知而言,光源亮度、曝照時間、影片類型對舒適評價有顯著影響,影片類型分別與光源亮度和年齡層之間有交互作用。藉此研究結果提出光污染防制相關建議:利用本研究發展之眩光預測模式和閃爍預測模型,個別提出動態畫面眩光評價亮度建議表和動態畫面閃爍頻率強度評價建議表,將可作為未來訂定管制策略之參考。透過感受最大眩光發生時間點分析和感受最大閃爍發生時間點分析,討論以目前儀器設備可實施量測動態畫面光污染源的依據。最後,提出一種新式的動態光源眩光與閃爍量測方法草案,也嘗試量測組合燈型的光源,初步結果顯示與人因實驗數據有相關性,可做為未來進一步研析光污染影響的工具之一。
EngTitle Investigation of Light Pollution Impacts on Human Perception and Cognitions
EngAbstract Objectives of this project are based on the domestic conditions of Taiwan to investigate and to analyze the phenomena of the impacts of light pollution on people's feelings of discomfort, and to propose the related tactics and recommendations. Through survey of the relevant regulations and the scientific literatures and the collection of pleader cases, this research focuses on both perception of glare and flicker via controlling the luminance of LED billboard, the luminance of background, the dose of duration and 9 kinds of video contents. The main tasks include (1) measurements of light pollution source and (2) study on the borderline between comfort and discomfort (BCD) of human perception and cognitions to perform subjective evaluation of glare and flicker at night condition. Finally, according to the domestic status and experiment results and the evaluation of influence of light pollution on people's life to investigate the feasibility of improvements related to light pollution.This program has finished all milestones on schedule. First, this study made summary and translation above 6 literatures. Second, in the measurement and analysis of light pollution, this work conducted 132 measures for the selected LED billboard, analyzed the changes in the brightness of the light source and frequency domain analysis for 9 motion pictures, used dynamic imaging luminance measurement device to measure 9 testing videos at varied brightness of LED billboards. Third, the experiments have conducted for BCD of light pollution. The questionnaire included the overall glare, the maximum glare, local flicker, maximum flicker. There were 20 participants involved and 3240 data were recorded. The experimental results and conclusions are described as follows. For the perceived maximum glare, four main effects of luminance of LED, luminance of background, video type and age were significant. The interaction of luminance of LED and dose was significant. The interaction of luminance of LED billboard and age was also significant. For the perceived maximum flicker, three main effects of luminance of LED, dose and video were significant. The interaction effect between video and luminance of LED was significant. There was also significant interaction effect between video and age. According to the glare perdition model, this study lists a luminance recommendation table of Glare for motion pictures.According to the flicker perdition model, this study lists a frequency magnitude recommendation table of flicker for motion pictures. Based on the time-series analysis of occurrences of the maximum perceived glare and the maximum perceived flicker, this study discusses the feasibility of current measuring instruments and methods. Based on the results of subjective evaluations of light pollution, a new dynamic imaging luminance measurement device is adopted for measure glare, flicker and comfort rating as well. The results revealed that there were a reasonable correlation between the new device and subjective data.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國計量工程學會