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Title 交通噪音管制及改善措施成效提升計畫
Abstract 本計畫首先進行國內、外文獻蒐集整理,國外文獻軌道系統噪音改善措施在德國、丹麥、瑞士、美國及日本主要採以音源處(如車體:牽引動力音、鋼輪:鋼輪音及彎道段磨擦音鋼軌噪音、波狀磨耗)作為改善目標,國內軌道系統文獻噪音改善措施採以1.營運管理方面(如電力機車取代柴電貨車),2.路徑控制方面(如設置隔音牆),3.音源控制方面(一般鐵路系統使用長焊鋼軌,加裝噴油系統;大眾捷運系統進行降速與軌道磨軌)為主要控制方式。另外為評估陳情點受體端建物於改善措施前、後減音成效,採陸上運輸系統噪音管制標準於民宅處進行連續 24 小時量測。進一步為瞭解我國軌道系統於傳遞路徑及音源處採用改善措施前、後實際減音成效,分別於傳遞路徑及音源處,依ISO10847 量測規範進行隔音牆量測調查及ISO3095 量測規範進行(噴油、降速、夯實、磨軌)量測,調查對象分別為大眾捷運系統5處、一般鐵路系統15處,共計20處。最後綜整本計畫20處量測結果與蒐集國內、外相關文獻,彙編內容依營運管理措施、音源處改善措施、傳遞路徑進行彙編適用於我國軌道系統之各項改善措施的執行方式,隔減音效能驗收方法及適用範圍與條件及品質要求,建立在音源處、傳徑路徑及受體,選用改善措施功能評估程序,提供未來地方環保機關及交通營運管理機關選用適合改善措施執行方式之參考,以達到改善措施實際成效。
EngTitle Project for traffic noise control and improving noise abatement projects
EngAbstract The purpose of this research project is first to collect the literature on the anti-noise measures taken by railroad operators around the world. German. Denmark, Switzerland, US and Japan are among the countries that have been surveyed. The anti-noise measures used by these country are concentrated on traction noise and wheel and rail interaction noise. The counter measures taken by the operator in Taiwan are concentrated on the speed control, construction of sound barrier and the improvement of rail condition.Secondly, the understand the effectiveness of anti-noise measures, 20 locations along the TaiRail system where the noise complaint has been filed and Anti-noise measure was carried out were selected for test the effectiveness of these anti-noise measures. ISO standard 3095 and 10847 were used to measure the railway noise and the insertion loss of the noise barrier. Also24 hours noise level monitoring were carried out at these locations to determine if the noise from the rail system complies to the noise limit set by Taiwan EPA.Finally, the effectiveness of these counter measures were compiled together with theSOP for carrying out these counter measured. The counter measures include abatement for noise source, transmission path and for the receivers. And a procedure for carrying out noise abatement project were also proposed in the project.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣海洋大學