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Title 102年度公告事業用地土壤污染評估調查及檢測制度執行成效追蹤及推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫協助環保署推動土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)第8、9條公告事業用地土壤污染評估調查及檢測制度,主要工作成果包括:一、統計分析民國102年1月1日至102年11月30日止之申報案件計635件,彙整常見問題並研擬對策,分析歷年申報資料並研擬績效指標,展現制度執行成效。二、分析土污法第8、9條子法實施現況與執行問題,研訂子法修正草案,規劃第三批公告事業與線上申報執行策略,探討土污法第8、9條納入地下水檢測可能產生的問題。三、完成189處未依規定申報事業初勘,針對其中35處場址進行現地勘查,並完成其中21處場址之土壤採樣查證,計有6處場址超過法規標準。四、完成7處環保署指定已申報事業用地之土壤採樣查證,結果均未超過法規標準。五、協助環保署查核審查中心執行狀況,完成38件申報案件之預審內容與電子化檔案查核,提出審查中心未來發展方向。六、配合子法規範,修正與新增資料管理系統與人員管理系統表單及功能,建立線上填寫平台,以利後續推動線上申報制度。七、協助環保署完成新增25位評估調查人員登記與13場次研討會或訓練課程累計時數57小時之核定。八、協助環保署辦理2場次宣導說明會與1場次教育訓練,編印2種宣導手冊、1種宣導摺頁、1種宣導海報,並提供專業技術諮詢。
EngTitle Project for promoting and tracking the soil pollution assessment investigation and test system of th
EngAbstract This project will assist the Environmental This project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in promoting activities related to Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (hereafter referred to as SGPRA). The following work items were implemented in the project:1.Compiled the soil pollution assessment investigation and test cases reported to the EPA in this project (635 cases), analyzed the problems of execution and offered the suggestions to solve them. Analyzed historical data and defined performance indicators to assess the performance.2.Analyzed the regulations, planned the categories of enterprises (Batch III), made draft amendments, and discussed the problems of groundwater pollution assessment investigation and test.3.Among the un-reported companies, initial checked 189 publicly designated industrial land sites, inspected 35 sites, and conducted soil sampling and verification of 21 sites of them. Finally, there were 6 sites that the concentrations of pollutants exceeded standards.4.Among the reported companies, conducted soil sampling and verification of 7 sites assigned by EPA. All concentrations of pollutants did not exceed standards.5.Audited the execution of two review centers, checked 38 cases of pre-review contents, digitized files, and planned the development in the future.6.Maintained “Information Management System of Soil Pollution Inspection on the Land Publicly Designated Industrial Land” and “Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel Management System”, upgraded system functions, and set up an on-line reporting platform.7.Helped 25 Personnel to register, approved 13 meetings and trainings (total 57 hours).8.Held 2 guidance meetings and 1 training. Published 2 booklets, 1 brochure and 1 poster, and provided professional and technical consultation to the EPA.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司