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Title 以國際經驗提昇我國土壤及地下水整治策略績效及未來發展評析計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要透過蒐集先進國家土水業務推動歷程找出國內可參考之經驗,同時比較我國現行制度與先進國家之差異性,期能完備我國土水制度。為了解國內土水業務推動瓶頸,計畫中分別召開國內土水產業及政府機關業務執行研商會,彙整各方意見後作為蒐集三處國際土水領域發展健全國家之土壤及地下水相關經驗、遭遇困難及因應方法重點方向,透過評析各國土水制度之差異性及優缺點,提出未來法規修正、相關單位分工合作之建議。除此之外,本計畫亦將重點置於協助國內土水產業發展,因此在先進國家的資訊蒐集上,針對其發展產業之經驗如技術提升、市場開拓策略等進行蒐集。為研擬我國土水產業輸出策略,計畫中彙整三處新興國家土水發展現況,包含主要污染類型、政府分工、法規建制進程、產業發展、市場機會等進行資訊蒐集,並比較與我國現況之差異性,了解我國土水產業的優、劣勢所在,據以提出投入新興國家市場應做之準備,於期末召開環保產業交流會,使業界透過計畫成果了解新興國家市場發展狀況,並提出對政府部門施政方針之建議。為使國內土水制度與業務能與國際趨勢接軌,計畫中同時邀請美國專家辦理國際土水趨勢之教育課程並與國內專家學者進行意見交流、赴澳洲參加2013年整治技術研討會進行資料蒐集並與南澳環保局進行交流,最後提出我國未來政策發展方向之建議。
EngTitle Project of Promoting the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Efficiency via Foreign Experience
EngAbstract To understand the soundness of our soil/ groundwater remediation system, this project introduces seminars to know the suggestions from industrial and governmental points of view. Through the reviews of experiences from three advanced countries including the programs that help the development of technologies and marketing strategy for remediation related industries. We then suggest the programs and related guidance to be adopted in our country. Also, we recommend the parts of regulation system to be modified. To help our environmental industries to export their technologies and experiences, this project collects soil/ groundwater remediation status including regulation, pollution types, government cooperation, remediation technologies, marketing opportunities etc. from three developing countries. By the end of this project, we reveal the information gathered to industries to know if further aids are needed. In order to get connected with international trend nowadays, we also invite expert from advanced country for a training session and hold a meeting with experts in our country. To get connected with international trend in remediation, we participate in the Cleanup 2013 held in Australia and interact with South Australia EPA for experience exchange. All the suggestions are provided for future policy development.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 台境企業股份有限公司