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Title 102年度全國執行土污基金相關業務管制考核計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間為102年3月11日起至102年12月15日止,共有3項主要工作,第1項工作為辦理相關會議與培訓課程,促進國內技術交流與發展,培訓本土土壤及地下水專業人才。內容包含101年度地方環保機關績效考評總成績頒獎典禮;依據訂定之業務評鑑制度,協助籌組評鑑小組,並辦理1場次行前說明會並舉辦2天1夜業務評鑑及成績審查確認會;廣邀產官學界,完成1場至少300人次之技術開發及模場專案成果發表與研討會議;協助辦理例行性補助計畫相關作業;於暑假期間完成90人次大專院校「土壤及地下水污染整治種子人才培訓營」;針對技術面與政策面資訊交流擬定系統性主題,邀請國內外專家學者進行10場次之公開性演講。第2項工作為檢討環保署相關行政管理文件及資訊系統,提升土壤及地下水污染整治工作品質,強化土壤及地下水污染整治工作管理機制。工作包含擬訂計畫執行情形及成果追蹤管理查核表,彙整相關成果並追蹤辦理情形;完成績效考評指引供各地方環保局參考,回饋考評系統辦理修正作業,並協助辦理系統測試;修訂「103年度地方環境保護機關土壤及地下水污染整治業務推動績效考評計畫」,按季提出考核季報,以確保地方環保機關上傳考評系統資料正確性;協助追蹤彙整101年度績效考評獎勵金之運用情形;彙整現行「土壤及地下水污染研究計畫與技術提昇補助辦法」執行問題及歷年成果,並提出建議。第3項工作為推展土壤及地下水污染整治工作成果,提昇國內土壤及地下水調查及污染整治技術。完成101土壤及地下水污染整治年報;協助辦理102年度土壤及地下水污染整治基金補助研究及模場試驗專案計畫追蹤管考與審查工作,彙整審查委員意見提出計畫執行成果報告;協助辦理103年度土壤及地下水污染整治基金補助研究及模場試驗專案計畫相關申請工作;每月蒐集、彙整、摘譯各國及重要國際組織發表之新興技術、實際應用案例及執行流程等技術面資料至少5篇;按季提交國外相關國際會議與動態資訊供環保署參考;按季提交本署施政成果內容更新,並於「土壤及地下水污染整治網」中對外公布。
EngTitle Audit and Evaluation of Control and Management of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund As
EngAbstract The duration of this project was from March 11th, 2013 to December 15th, 2013. This project included 3 major tasks. The first task was to hold all kinds of meetings and training sessions to enhance the technology promotion and personnel training including: the awarding ceremony of 2012 achievement evaluation for Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB). Establish the board according to the audit rule and hold 2-day evaluation meeting then finish the score examination. Carry out a conference exhibition related to technology development and pilot-scale test for at least 300 people. Assist local EPBs on subsidy application for regular soil and groundwater related work. Hold a training session for 90 college level students during summer time. Arrange a series of 10 lecture sessions and invite international and domestic professionals as speakers.The second task was to review the document and information system of administration process in order to enhance the soil and groundwater remediation management quality. The objectives include: Design the evaluation function to exam and collect the achievements of EPBs. Propose the guidance of audit system for EPBs’ reference and assist the revising test for the on-line system. Complete the score calculation for EPBs each quarter of the fiscal year of 2013 and check the accuracy of the data uploaded. Prepare the “Audit Rules Guidance of Fiscal Year 2014”. Analyze the grant utilization of EPBs of fiscal year 2012. Collect the results and obstacles of research and technology development projects and provide the suggestions.The third task was to promote the achievements of remediation activities and elevate the skills of investigation and remediation, includes: Complete the edition of soil and groundwater remediation year book of 2012. Assist the application and review processes of research and pilot-scale projects for 2013 and 2012 respectively. Set topics and translate 5 articles for each month and compare with the situation in our country. Provide international conference information for authorization’s reference. Renew the government accomplishments on official website seasonally.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 台境企業股份有限公司