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Title 環境整潔綠美化促進法及相關子法管制規範計畫
Abstract 本計畫目標為環境整潔綠美化促進法相關工作推動,包括國內外資料蒐集、研析優先管理課題、提出可行性建議、協助推動全國環境整潔綠美化推動計畫、環境整潔綠美化促進法(草案)、施行細則及相關子法之研析、輔導民間團體推動環境整潔及綠美化措施。本計畫執行成果包括:一、蒐集與彙整國內外資料建立管理課題,並透過SWOT分析,提出管理方法並作成可行性建議。二、研析優先管理課題提出可行改善管理建議。三、協助推動全國環境整潔綠美化推動計畫草案研擬,並辦理1場次專家學者諮詢會議。四、協助辦理環境整潔綠美化促進法草案、施行細則及相關子法立法工作,其中母法草案已於102年9月12日提送行政院審核,本計畫亦完成施行細則及相關子法草案之修正,並辦理5場次法令研商會議。五、輔導民間團體推動環境整潔及綠美化措施,並辦理3場次志義工訓練會議。本計畫已於計畫期間完成所有工作項目並達成計畫目標。
EngTitle A Study of Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Act and Regulations Norms Program
EngAbstract The purpose of this project was to promote associate tasks of the environmental cleaning, greening and beautification, which includes domestic and foreign data collection, analysis of the priority management issues, putting forward feasible suggestions, helping promote the National Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Promotion Program, analyzing the Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Act ( draft ) and related regulations, and Counseling non-governmental organizations in implement relatedromoting measures.The achievements of the project are described as blow: 1. Collected and compiled domestic and foreign data and establish management issues, and through SWOT analysis to propose management approach and made feasible suggestions. 2. Analysis priority management issues and put forward feasible suggestions to improve management. 3. Helped promote the National Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Promotion Program(draft) and conduct 1 conference of experts consultation. 4. Assisted with the revision of theEnvironmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Act ( draft ) and related regulations, so that the drafted Act could the submitted to Executive Yuan for review September 12, 2012. The project also completed the regulations study and conducted 5 conference of advocacy. 5. Counseled non-governmental organizations to promote measures and held 3 volunteer trainings. As a conclusion, all tasks had been completed and the project goal has been reached.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 整潔方案室
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司