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Title 城市碳盤查暨碳揭露管理專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫兩年度持續掌握國際城市組織與關注相關指引之發展。101年盤查臺中市、宜蘭縣、金門縣之排放量,102年協助新北市與臺南市教育訓練。執行經驗用以回饋於我國指引,提供修改建議;並編撰政府機關溫室氣體盤查作業手冊。完成建置城市層級溫室氣體碳揭露服務平台,輔導縣市進行排放量登錄。舉辦教育訓練與說明會,協助相關人員了解城市溫室氣體盤查議題。各項工作說明如下:(一)研析國際城市組織、指引及碳揭露資訊,彙整國際溫室氣體管理資訊並應用於國內盤查機制,提供地方政府參與國際相關事務或活動之參考。(二)依據我國盤查指引進行臺中市、宜蘭縣、金門縣之盤查,並協助臺南市與新北市辦理教育訓練與說明會,以實際盤查經驗檢視指引之修正。參考ISO標準文件產出程序,完成政府機關溫室氣體盤查作業手冊;希冀透過此作業手冊簡化政府機關邊界盤查之過程,符合使用者需求。(三)101年度參酌我國城市盤查計算指引及國際cCCR平台登錄項目規劃,考量我國城市屬性及操作習慣,建置我國城市層級碳揭露服務平台及資料庫。102年度持續擴充碳揭露服務平台功能與介面,藉以提升友善性並完成機關登錄子系統建置。(四)101年度辦理4場次教育訓練及15場次之說明會,共約1,500人參與。102年度於北、中、南、東辦理4場次、新北3場次、台南1場次、金門1場次之教育訓練、說明會或起始會議,共約500人參與。
EngTitle Project for GHG Inventory Estimation and Carbon Disclosure Management of Cities
EngAbstract This project studies the developments of international organizations of cities and their relevant guidelines. In providing feedbacks to amend Taiwan’s own guideline, as well as compiling a city government GHG emission inventory manual, practical GHG emission inventories have been established for Taichung City, Yilan County and Kinmen County during the year of 2012, and assisting Tainan City and New Taipei City for training lectures in 2013. At the same time, the project has established a carbon disclosure service platform system for cities, counseled city and county governments to register emissions, and organized trainings and seminars to assist relevant personnel to gain an understanding on the topic of city GHG emission inventory. Accomplishments of the project are summarized below:1.An in depth study was performed on international organizations of cities, guidelines, and carbon disclosure information. Collected international GHG inventory management information and applied to domestic mechanism for local governments, as well as relevant international organizations and activities as a reference.2.Carried out Taichung City, Yilan County and Kinmen County GHG inventory trials in accordance with Taiwan’s GHG inventory guideline, as well as assisted Tainan City and New Taipei City to conduct trainings and seminars. Finished city government GHG emission inventory manual in accordance with the ISO standards, and hoping this manual will simplify the process of determining inventory boundary of city government for its users.3.Based on international registry platform (cCCR) and Taiwan’s city GHG inventory guideline, our carbon disclosure service platform system was established in 2012. In 2013, we continued to expend the functions of the platform and enhance its user friendliness, as well as established a sub-system for sub-governmental agencies.4.Four training sessions and 15 information sessions were held in 2012 with total 1,500 participants attended. In 2013, four sessions were held at northern, central, southern and eastern of Taiwan, three sessions in New Taipei City, one session in Tainan and one session in Kinmen for training, information providing and start-up meeting purposes with total 500 participants attended.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司