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Title 102年度屏東縣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)空間分布及管制策略評估計畫
Abstract 屏東縣為掌握不同地區細懸浮微粒空氣品質濃度及其成分分布,了解主要污染來源及傳輸途徑,故透過本計畫選擇具代表性測站分析細懸浮微粒之濃度及組成,輔以受體模式(CMB)分析污染可能來源,據以研擬對應之管制策略,達成細懸浮微粒空氣品質改善目標。本計畫完成屏東縣細懸浮微粒空氣品質四季24小時採樣與分析。採樣點包含觀光景點(大鵬灣)、背景站(屏東科技大學)、工業區(屏南工業區)、市區(中正國小)及高污染地區(潮東國小)。另外亦於交通密集地區採樣分析 (屏東商業技術學院、里港大橋、長治交流道),並同步進行24小時車流量調查。分析之PM2.5成分包括有機碳、元素碳、水溶離子、重金屬及多環芳香族碳氫化合物(PAHs)等。PM2.5濃度空間分布以交通站與觀光景點最高,其他大氣站濃度次之背景站最低。大氣採樣點以第一季最高(60-13μg/m3)、第四季次之(52-28μg/m3)、第三季(37-16μg/m3)與第二季(18-12μg/m3)濃度較低。水溶離子均以SO42-、NO3-、NH4+二次氣膠占比最高(81.8%-96.5%),金屬元素以地殼元素(Mg, Al, Ca, Fe)為主(80%以上)。PAH 濃度以交通站為高約117~141 ng/m3,其他測站約為31~67 ng/m3。而毒性當量(Total-BaPeq)交通測站亦明顯較高(16~24 ng/m3),其他測站為低(4~12 ng/m3)。由CMB模式所得之成因分析顯示以交通源為主,硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽與海鹽飛沫次之並有、鍋爐、鋼鐵業、電力業為可能污染源。交通排放貢獻量,以第三季(8-9月)占比為最高 48(潮東國小)~65%(屏商),硫酸鹽貢獻量以第四季最高介於29(大鵬灣)~35%(屏南工業區)。硝酸鹽貢獻量以第一季最高介於12(中正國小)~32%(屏南工業區),鍋爐貢獻量以屏商占比為最高第三季介於5~12%,鋼鐵業貢獻量以里港占比為最高第二季介於5~8%,電力業貢獻量以屏商占比為最高第一季介於3~4%。本計畫回顧屏東縣近年來推動空氣污染管制作為之減量成效。掌握屏東縣細懸浮微粒及其前驅物之現況排放量。提出屏東縣細懸浮微粒管制可行方案,量化各項管制作為之減量成效,評估對屏東縣空品改善之成效。因應細懸浮微粒可行性管制策略,進行相關管制面減量成本研析。另外收集國內外對於細懸浮微粒健康風險評估研究成果。模擬屏東縣2007-2010年細懸浮微粒濃度變化對縣民健康之影響與產生之健康效益。結合屏東縣特性製作細懸浮微粒減量宣導文宣並規劃民眾可配合事項。配合其他環保單位,交流提供相關資料,並參加會議等配合事宜。
EngTitle The Assessment of Spatial and Seasonal PM2.5 Concentrations in PingTung County
EngAbstract This project is to assess the fine air particulate (PM) concentration’s spatial distribution, compositions and transport paths in PingTung County. In addition, the possible emission sources were identified by modeling with the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model with the analyzed sampled compositions, the results are used to plan the control strategies in order to improve the air quality in this area. The four-season, 24-hour PM sampling with chemical analysis in PingTung County was accomplished. The sampling sites included tourist area (the Dapeng Bay), background site (the National PingTung University of Science and Technology), industrial site (the Pingnan Industrial Park), urban site (the ChungCheng Elementary School) and highly polluted area (the ChaoTung Elementary School). In addition, sites near the heavy traffic areas: the National PingTung Institute of Commerce, the Ligang Bridge, and the Changzhi Junction were sampled together with 24-hour traffic counts recorded. The chemical analyses of PM2.5 content included organic carbon, element carbon, ions, metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, PAHs. The spatial distribution of PM2.5 showed the highest concentrations were at the heavy traffic and tourist areas, the lowest were in the background site, and other ambient sites were in between. The temporal distribution showed the first season had the highest concentrations (60-13μg/m3), the fourth season next (52-28μg/m3), the third season followed (37-16μg/m3) and the second season was the lowest (18-12μg/m3). The secondary aerosol (SO42-、NO3-、NH4+) had the highest weight percentage of ions (81.8%-96.5%). The metal contents of PM were abundant in earth elements (Mg, Al, Ca, Fe) with over 80% by weight. The PAH concentrations are much higher in the heavy traffic sites (117~141 ng/m3) than those in other ambient sites (31~67 ng/m3). The toxic equivalent (Total-BaPeq) is also higher in the heavy traffic sites (16~24 ng/m3) than other sites’ (4~12 ng/m3). The results of CMB modeling showed that the source contribution ranking in order: transportation, sulfates, nitrates and sea salts as major sources, and boilers, steel industries, and electric industries as minor sources for possible PM2.5 mass contribution. The highest transportation contribution was in the third season (August to September) ranging from 48%(ChaoTung Elementary School) to 65% ( National PingTung Institute of Commerce). The highest sulfates contribution was in the fourth season (October) ranging from 29% (Dapeng Bay) to 35% (Pingnan Industrial Park). The highest nitrates contribution was in the first season (March-April) ranging from 12%(ChungCheng Elementary School) to 32% (Pingnan Industrial Park). The highest contributions from boilers and electric industries were the highest at the National PingTung Institute of Commerce ranging from 5-12% during the third season and ranging from 3-4% during the first season respectively. At Ligang Bridge, the contribution from the steel industries was the highest about 5~8% in the second season.This project reviewed the emissions reduced from the air pollution control works implemented by the PingTung County and the current emissions inventory of both PM and PM precursors. In addition, the feasible control strategies with reduction potentials and costs were proposed to improve the air quality in PingTung County. The PM health risk literature from domestic and international assessment was referenced and the health benefit of improved air quality from 2007-2010 was modeled. In addition, the outreach materials regarding PM and health effects plus the action items which can be anticipated by residents were published. We also involved with other environmental agencies providing related information for exchange and attended meetings.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司