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Title 102年度嘉義市下埤段農地污染調查工作計畫
Abstract 1. 於101年執行嘉義市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證計畫,發現嘉義市下埤段部分農地有遭受重金屬之污染,為確實掌握該區污染情形及污染來源,藉以杜絕污染惡化,因此進行執行嘉義市下埤段農地控制場址附近土壤品質調查相關工作,本計畫工作內容及執行成果摘要詳述如下。 2. 本計畫已完成下埤段247個農地坵塊的現勘作業,現勘面積約50公頃左右,依據102年8月6號契約變更內容,農地土壤調查面積約為8.7公頃,以坵塊為單位進行51筆農地坵塊調查,檢測結果顯示超過土壤污染(食用作物)管制標準坵塊共1筆(2%),其坵塊面積為1425 m2,為重金屬砷超標;超過土壤污染(食用作物)監測標準坵塊共5筆(9.8%),其坵塊面積為3827 m2,主要為重金屬砷超出監測標準,其餘45筆(88.2%)皆低於監測標準。 3. 而底泥分析結果顯示,土溝與嘉義大排之底泥重金屬污染樣態各不相同,土溝之底泥顯示以鉻和鋅為主要污染物種(S1超過鉻管制標準),其次為砷和鎳(部份採樣點超過監測標準),而嘉義大排之底泥則是匯流了土溝的底泥後,另有微量的鎘、汞濃度。嘉義大排水質採樣調查結果中,除pH、導電度、氯鹽、氨氮較高之外,8項重金屬濃度皆低於相關標準,其中採樣點W1、W2及W3皆有檢測出砷和鋅。 4. 另外有進行額外承諾之2口地下水質採樣、2點次管制農地土壤鑽探以及水質連續監測作業,綜合調查上述結果篩選鄰近事業,進行了12家事業進廠稽查作業,發現有3家事業的底泥樣品含有高濃度重金屬鉻與鋅,將其列為可疑污染來源,另外1家則是使用地下水井灌溉農田,而該農地坵塊之主要污染物為砷,其地下水井井壁沉積物砷含量亦很高,推測該農地坵塊之砷污染是由地下水引灌而來。 5. 針對計畫調查範圍提出未來預警系統之建議,並將調查結果建置於「土壤及地下水污染場址資訊系統」中。
EngTitle 2013 The Farmland Pollution Investigation Plan in Shapi Section of Chiayi City
EngAbstract 1. As shown by the project executed in 2012 for the investigation and verification of soil and groundwater pollution in Chiayi City, certain farmland areas located in Shapi section of Chiayi City were contaminated by heavy metals. In order to determine pollution levels and to locate pollution sources, as well as to protect the farmland from further pollution, this present project was carried out by focusing on investigating the quality of the topsoil near the Shapi farmland control site. The major tasks and execution results of the present phase were summarized as follows: 2. This project completed the on-site survey of 247 farmland blocks, which are located in an area of about 50 hectares of farmland. According to the changed contract contents of August 6, 2013, the surface area of the farmland to be investigated is 8.7 hectares. As the investigation results showed, among the 51 farmland blocks which were examined, one block of 1425 m2 (that is, 2% of the all farmland blocks) exceeded soil (for food crops growing) pollution control standards, its pollutant being arsenic; 5 blocks, which covered a surface area of 3827 m2 and comprised 9.8% of the farmland under investigation, exceeded soil (for food crops growing) monitoring standards, their major pollutant being arsenic; the rest of the farmland blocks (45 blocks; 88.2% of the blocks under investigation) met monitoring standards. 3. An analysis of bottom sediments showed that the heavy metal pollutants sampled from earthen ditch outlets were different from those gathered from Chiayi Irrigation Canal. Examination of bottom sediments in earthen ditch outlets showed chromium and zinc as major pollutants (S1 exceeding chrome control standards), and arsenic and nickel as minor pollutants (a part of the samples exceeding monitoring standards). The examination of bottom sediments flowing from Chiayi Canal to converge with those of earthen ditches showed traces of cadmium and mercury concentrations. The quality analysis of Chiayi Canal water samples showed that their eight heavy-metal concentrations were lower than relevant standards, though their pH values, conductivity, and the levels of chloride and ammonia containments were higher and sampling sites W1, W2 and W3 were detected as containing arsenic and zinc. 4. In addition to the completion of planned tasks, the team also accomplished the extra work of 2 groundwater samplings, the soil drilling of 2 controlled pieces of farmland, and the continued monitoring of water quality. The research results of this project was used to screen the industries in the neighborhood. Among the 12 industries screened, the samples of bottom sediments gathered from 3 of them contained high concentrations of chromium and zinc and these industries had been listed as suspected sources of pollution. Another industry used underground irrigation wells; as the main pollutant of the farmland block was arsenic and the content of arsenic on the underground well walls was also high, it could be inferred that the arsenic pollution in the farmland block was caused by underground irrigation water. 5. Suggestions for the construction of future early-warning system for the area under investigation were proposed, and the present research findings would be included in “Soil and Underground Water Pollution Sites Information System.”
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司